-Caveat Lector-

>  Mid-East Realities <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> _______ ____ ______
> / |/ / /___/ / /_ // M I D - E A S T R E A L I T I E S
> / /|_/ / /_/_ / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
> /_/ /_/ /___/ /_/ \\ www.MiddleEast.Org
> www.MERTV.org
> News, Information, & Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
> and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
> -----------------------------------
> (AP) - Israel and the United States plan a joint exercise in January
> on intercepting ballistic missiles, the Defense Ministry said Friday.
> The Israeli daily Haaretz said the drill would be held in Israel
> unless the United States has attacked Iraq by then. Israeli officials
> have said there is a high probability Iraq will attack Israel with
> Scud missiles in response to a U.S. strike.
> MID-EAST REALITIES - MER - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington, DC - 8
> November 2002: There are important elements of the old-style
> imperialism in what the American Empire is perpetrating on the world
> these days. But even more close to home Americans have always had a
> peculiar sui generis 'Manifest Destiny' complex, one tinged with a
> peculiar Christian Fundamentalism which in turn is seeded with
> elements of ecumenical and 'born again' ideology. Add to this mix a
> rather new, growing, and even more peculiar American Jewish Zionist
> Fundamentalism and you have an explosive formula that had already
> spewed forth the "Clash of Civilizations" imagery onto the prestigious
> pages of FOREIGN AFFAIRS Magazine helping prepare the culture for
> ignition when 11 September finally occurred. Add further to this mix
> the social heritage of 'isolationism' and 'no-nothingism', on top of
> the legacy of the Wild ! Wild Wes t and a still rampant red-neck
> gun/lynching mentality, and one concocts a serious political brew that
> may well be leading to some kind of stretched out armageddon -- one
> that doesn't come in a flash but rather builds until the
> hateful/vengeful flood overtakes the dikes of modern-day international
> society.
> An astute Professor at the University of Minnesota writes, in an
> understandable fit of despair brought on by the sudden death of
> Senator Wellstone and the further take-over of the American government
> by the extreme yes 'fundamentalist' right: "Either we are completely
> bamboozled or our fellow countrymen are deeply xenophobic and have
> allowed the paranoia surrounding terrorism to influence them in such
> drastically awful ways. What can one say! In Minnesota, there is
> stunned silence on the part of everyone who thinks progressively and,
> as you know, there used to be quite a few of us... After all, voting
> and elections are about issues, hopes, programs, not whether good
> taste or bad taste was on display. What a travesty... I'm sure
> everyone around the country is feeling grim but what has to be
> conveyed to the Democrats is that there is no such thing as a
> 'moderate Republican' and so they need to get back to their real,
> working-class constituencies. Otherwise, whoring after the middle will
> again and again produce these results. Wellstone was the only one who
> understood this and acted on principle; perhaps someone (an integrity
> consultant, if there's such a thing perhaps?) should encourage the
> Democrats to get in touch with their principles and rebuild their
> party accordingly. In the meantime, the Dark Ages have arrived..."
> Oh yes, after months of badgering, threats, ultimatums, and bribes by
> the Americans, the humbled U.N. is set to give the Americans the
> license they have demanded -- though couched in craftly language which
> can be interpreted otherwise even if to no avail. Most ironic and
> maddening of all, the U.N. is doing this precisely at the time the
> greatest violator of its authority has made a neo-apartheid in the
> Middle East and may soon greatly increase its own variant of 'enthic
> cleansing', all not only encouraged but made possible by the 'lone
> world superpower'
> by James Ridgeway
> [The Village Voice - November 6th, 2002]: The war against Iraq is now
> a done deal. Casting ballots last night, the voters showed virtually
> no opposition to attacking Saddam Hussein, instead reinforcing the
> congressional approval for President Bush's military aims and sending
> yet another signal to the United Nations to move or get lost.
> For politicians in both parties, the steady Republican gains clearly
> signaled the Democrats would not get revenge for Al Gore's loss in
> Florida two years ago. In his home state of Texas, the president was
> unassailable. Bush may have squeaked into office in 2000, but this
> election shows people like him. It also showed war can submerge
> domestic scandal, whether political or economic. The Clinton Dems
> liked to say, "It's the economy, stupid." Not when there's talk of
> war, it's not.
> For their part, the Democrats, led by the Clinton-era centrists,
> turned their party into Bush lookalikes, heavy on jingoism and light
> on fiscal responsibility. Without the fluke return of New Jersey
> senator Frank Lautenberg, the Republican control of the Senate would
> be even more conclusive. This election may seem to indicate listless
> drift, but it reaffirms the conservative majority. In tone, it takes
> us back to the Eisenhower '50s.
