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âThe Mind of A U.S. Presidentâ - Vancouver Coop Radio Oct. 18 @Noon-1PM PT
Monday October 18, 2004 - Noon-2:30 PM PT

COOP RADIO â CFRO â 102.7 FM Vancouver, B.C.
LISTEN ONLINE TO COOP RADIO: http://www.coopradio.org/

GUEST: Jon Kelly (Tel: 1 888 453 0751)
HOST: Alfred Webre, JD, MEd



Debate #1 MP3

Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2004 16:42:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jackie Burns
Subject: Re: First 2004 US Presidential Debate Speech Analysis

I heard Jon on his radio interview in Ireland..  I was once again stunned by the clarity of the messages.  Great work.  Jackie

Bush Retreats Into A
Substitute Reality
By Sidney Blumenthal
The Guardian - UK

By touching on Bush's ambivalent relations with his father, Kerry
exposed his delusions about Iraq.
After months of flawless execution in a well-orchestrated campaign,
President Bush had to stand alone in an unpredictable debate. He had
travelled the country, appearing before adoring pre-selected crowds,
delivered a carefully crafted acceptance speech before his
convention, and approved tens of millions of dollars in TV
commercials to belittle his opponent. In the lead, Bush believed he
had only to assert his superiority to end the contest once and for
But onstage the president ran out of talking points. Unable to
explain the logic for his policies, or think on his feet, he was
thrown back on the raw elements of his personality and leadership


First 2004 US Presidential Debate 09304 Speech Analysis Transcript

 2004 Jon Kelly All Rights Reserved

KERRY: All believe I would make a stronger Commander-In-Chief. And
they believe it because they know I would not take my eye off of the
goal â Osama bin Laden. BACKWARDS: I am pissed.

BUSH: He believes like I believe that the Iraqi's are ready to fight
for their own freedom. They just need the help to be trained. There
will be elections in January, we're spending reconstruction money.
BACKWARDS: I blew it. Your stupid boy. I've been so dim.

BUSH: And our alliance is strong. That's the plan for victory. And
when Iraq is free America' ll be more secure. BACKWARDS: Iraq is some
evil crime.

BUSH: I don't think we want to get to how he's going to pay for all
these promises. It's like a huge tax gap and anyway . . . that's for
another debate. BACKWARDS: When the bags hatch need help.

BUSH: I work with Director Mueller of the FBI. He comes into my
office when I'm in Washington every morning talking about how to
protect us. There's a lot of really good people working hard to do
so. BACKWARDS: This guy's stupid. I lie.

BUSH: It's hard work. But again I want to tell the American people â
we're doing everything we can at home but you'd better have a
President who chases these terrorists down and bring them to justice
before they hurt us again. BACKWARDS: I'd arrest Jesus Yeshua.

BUSH: Got a hundred thousand trained. Hundred and twenty five
thousand by the end of this year. Over two hundred thousand by the
end of next year. That is the best way. BACKWARDS: You know he's

KERRY: That's exactly where we find ourselves today. There's a sense
of American occupation. The only building that was guarded when the
troops went into Baghdad was the Oil Ministry. BACKWARDS: Bush can
move the drugs.

KERRY: When you guard the Oil Ministry but you don't guard the
nuclear facilities, the message to a lot of people is maybe, "Wow,
maybe they're interested in our oil." BACKWARDS: Lucifer cleaned the
drug money.

KERRY: But that's how we're going to win the peace â by rapidly
training the Iraqi's themselves. Even the administration has admitted
they haven't done the training. Because they came back to Congress a
few weeks ago and asked for a complete reprogramming of the money.
BACKWARDS: Feel the power grab.

BUSH: And the world'd been a lot worse off. There's just no doubt in
my mind. We would rue the day if Saddam Hussein'd been in power. So
we use diplomacy ever chance we get. Believe me. BACKWARDS: Iraq made
a mess you might escape.

