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The Littleton Massacre's Hidden Mind Control Connections
Part II

© 1999 John A. Quinn/NewsHawk, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

     In addition to the massacre in Littleton there have been
indications of official coverup and disinformation in most of the other
bizarre, unprecedented and predominantly inexplicable cases of
school-based terrorism carried out by rather young students the past few
years. There have been the same such indications regarding such
incidents as the crash of TWA Flight 800, the death of Princess Diana,
the O.J. Simpson business, the Long Island Railroad Massacre, Waco, the
Oklahoma City bombing as well as the Manson murders, the two Kennedy
assassinations, the Martin Luther King assassination and a staggeringly
long list of other profoundly significant and SHOCKING events of our
recent past. Many of these events have had tremendous impact on
prevailing social, political and philosophical conditions and

      It is becoming ever-more-obvious there is a coverup regarding the
massacre at Littleton, and it is essential that the reason for this
coverup is understood. The only conceivable reason for a coverup of such
magnitude regarding an event of such stunning and massive social impact
would be the direct involvement to some degree in the events on the part
of a governmental or official agency of some kind, at some level--very
likely a covert level.
     I am highly suspicious that, as in so many other of the
above-mentioned incidents, this operation was carried out through the
use of mind-controlled operatives fulfilling the directives of their
controllers--the super-secret intelligence and (para)military agencies
running our covert government (AND our "overt" government too!)--in
implementing such carefully engineered and manipulated scenarios as the
terror at Columbine High School.
     For the time being I leave it mainly to others to decipher the many
"messages" undeniably lurking beneath the surface in this manipulated
event of mass horror. Results such as causing increasing polarization
and mistrust between various social and age groups and raising the bar
in terms of what violent, sociopathic actions troubled teens (and
others) might contemplate enacting are among the likely agendas.
     Galvanizing public support for gun control legislation and for
restrictions on the Internet seem to be likely agendas at work in the
Littleton massacre also, though as a parent I find it unconscionable
that teenagers have almost unrestricted access to weapons of mass
murder. Yet this is true for Americans in general. On this issue and
regarding restrictions on the Internet, the role which active,
attentive, loving and concerned parenting plays in having our youngsters
mature into healthy and reasonably decent adults in a confusing and
fast-changing world cannot be overemphasized or underestimated.
     As a society we cannot duck responsibility for the tidal wave of
violence-oriented "entertainment" so prevalent today in the lives of our
children. Parents, educators and other guardians have too often been
either unaware, inattentive, unconcerned, tacitly or actively
acquiescent and even directly supportive of our children being
constantly bombarded by a proliferation of movies, TV shows, toys, video
games and websites depicting graphic, gratuitous violence on an
ever-increasing level. Regarding this issue we cannot be too surprised
that our children are acting out violent behavior to an ever-increasing
degree. We are undeniably reaping what we have sown or have allowed to
be sown.

     As a target area, Denver would seem (unfortunately) rather well
suited for such terrible event. Denver has come under serious scrutiny
for the massive oddities at Denver Int'l Airport, rampant rumors (and
more) that a well-verified and tremendous underground complex beneath
the airport is some sort of nerve center or "headquarters" for the
western United States under some upcoming "New World Order" regime.
Reports are that in addition to housing a massive number of subterranean
"offices" and similar facilities there are also holding areas for tens
of thousands of people: like, an underground concentration camp. I
consider such reports interesting though not exactly verified.
     What IS a fact is that the walls of the airport's "GREAT HALL" (a
Masonic term) are covered with tremendous murals depicting death,
destruction, horror and what could only be termed apocalyptic chaos
descending on the Earth. In particular non-white races and Jews are
depicted as being decimated or exterminated in a veritable Nazi's wet
dream. Absolutely EXTRAORDINARY that such depictions are allowed to
stand in a public facility such as the DIA.
     What IS also a fact is that construction of the facility was
stupendously and completely inexplicably over budget and behind
schedule; also that the Denver city government was paid millions of
dollars by the CIA to "just say yes" and look the other way about
everything having to do with construction of the airport.
     I have received firsthand testimony emailed to me in which the
sender describes an incident when their 12-year old niece, along with
two other girls, was abducted from Salt Lake City by a couple who had
previously met and befriended the girls. The couple subsequently engaged
in sexual activity with them, and  set about inculcating a belief in the
girls that their present life was pointless and futile, and that a
greater happiness awaited them if they would literally sacrifice
themselves and their lives in a ritualistic, ceremonial setting,
involving some vaguely Christian, apocalyptic "cult" This was divulged
in a letter left for the girl's parents before the couple left Utah with
the girls bound for the group's headquarters in--surprise!--Denver.
Further investigation showed this cult was linked to the CIA.
     As good fortune would have it the vehicle got a flat tire, and due
to police bulletins about the kidnapping, Colorado State Police who
stopped to check out the problem became suspicious when the man involved
was evasive and uncooperative in answering questions about the girls.
The couple was arrested and the youngsters returned to their homes.

