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Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2005 20:08:27 -0700 (PDT)
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     LibertarianMedia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Subject: [PropagandaMatrix.com] Breaking the Silence-Bilderberg Exposed

Breaking the Silence
Bilderberg ExposedWhen presidents, prime ministers, bankers and generals rub 
shoulders with European royalty at the annual secret Bilderberg meeting, they 
discuss the business of running markets and wars without being accountable to 
the public.

Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 12, Number 5 (August - September 2005)
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Telephone: +61 (0)7 5442 9280; Fax: +61 (0)7 5442 9381
>From our web page at: www.nexusmagazine.com

by Daniel Estulin
? May?June 2005
The full text of this article is at: http://www.onlinejournal.com


Bilderberg's Plans for the World

The Bilderberg group's secret annual meeting determines many of the headlines 
and news developments that you will read about in the coming months. But the 
Establishment media completely black out any news of it and remain strangely 
reluctant to lift the curtain hiding this major event. A number of high-ranking 
members of the press who attend the annual meeting are sworn to secrecy, and 
news editors are held responsible if any of their journalists "inadvertently" 
report on what takes place. Yet few have ever heard of this exclusive and 
secretive group of the world's most powerful financiers, industrialists and 
political figures.
Although the Bilderberg group has lost some of its past lustre, on 5 to 8 May 
2005 it met at Rottach-Egern (in Munich, Germany) under its usual secrecy that 
makes a freemasonry lodge look like a playgroup. Staff at the hotel were 
photographed and put through special clearance. From porters to senior 
managers, the employees were warned (under the threat of never working in their 
country again) about the consequences of revealing any details of the guests to 
the press.

The discussions that the Bilderbergers engaged in this year and the consensus 
they reached?deciding how the world should deal with European?American 
relations, the Middle East powder keg, the Iraq war, the global economy and how 
to stave off war in Iran?will influence the course of Western civilisation and 
the future of the entire planet. Ironically, they met behind closed doors, 
protected by a phalanx of armed guards.

After three straight years of open hostility and tension amongst the European, 
British and American Bilderbergers, caused by the war in Iraq, the aura of 
complete congeniality amongst them has returned. Bilderbergers have reaffirmed 
and remain united in their long-term goal to strengthen the role the United 
Nations plays in regulating global conflicts and relations.
However, it is important to understand that the Americans are no more the 
"Hawks" than the European Bilderbergers are the "Doves". Europeans joined in 
supporting the 1991 invasion of Iraq by US President George Bush Senior, 
celebrating (in the words of notable Bilderberg hunter Jim Tucker) the end of 
"America's Vietnam syndrome". Europeans also supported former US President Bill 
Clinton's invasion of Yugoslavia, bringing NATO into the operation.

UN Global Oil Tax and Peacebuilding Proposals

A much discussed subject in 2005 at Rottach-Egern was the concept of imposing a 
UN tax on people worldwide through a direct tax on oil at the well-head. This, 
in fact, sets a precedent. If enacted, it would be the first time that a 
non-governmental agency (read the United Nations) directly benefited from a tax 
on citizens of free and enslaved nations. The Bilderberg proposal calls for a 
tiny UN levy at the outset, which the consumer would hardly notice.

Jim Tucker, formerly of the court-killed Spotlight magazine, wrote in the 
American Free Press (14?21 June 2004) that: "...establishing the principle that 
the UN can directly tax citizens of the world is important to Bilderberg. It is 
another giant step toward world government. Bilderbergers know that publicly 
promoting a UN tax on all people on Earth would meet with outrage. But they are 
patient; it [Bilderberg] first proposed a direct world tax years ago and 
celebrates the fact that it is now in the public dialogue with little public 
attention or concern."
Bilderberg wants "tax harmonisation" so that high-tax countries can compete 
with more tax-friendly nations?including the United States?for foreign 
investment. They would "harmonise" taxes by forcing the rate in the US and 
other countries to rise so that socialist Sweden's 58-per-cent level would be 

According to sources, an unidentified guest at the conference asked how global 
taxation can be sold to the American public. One European Union commissioner 
suggested using as the battering ram the rhetoric of helping countries build 
peaceful, stable societies once conflict subsides. Someone asked for the timing 
of the appeal. A former commissioner mentioned that the best time to ask for 
cash is once the conflict subsides and the world is subjected to brutal images 
of destruction. A Norwegian Bilderberger disagreed. What looked to be Bj?rn T. 
Grydeland, Norway's ambassador to the European Union, said that, on the 
contrary, it's much easier to get world attention and money for a region when a 
conflict rages.

This was confirmed a posteriori when Denmark's foreign minister Per Stig 
Moller, during a debate in the United Nations on 26 May, stated on the record 
that "[i]f the international community is not able to act swiftly, the fragile 
peace is at risk, with loss of more lives as a consequence". Denmark holds the 
EU presidency until 1 July 2005, when it will be replaced by the UK. [The 
changeover took place just before we went to press. Ed.]