KERRY: I mean we can remember when President Kennedy and the Cuban
Missile Crisis sent his Secretary of State to Paris to meet with
DeGaulle. And in the middle of the discussion, to tell them about the
missiles in Cuba, he said, "Here, let me show you the photos".
BACKWARDS: They see a big missile. Send it by them, I launched it.

BUSH: It's exactly what Kim Jyong-Il wants. And by the way, the
breach on the agreement was not the plutonium, the breach on the
agreement is highly enriched uranium. That's what we caught him
doing. BACKWARDS: America not stupid.

KERRY: Now there are terrorists trying to get their hands on that
stuff today. And this President, I regret to say, has secured less
nuclear material in the last two years. BACKWARDS: You know terrorist
are a lie.

BUSH: Russia's a country in transition. Vladimir is going to have to
make some hard choices, and I think it's very important for the
American President as well as other Western leaders to remind him.
BACWARDS: Your fantasy's so strong.




Bush's mystery bulge
The rumour is flying around the globe. Was the president wired during the first debate?Dave Lindorff
Friday October 8, 2004

The Guardian
Was President Bush literally channeling Karl Rove in his first debate with John Kerry? That's the latest rumour flooding the Internet, unleashed last week in the wake of an image caught by a television camera during the Miami debate. The image shows a large solid object between Bush's shoulder blades as he leans over the lectern and faces moderator Jim Lehrer.
The president is not known to wear a back brace, and it's safe to say he wasn't packing. So was the bulge under his well-tailored jacket a hidden receiver, picking up transmissions from someone offstage feeding the president answers through a hidden earpiece? Did the device explain why the normally ramrod-straight president seemed hunched over during much of the debate? Bloggers are burning up their keyboards with speculation. Check out the president's peculiar behaviour during the debate, they say. On several occasions, the president simply stopped speaking for an uncomfortably long time and stared ahead with an odd _expression_ on his face. Was he listening to someone helping him with his response to a question? Even weirder was the president's strange outburst. In a peeved rejoinder to Kerry, he said, "As the politics change, his positions change. And that's not how a commander in chief acts. I, I, uh - Let me finish - The intelligence I looked at was the same intelligence my opponent looked at." It must be said that Bush pointed toward Lehrer as he declared "Let me finish." The green warning light was lit, signalling he had 30 seconds to, well, finish. Hot on the conspiracy trail, I tried to track down the source of the photo. None of the Bush-is-wired bloggers, however, seemed to know where the photo came from. Was it possible the bulge had been Photoshopped onto Bush's back by a lone conspiracy buff? It turns out that all of the video of the debate was recorded and sent out by Fox News, the pool broadcaster for the event. Fox sent feeds from multiple cameras to the other networks, which did their own on-air presentations and editing. To watch the debate again, I ventured to the website of the most sober network I could think of: C-SPAN. And sure enough, at minute 23 on the video of the debate, you can clearly see the bulge between the president's shoulder blades. Bloggers stoke the conspiracy with the claim that the Bush administration insisted on a condition that no cameras be placed behind the candidates. An official for the Commission on Presidential Debates, which set up the lecterns and microphones on the Miami stage, said the condition was indeed real, the result of negotiations by both campaigns. Yet that didn't stop Fox from setting up cameras behind Bush and Kerry. The official said that "microphones were mounted on lecterns, and the commission put no electronic devices on the president or Senator Kerry." When asked about the bulge on Bush's back, the official said, "I don't know what that was." So what was it? Jacob McKenna, a spyware expert and the owner of the Spy Store, a high-tech surveillance shop in Spokane, Washington, looked at the Bush image on his computer monitor. "There's certainly something on his back, and it appears to be electronic," he said. McKenna said that, given its shape, the bulge could be the inductor portion of a two-way push-to-talk system. McKenna noted that such a system makes use of a tiny microchip-based earplug radio that is pushed way down into the ear canal, where it is virtually invisible. He also said a weak signal could be scrambled and be undetected by another broadcaster. Mystery-bulge bloggers argue that the president may have begun using such technology earlier in his term. Because Bush is famously prone to malapropisms and reportedly dyslexic, which could make successful use of a teleprompter problematic, they say the president and his handlers may have turned to a technique often used by television reporters on remote stand-ups. A reporter tapes a story and, while on camera, plays it back into an earpiece, repeating lines just after hearing them, managing to sound spontaneous and error free. Suggestions that Bush may have using this technique stem from a D-day event in France, when a CNN broadcast appeared to pick up - and broadcast to surprised viewers - the sound of another voice seemingly reading Bush his lines, after which Bush repeated them. Danny Schechter, who operates the news site MediaChannel.org, and who has been doing some investigating into the wired-Bush rumors himself, said the Bush campaign has been worried of late about others picking up their radio frequencies - notably during the Republican Convention on the day of Bush's appearance. "They had a frequency specialist stop me and ask about the frequency of my camera," Schechter said. "The Democrats weren't doing that at their convention." Repeated calls to the White House and the Bush national campaign office over a period of three days, inquiring about what the president may have been wearing on his back during the debate, and whether he had used an audio device at other events, went unreturned. So far the Kerry campaign is staying clear of this story. When called for a comment, a press officer at the Democratic National Committee claimed on Tuesday that it was "the first time" they'd ever heard of the issue. A spokeswoman at the press office of Kerry headquarters refused to permit me to talk with anyone in the campaign's research office. Several other requests for comment to the Kerry campaign's press office went unanswered. As for whether we really do have a Milli Vanilli president, the answer at this point has to be, God only knows. Â Dave Lindorff is the author of This Can't Be Happening! Resisting the Disintegration of American Democracy. This article has been provided by Salon through a special arrangement with Guardian Newspapers Limited.
Visit the Salon site at Salon.com
 Salon.com 2004