     There are many reports of covert projects being conducted in the
Denver vicinity, some of a "psychological" nature known as "psy-ops"--as
in offshoots of MKULTRA-type operations; some irrefutably involved with
"electromagnetic warfare" and EM/RF effects on mind, body and
consciousness -- what could be termed EM/RF mind control. For example
Lockheed, a CONSTANT partner with the covert government in MANY highly
classified top secret "black projects," is a major employer in the
Denver area: in fact, there are 10,000 Lockheed jobs in Littleton (inside a
city of 39,000!)
     Investigators have named Golden Colorado, very close to Littleton,
as a covert ops hangout, and the Coors Corporation in Golden has a whole
other operation going besides beer-making. Coors has a top-secret
manufacturing plant doing highly classified defense contracting for the
(covert) government making super-heavy-duty ceramics. The plant has (of
course!) a HUGE underground. Some of the ceramic materials manufactured
here are used on nosecones for missiles, rockets etc. and others are
used in certain implosion devices which are the basis of certain new
EM-weapons. The release is an electromagnetic pulse or EMP field: the
bigger weapons can knock out whole cities with a massive EMP.
     There are also reports of electromagnetic/radio frequency mind
control activity at the Golden facility. On Lookout Mountain in Golden,
Colorado there are sizable antenna arrays that have some locals
concerned as to what their exact purpose is. Anomalistic psychological
and mood-related effects have been experienced by local residents.

     Researcher Robert Sterling has pointed out that Paducah, Kentucky,
the site of another episode of virulent, vicious mass murder carried out
by young people at school, is closely affiliated with Oak Ridge National
Laboratories, the home of a serious amount of "EM Warfare" and related
EM/RF mood/mind control research and activities for quite some time;
this possibly being a factor in what could well be a previous incident
of mind controlled assassins of a very young age, programmed at Oak
Ridge by operatives of covert intelligence projects, carrying out their
deadly actions in some altered state of mind--fulfilling their
programmer's instructions in obedient, robotic, mind-controlled fashion.

     Regarding the official story of how Harris and Klebold met their
end, I strongly suspect the two students did NOT commit suicide but were
themselves terminated by senior operative/control agents on the scene
(probably at least two or more such were present). I consider this
almost certainly to have been a covert government mind control operation
designed to have MASSIVE social impact. It seems clear that Harris and
Klebold were involved in but NOT the true instigators of the mayhem and
murder at Columbine High that wretched day.
     What's more, the likelihood is overwhelmingly strong that at
Columbine and perhaps within every school district in the U.S. there is
an agent of the covert government in position to identify and recruit
such useful subjects as the young murderers in Paducah, Pearl,
Jonesboro, Edinboro, Springfield--and now Littleton/Columbine. Regarding
the Jonesboro, Arkansas school murders, a number of researchers
(including mind control researcher Alex Constantine) reported on many
indications one or both of the perpetrators in that incident were
victims of mind control programming serving as agents in covert
government projects.

     Of particular note to me as a researcher of top-secret mind control
projects run by the covert government was the massive degree of Nazi
influence in the attitudes and beliefs of Harris and Klebold, and the
extensive interest in Nazism shown by the two. Anyone with any
knowledge of the supersecret world of intelligence/military agencies
knows that there is a exceptionally strong link between them and many of
their covert operations, and Nazism. An irrefutable and definite link,
which is proven by the existence of such operations as Project
Paperclip, in which untold thousands of Nazi operatives were brought to
the U.S. after WW2 and merged into the CIA and other agencies. Many of
the covert, "black" projects operated by this secret government very
specifically have what could only be termed Nazi objectives, to be
achieved through the implementation of Nazi methods. This would apply
most definitely to any and all "MK" or mind control operations