Bilderbergers are planning to use what they nominated as a UN Peacebuilding 
Commission, apparently to help win the peace in post-conflict countries, as one 
of the tools in secretly imposing the UN tax on an unsuspecting world 

Jim Tucker said as much in his Bilderberg report in the American Free Press (23 
May) when he wrote: "There was some informal discussion of timing for a vote in 
the United Nations on establishing a direct global tax by imposing a 
10-cents-a-barrel levy on oil at the well-head. This is important to the 
Bilderberg goal of establishing the UN as a formal world government. Such a 
direct tax on individuals is symbolically important. Bilderberg's global tax 
proposal has been pending before the UN for three years but the issue has been 
blacked out by the Bilderberg-controlled US media."

Mark R. Warner, governor of Virginia and a first-time Bilderberg invitee, 
expressed concern about how much additional financial responsibility the United 
States would take on as a result. At this point, Jos? M. Dur?o Barroso, 
president of the European Commission, expressed a view held by many within 
Bilderberg that the United States does not provide a fair share of economic aid 
to poor countries. My sources confirm Jim Tucker's report that "Kissinger and 
David Rockefeller, among other Americans, beamed and nodded approval".

Although the US pays more into the foreign-aid piggy bank than any country in 
the world, the Bilderbergers and the United Nations are poised to demand much 
more funding from it to meet the Peacebuilding proposal.

NGOs and the Global Neighbourhood

The rise of the NGOs (non-governmental organisations) is a development that 
former US President Clinton suddenly (one day after it was discussed at 
Rottach-Egern) suggested to be among "the most remarkable things that have 
happened since the fall of the Berlin Wall". Ironically, Clinton's statement 
was picked up by the Wall Street Journal, a paper represented at the Bilderberg 
meetings by its vice-president, Robert L. Bartley, until his death in December 
2003, and its editorial page editor, Paul Gigot.

The Bilderbergers have been vigorously debating, for the first time, whether to 
have unelected, self-appointed environmental activists given positions of 
governmental authority on the governing board of the United Nations Environment 
Program (UNEP)?the agency which controls the use of the atmosphere, outer 
space, the oceans and, for all practical purposes, biodiversity. This 
invitation for "civil society" to participate in global governance is described 
as "expanding democracy".

According to sources within Bilderberg, the status of NGOs would be elevated 
even further in the future. NGO activity would include agitating at the local 
level, lobbying at the national level and producing studies to justify global 
taxation through UN organisations such as Global Plan, one of Bilderberg's pet 
projects for over a decade.

The strategy to advance the global governance agenda specifically includes 
programs to discredit individuals and organisations that generate "internal 
political pressure" or "populist action" that fails to support the new global 
ethic. The ultimate objective, according to sources, is to suppress democracy.

If the plan proceeds, UNEP, along with all the environmental treaties under its 
jurisdiction, would ultimately be governed by a special body of environmental 
activists, chosen only from accredited NGOs appointed by delegates to the 
General Assembly who are themselves appointed by the President of the United 
States, who himself is controlled by the Rockefeller?Council on Foreign 
Relations (CFR)?Bilderberg interlocking leadership.

This new mechanism would provide a direct route from the local, 
"on-the-ground", NGO affiliates of national and international NGOs to the 
highest levels of global governance. For example, the Greater Yellowstone 
Coalition, a group of affiliated NGOs, recently petitioned the World Heritage 
Committee of UNESCO asking for intervention in the plans of a private company 
to mine gold on private land near Yellowstone Park. The UNESCO committee did 
intervene, and immediately listed Yellowstone as a "World Heritage Site in 
Danger". Under the terms of the World Heritage Convention, the United States is 
required to protect the park, even beyond the borders of the park and onto 
private lands if necessary.

The ideas being discussed, if implemented, would bring all the people of the 
world into a global neighbourhood, managed by a worldwide bureaucracy under the 
direct authority of a minute handful of appointed individuals and policed by 
thousands of individuals, paid by accredited NGOs, and all certified to support 
a belief system that to many people is unbelievable and unacceptable.

A Lesson for Tony Blair

Bilderbergers are celebrating the result they wanted: the return of a much 
humbled Tony Blair to 10 Downing Street, with a much reduced parliamentary 

European Bilderbergers are still angry at him for supporting America's war in 
Iraq. While teaching Blair a useful lesson in international politics, 
Bilderbergers feel he is a far safer candidate to continue on the path of 
European integration than his conservative rival, Michael Howard.

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The EU Referendum in France

The first day of secret meetings at Bilderberg 2005 was dominated by talk of 
the European Union referendum in France and whether President Chirac could 
persuade France to vote "Yes" on 29 May. A "Yes" vote, according to sources 
within Bilderberg, would put a lot of pressure on Tony Blair to finally deliver 
Britain into the waiting arms of the New World Order through its own referendum 
on the treaty, scheduled for 2006. Matthias Nass, Deputy Editor of Die Zeit, 
wondered out loud that a "No" vote in France could undoubtedly cause political 
turmoil in Europe and overshadow Britain's six-month EU presidency starting on 
1 July.