Our Cheating President

By Wilson Ray, Southern Daily News, 10/10/04
The evidence is now overwhelming. The president who likes to make people think he is the biggest Christian to ever inhabit the White House is a liar and a cheat.  His information comes to him in his ear from a radio transmitter device he wears on his back under his suit jacket. This is against the rules of using props set forth by the debate commission.  The irony is, the photos that prove it were taken in violation of the rules by a Fox news pool camera operator. The rules prohibit photos from being taken from the rear of the candidates.  The other irony is, we didn't learn this from the New York Times or the Washington Post or even CBS News. Independent Web sites, called Web logs or blogs for short, have been buzzing about this for days. My question is this: Is there a member of the debate commission or the national media with the guts to raise this question before the next debate? Would somebody in the White House press corps at least ask the damn question? And while you are at it, ask who is on the other end of the line? Karl Rove?...


If it's difficult to believe the shrub gang would cheat this way (Hello! Where ya been?)  in a debate, read the following expose by one Fred Burks, who's done English-Indonesian translations for George W. Bush on three occasions, including a 9-19-01 meeting with President Megawati Soekarnoputri.

Bush's Interpreter Says Bush Uses Earpiece
by Fred Burks, Democrats.com, October 10, 2004
...During those 90 minutes, President Bush not only covered all the points, he covered them quite well and without any notes! Not once during the entire meeting did he look at any notes or receive cues from anyone present in discussing the Indonesian political situation with depth and intelligence. I was astonished! 'How could this be?' I asked myself. It was a huge surprise. I concluded either that Bush was much more intelligent than we had been led to believe, or that somehow someone was feeding answers to him through a hidden earpiece... I am now certain that he could not have had that much knowledge of Indonesia. He doesn't even read the daily newspaper to keep up with what's being reported in the press. I am convinced that he must have been using some sort of earpiece through which someone was telling him what to say...

MORE:  http://community.democrats.com/forums/discussions.cfm?forumid=170&topicid=139727

Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 00:51:22 -0000
From: "Jon Kelly" <www.yourinnervoice.com>
Subject: President Bush "Wag the Dog" Video

Will President Bush's secret earpiece microphone be up for discussion
at tonight's debate? Note the smooth natural mannerisms, as if the
President was considering each point carefully and speaking to us
sincerely. But wait - what's this? Someone else is telling him what
to say and he's just repeating every word? Is this how the world is
being run? Watch the video!



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