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Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004 05:57:21 -0000
From: catalaunum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ctrl] U.N. Observers Needed for U.S. Vote - Groups


U.N. Observers Needed for U.S. Vote - Groups

Thalif Deen

A coalition of U.S.-based non-governmental organisations (NGOs) has
petitioned the United Nations seeking international observers to
monitor the upcoming U.S. presidential elections.

UNITED NATIONS, Oct 13 (IPS) - A coalition of U.S.-based non-
governmental organisations (NGOs) has petitioned the United Nations
seeking international observers to monitor the upcoming U.S.
presidential elections.

''We recognise that there are various levels of monitoring
activities that the United Nations can provide,'' says the petition,
signed by seven NGOs, including the Women's International League for
Peace and Freedom, the Economic Human Rights Project, Alliance for
Democracy and National Welfare Rights Union.

''We feel what is most crucial is U.N.-sponsored observers who can
provide an international perspective based on accessing the
elections through domestic NGO activities, in NGO-identified hot
spots and provide some international accountability,'' the petition

In July this year, a group of U.S. legislators, mostly from the
opposition Democratic Party, asked U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan
to send a team of observers for the Nov. 2 elections.

''We are deeply concerned that the rights of U.S. citizens to vote
in free and fair elections are again in jeopardy,'' they said,
pointing out that the last presidential elections in 2000
were ''tainted,'' with nearly six million votes left uncounted,
mostly for technical or logistical reasons.

U.N. Associate Spokeswoman Marie Okabe told reporters in July,
the ''general policy and practice has been that the United Nations
responds to requests from national governments, not from legislative

Asked if it would respond favourably if such a request came from
governments, she said, ''From what I understand from the U.N.
electoral division, if the request comes from a government, that is
something that in practice and policy has been taken as
an 'official' request.''

''Now (how they would move forward), it's purely hypothetical in
this case. But as you do know, the observing of an election requires
a mandate from the General Assembly,'' Okabe added.

Told of the possible hurdle, a spokeswoman for the NGO coalition,
Grace Ross, told IPS: ''NGOs go through a different body of the
United Nations, the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). We have
legal standing there.''

Ross added, ''legislative leaders don't have legal standing in the
U.N. General Assembly, or apparently anywhere in the United

That is the primary reason why an NGO request stands a better chance
of getting a favourable response from the United Nations than U.S.
congressional leaders or U.S. politicians, she argued.

The 2000 U.S. elections were marred by several voting
irregularities, including the disenfranchisement of minority voters -
- mostly in the state of Florida. A final decision on the outcome of
the election, which Bush won, was made by the U.S. Supreme Court.

''George W Bush was never elected president by the people of the
United States of America,'' says Francis Boyle, professor of
international law at the University of Illinois College of Law.

''Instead, he was anointed for that office by five justices of the
United States Supreme Court, who themselves had been appointed by
Republican presidents,'' Boyle told IPS.

He called Bush's installation, ''an act of judicial usurpation of
the American Constitution that was unprecedented in the history of
the American republic''.

''Had it occurred in a developing country, such subversion of
democratic processes would have been greeted with knowing derision
throughout the western world,'' Boyle added.

''So of course U.N. monitors are necessary,'' he said, ''but
ultimately it will be for the American people to fight for our own
republic and constitution. We cannot and must not pawn off that
sacred responsibility to the United Nations organisation,'' said
Boyle, author of 'Destroying World Order.'

In August the Bush administration agreed to accept a team of
international observers from the Organisation for Security and
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), a first in U.S. presidential

''The United States is obliged to invite us, as all OSCE countries
should. It's not legally binding, but it's a political commitment,''
OSCE Spokeswoman Urdur Gunnarsdottir was quoted as saying. ''They
signed a document 10 years ago to ask OSCE to observe elections.''

Based in Vienna, the OSCE is described as the largest regional
security organisation in the world, counting 55 states from Europe,
Central Asia and North America. It is active in early warning,
conflict prevention, crisis management and post-conflict

''We strongly support the presence of European monitors,'' Ross told
IPS. ''In addition, however, we feel that it would be also important
to have the intervention of the United Nations and the oversight of
the United Nations for several reasons.''

In its petition, the coalition said, ''it's not clear that the
European observers will have the same force of international law
behind them, given that they are guests of the U.S. government.''

''Perhaps most worrisome is that it is not clear to us that the
European observers will be in a position to assist us in exposing
governmental abuses of the right to vote, one of which includes the
very real threat by the Bush administration of postponing the
election due to governmentally-verified threats of international

For all these reasons, the petition said, ''we are therefore
requesting that the United Nations sponsor international observers
and monitors for the upcoming elections.'' (END)

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