Bilderbergers hope that Blair and Chirac, whose at times open animosity has 
spilled into the public arena on more than one occasion, can work together for 
mutual benefit and political survival. Another European Bilderberger added that 
both leaders must put behind them as quickly as possible all past disputes on 
such topics as Iraq, the liberalisation of Europe's economy and the future of 
the budget rebate that Britain receives from the EU, and work towards complete 
European integration?which could disintegrate if France's often "hard-headed 
and obstinate people", in the words of a British Bilderberger, do not do the 
right thing, meaning give up voluntarily their independence for the "greater 
good" of a European federal super-state!

A German Bilderberger insider said that France's "Yes" vote is in trouble 
because of the "outsourcing of jobs". "Jobs in Germany and France are going to 
Asia and Latvia [to take advantage of cheap labour]." Latvia is one of the 
former Soviet republics that have been admitted to the European Union, bringing 
the total membership to 25 nations. A German politician wondered out loud how 
Tony Blair will go about convincing Britons to embrace the European 
Constitution when, due to the outsourcing of jobs, both Germany and France are 
suffering 10 per cent unemployment while Britain is doing well economically.

The Neo-conservative Lobby

In full force was that faction: the so-called "neo-conservatives", who have 
determined that Israel's security should come at the expense of the safety of 
the United States and be central to all US foreign policy decisions.

Most notable among them is Richard N. Perle, who was investigated by the FBI 
for conducting espionage on behalf of Israel. Perle played a critical role in 
pushing the United States into the war against Iraq. On 27 March 2003, he was 
forced to resign from the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board after it was learned 
he'd been advising Goldman Sachs International, an habitual Bilderberg 
attendee, on how it might profit from the war in Iraq.

Another neo-conservative figure on hand was Michael A. Ledeen, an 
"intellectual's intellectual". Ledeen serves for the American Enterprise 
Institute (AEI), a think-tank founded in 1943 and with which Richard Perle has 
long been associated. AEI and the Brookings Institution operate a Joint Center 
for Regulatory Studies (JCRS), the purpose being to hold lawmakers and 
regulators "accountable for their decisions by providing thoughtful, objective 
analyses of existing regulatory programs and new regulatory proposals". The 
JCRS pushes for cost-benefit analysis of regulations, which fits with AEI's 
(and the Bilderbergers') ultimate goal of deregulation.

These neo-conservatives were also joined this year at Bilderberg by a handful 
of other former top Washington policymakers and publicists known for their 
sympathies for Israel, including: Richard N. Haass, former State Department 
official and president of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR); Richard 
Holbrooke, former assistant secretary of state and "father" of the Dayton 
Accord; Dennis Ross, of the pro-Israel Washington Institute for Near East 
Policy, effectively an offshoot of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee 
(AIPAC) and the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA); and 
Paul Wolfowitz, the newly elected World Bank president.

American Criminals: Public Policy in Private

In the United States, the Logan Act states explicitly that it is against the 
law for federal officials to attend secret meetings with private citizens to 
develop public policies.

Although Bilderberg 2005 was missing one of its luminaries?US State Department 
official John Bolton, who was testifying before the Senate Committee on Foreign 
Relations?the US Government was well represented in Rottach-Egern by: Allan E. 
Hubbard, Assistant to the President for Economic Policy and director of the 
National Economic Council; William Luti, Deputy Under-Secretary of Defense; 
James Wolfensohn, outgoing president of the World Bank; and Paul Wolfowitz, 
Deputy Secretary of State, an ideologue of the Iraq war and incoming president 
of the World Bank. By attending the Bilderberg 2005 meeting, these people broke 
United States federal law.

Journalistic Whores

Bilderberg, at one time or another, has had representatives of all major US and 
European newspapers and network news outlets attend. High-ranking membes of the 
inadequately named "international free press" attend on their solemn promise to 
report nothing. This is how Bilderberg keeps its news blackout virtually 
complete in the United States and Europe.
This year's invitees included: Nicolas Beytout, editor-in-chief of Le Figaro; 
Oscar Bronner, publisher and editor of Der Standard; Donald Graham, chairman of 
the Washington Post; Matthias Nass, deputy editor of Die Zeit; Norman 
Pearlstine, editor-in-chief of Time; J. Robert S. Prichard, president and CEO 
of Torstar Media Group (Toronto Star); C?neyt Ulsevere, columnist for H?rriyet; 
John Vinocur, senior correspondent for the International Herald Tribune; Martin 
Wolf, associate editor of the Financial Times; Fareed Zakaria, editor of 
Newsweek International; Klaus Zumwinkel, chairman of Deutsche Post; and John 
Micklethwait, US editor of The Economist and Adrian Wooldridge, Washington 
correspondent for The Economist. Micklethwait and Wooldridge acted as the 
meeting's rapporteurs.

Declining Energy Reserves and Economic Downturn

More- http://www.nexusmagazine.com/articles/BilderbergExposed.html

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