     Many have commented on the fact that there was undeniable and
extreme tension and bad feeling between Harris, Klebold, other members
of the "Trenchcoat Mafia" and the "jocks" and "preppies" at Columbine
High, and that such a dynamic exists at many schools throughout the
country. I most certainly know that such tensions and animosities are
real and were by all accounts prevalent in this situation. However, such
a condition would be a perfect "backdrop" or setting in which a mind
control operation such as I've outlined here can be pulled off. To some
degree this social tension it is part of the "cover", but it is also a
factor in the intended impact upon society of the terror at Columbine.
Just as the "Masonic" secret government instigates and aggravates wars
and conflicts all over the world in a continual effort to  keep human
beings fighting among themselves at every turn and thus "divide and
conquer" humanity, so does THIS incident greatly aggravate many of the
tensions and schisms in modern American society, not only between
antagonistic factions of young people, but between young people as a
whole and older segments of the population. One of the agendas for the
Littleton horror was the further polarization of society on general and
the further demonization and alienation of young people in this country.

     An "event" such as this sends certain messages to society as a
whole, and also sends certain specific messages to specific segments of
society. One message being sent to every parent in the country is not
only that their children can no longer be considered safe at an
institution of learning, but that in fact their children specifically
may well be prominent targets of incomprehensible, inconceivable and
inexplicable murderous violence at such institutions. Only time will
tell what the long-term psychological impact of this will be upon the
American public. As a parent myself I shudder to even think what
messages this event is sending to the children themselves, but the major
spate of "copycat" incidents at schools all over the country in days
following the terrible tragedy at Littleton is indeed a phenomena nearly
as troubling as the Littleton incident itself.

     It has been pointed out that there may well be some clues in
certain facts about the massacre at Columbine High School which indicate
that secret, occult Masonic elements were deeply involved in the
horror--that this event, like the assassination of John Kennedy and the
Manson murders, was some sort of Masonic "blood ritual" with many
symbolic overtones and hidden meanings, as well as being a
reality-shattering event of the first order with tremendous potential to
manipulate society as a whole.
      Regarding hidden meanings, subliminal messages, symbolism and cult
or occult connections to the Littleton horror, an extremely peculiar
fact is that Vice-President Al Gore and other numerous officials in
attendance at the memorial service for the Columbine victims held on
Saturday, April 24 wore BLACK TRENCHCOATS!
     And what would the hidden message be here? Most simply perhaps: "If
anyone wants to know who the Trenchcoat Mafia in fact is, here's the
answer. They are us--the government."

          Some other oddities about the horror at Columbine High: why
did the SWAT team spend four hours waiting outside the building? Such a
course of IN-action is just unconscionable and incomprehensible given
the situation at Columbine High School where helpless human beings were
being slaughtered at will!
     Why did the SWAT teams not take action as they are fully trained
and equipped to do? Who told the SWAT teams to hold back? What possible
explanation can be put forward as to why these hardened professionals
waited and let the killing continue for FOUR HOURS? Or DID the killing
     As noted earlier, why didn't a single school staff member or
security-person notice any of the 67 explosive devices or the
actions of those placing these devices?
     Why, considering the fact that the SWAT teams did not enter the
school and also considering ALL the explosives, weaponry and ammunition
and free reign to carry out their reported goal of killing hundreds and
demolishing the school, WHY were ONLY 13 people shot? Because this sends
yet ANOTHER veiled message to certain elements of the various levels of
government AND of society as a whole who may be somewhat cognizant of
certain malevolent activities of the covert government: the message here
being that NEXT time, HUNDREDS of kids WILL die.
     In point of fact and in light of information which has come out
regarding Eric Harris's significant outbursts of severe hostility,
threats of extreme physical harm and other sociopathic behavior, which
had brought him directly to the attention of the Jefferson County
Sheriff's Department a number of times in the past, the proven lack of
concern or interest displayed by the Sheriff's Department seems
incomprehensible. Equally incomprehensible was the lack of intervention
or action by the school administration after Harris and Klebold made a
documentary for school last year depicting just such a spasm of
murderous violence as they subsequently enacted--for real.
     A further peculiar note is that in the early 1990s Columbine High
School was the site an admittedly bizarre addition to the usual high
school curriculum. Students there were encouraged to attend a class in
"Death Education"--a class which had such a negative and disturbing
effect on one participant that she subsequently committed suicide.
     One wonders if in fact Columbine High School had been selected some
time ago as a suitable location to unleash a programmed, mind controlled
monster like Eric Harris.

     Noteworthy also is the way legions of federal "grief counselors"
were dispatched for Littleton within minutes of the news hitting the
airwaves. How "convenient" that so many of them were so ready for this.
And how suspicious, to my mind.

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