> On the home front, Republican control of the Senate goes a long way
> toward removing the Democratic rear-guard action against Bush's
> right-wing judicial appointees. Up to now, the Democrats have blocked
> these nominations. The one barrier to the administration's steady
> encroachment on civil rights has been a handful of federal district
> and appellate judges. Those jurists are about to get some mighty
> conservative company.
> Reform of the federal courts has been the single most important goal
> of the r! ight-win g Republicans since Ronald Reagan. During his
> presidency, Reagan and the New Right suffered a crushing defeat when
> conservative Robert Bork failed to win Senate approval for a Supreme
> Court position. But that defeat led only to a redoubling of the
> Republican resolve. Today the Supreme Court is safely in conservative
> hands. Some say that dominance allowed them to pick the current
> president. Now they'll extend that reach, making decisions large and
> small to steer democracy down the course of their choosing.
> With a conservative congress, the right-wing administration has the
> green light to reorganize and rewrite constitutional safeguards of
> civil rights under the regimen of Attorney General John Ashcroft.
> Certain federal judges have blocked outright or dragged their feet on
> letting the administration go ahead with unfettered search and
> seizure, not to mention imprisonment without a hearing or even charges
> let alone trial. They've tried to force the administration to follow
> the rule of law in dealing with hundreds of 9-11 detainees. A
> Republican majority means that kind of safeguard will soon be history.
> By Rupert Cornwell David Usborne and Paul Waugh
> [The Independent, UK, 8 November 2002]: Fresh from his mid-term
> election victory, President George Bush told the American people last
> night that he expected the UN Security Council to vote as early as
> today on forcing Iraq to surrender its weapons of mass destruction or
> face almost certain military punishment.
> As the leading powers on the Security Council came together last night
> to push for one of the most critical votes at the UN in years, Mr Bush
> said: "I'm optimistic we'll get the resolution voted tomorrow
> [Friday]." He spoke after phone contacts with the leaders of France
> and Russia, who were pressing for 11th-hour adjustments of a draft
> submitted jointly by the United States and Britain on Wednesday.
> "It's time for the world to come together on Iraq," a relaxed! but for
> ceful Mr Bush declared in the wake of the sweeping Republican mid-term
> election victory. He insisted that war was not his first choice, "it's
> my last choice, but it's an option." But "if he's not going to disarm,
> we will disarm him."
> The draft resolution gives Saddam Hussein a stark choice: to comply in
> full with intrusive and permanent UN disarmament demands, or face a
> catastrophic war.
> In London, Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, made that clear for the
> first time, saying the text would allow Britain and the US to go to
> war without further approval from other Security Council members.
> In an emergency statement to the House of Commons, Mr Straw said that
> "serious consequences" in the wording meant military action against
> President Saddam.
> Tony Blair held a 20-minute phone call with Vladimir Putin yesterday
> to persuade the Russian President of the draft's merits. But amid
> strong criticism from Labour MPs, Mr Straw indicated that the
> resolution permitted military action once Iraq breached disarmament
> terms, despite opposition from Russia or France at a reconvened
> Security Council.
> Colin Powell, the US Secretary of State, indicated last night that
> some last-minute changes were being made in the text, and UN diplomats
> were confident that both France and Russia were now ready to vote in
> favour.
> France said last night it hoped the Security Council could pass the
> resolution today. "We hope a consensus can be reached in the Security
> Council," a spokeswoman for President Jacques Chirac said.
> China indicated it would probably back the resolution. "The Security
> Council should and must speak with one voice and only in doing [it]
> this way can we send a clear signal to Iraq," China's deputy
> ambassador to the UN, Zhang Yishan, told reporters after a meeting of
> the Council last night. He said positions in the Council were "getting
> closer and closer".
> Syria asked for a delay in attempting a final vote until Monday,
> raising the possibility - still viewed as slim by! most we stern
> diplomats - that Damascus could unexpectedly come into line with the
> US and give its support to the text.
> A positive vote by Damascus is the key to achieving unanimity and
> strengthening the message of determination that Washington wants to
> send to Iraq. However, much would hang on a meeting of Arab League
> foreign ministers in Cairo on Sunday, at which Iraq will be present.
> Much still hinged on what final demands Moscow and Paris could make to
> alter the text now on the table.
> --------------------------
> MiD-EasT RealitieS - http://www.MiddleEast.Org
> Phone: (202) 362-5266
> Fax: (815) 366-0800
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With surprisingly little fanfare (a bit "anti-climactic" I dare say),
the UN Security Council unanimously passes resolution calling for Iraq
to disarm and for weapons inspectors to return.  Considering the wording
of the resolution, it's a guarantee we'll soon be dropping bombs on
Baghdad.  All that's left now is to get the full support of the American
public (appears we still have SOME clout).  Another report on that to

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