-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Just a comment..
If one develops an absolute knowingness of beingness as eternal Soul, it is
easier to follow such common sense dictums as:

#1: "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff"

#2: "It's All Small Stuff"

The key is POV (point of view).
>From the point of view of an eternal being (like you, & me f'rinstance -
were we fully aware of it ;) a lifetime or ten on this earth planet is not
the all-compelling drama that might be played out in the mind of an
unknowing "victim" of reincarnated life.

Knowledge is power; self-knowledge + self responsibility = self

Things which have helped me connect to this "knowingness" (a word meaning
roughly: personal knowledge, gained through some form of experience, the
ONLY teacher)
Eckankar (don't let the "G" word turn you off, it's only dog backwards :)
Taoism & Taoist practice, as discussed in many books by Mantak Chia (similar
to Qi-Gong; Chi-Kung)
http://healing-tao.com (english)
http://www.healingtao.org (european)
Falun Gong

infinite blessings,

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: Linda Leslie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2000 12:17 PM
Subject: [LeadingEdgeResearch] Re: new paradigm


Your message struck a chord within me - especially learning to travel
with light feet, greet others with a light hand, and oneself with a
light heart.  Just reading this lifted the heaviness from my soul and
my mind.

I find it difficult to balance this lightness with the information I
absorb daily; I don't know whether to avoid and ignore that
"apocalyptic" burden of dark deeds and forces or learn a better way to
let it pass through and out.  If I don't acknowledge these thoughts
consciously I find that they sneak out during sleep.  (or lack of....)
I think I need to spend more time on the light side.  Thank you for
your beautiful insights.  I hope you are led to speak more.  I believe
everyone else in this forum would like to hear more about your
information "of a more metaphysical nature".


> This is my first post to this list, as well.  I am led to speak,
which I
> do seldom, because I think I can feel your discomfiture, and seem to
> recognize in it a pattern that is quite universal.  A brief word about
> myself will put this in perspective, and perhaps permit you to
> what I have to say.  By all means, if they not useful to you, you
> throw my words to the wind.  I am an academic, a philosopher to be
> precise, who has been working with esoteric materials since 1966. From
> the beginning I have had to deal with the tension between my deeper
> commitments and the demands of what it takes to keep body and soul
> together, including maintaining a respectible front in one of the most
> difficult fields to travel incognito.  The sense of detachment from
> "madness" that goes on all around us is very real.  It also poses a
> real dilemma for one seeking to integrate new ways of being and new
> sources of information.  Especially when one breaks through to a new
> framework for posing problems (I believe the word popular here is
> "paradigm," following the philosopher of science named Thomas Kuhn),
> is particularly prone to being disrupted on all kinds of levels.
> Notably difficult are relationships that are carry-overs from the
> settings we emerge from prior to our "shift."  I myself have been
> through many of these shifts.  And my humble advice is simply this: it
> does not serve one well to be too apocalyptic in one's dealings with
> world.  When relationships are outgrown, they tend to fall away
> naturally.  When survival questions (job issues, money, etc.) are no
> longer spiritually useful, they tend to resolve themselves
> if allowed to do so.  The key, as far as I can tell, is to learn to
> travel with light feet, to greet others with a light hand, and to
> oneself with a light heart.  These simple points are more than useful
> homilies, but actually quite essential when dealing with esoteric
> energies, and charged information that are very heavy, and tend to set
> one's previous sense of the world one its head.
>       As for the issue of a paradigm shift, then, I would say simply this:
> that for the most part one cannot effect such a shift with the mind
> alone.  And when the heart gets involved, it really is no longer a
> paradigm that is at issue.  It is acceptance.  Acceptance of self and
> acceptance of others.  This is the key to integrate higher energies
> unexpected information.  It is really the self that shifts, and yet,
> shifting, also does not: that is, it stabilizes or crystalizes in its
> essential structures.
>       I am not greatly schooled in Mr. Valerian's work, but onlly
> it while wending my way on the web.  I was struck by its agreement in
> certain particulars with information I have been dealing with for many
> years, this information being of a somewhat more metaphysical nature,
> and redounding deeply to the issue of the human/alien interactions.  I
> confess to being as charmed as anyone by the conspiratorial
> that Mr. Valerian seems to have in spades.  But I do ask myself this
> question: Once I grant the general point that the world is a place
> in all the wrong places of power-hungry and dark individuals, and that
> there is more in heaven and earth than is dreamed of in my
> what is there for me to do on a day to day basis?  I find that, though
> conspiracies rage around me, my central issues remain with those whom
> love and like, or perchance do not like, and for me the question of
> personal integration requires first of all getting straight with all
> beloved--even the infidels.  So life is a pretty messy proposition.  I
> do find encouragement, however, in the gentle hand of those
> "angels," the "aliens," if you will, of the light, who will not only
> speak to me, but never seem to tire of proferring me a helping hand
> I stumble and fall.
>       I do not know if any of this is helpful to you, and as I say, if it
> not, please disregard everything I have written.  If there is any
> succour here, then I am blessed too.  Love and Light, Stephen

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