Stereotypes Aren’t So Bad Academia weighs in. By John Derbyshire, NationalReview contributing editor
One of the most heartening features of the times we live in, if you are of a conservative inclination, is the discoveries now being made in the human and biological sciences. Anthropology, psychology, sociology, and genetics are all turning up results — good, hard, replicable scientific results — whose broad tendency is to prove that human nature is much more like what conservatives have always said it was like, than it is like what leftists have believed. Every time one of these results escapes from academia into the awareness of the general public, it is greeted with shrieks of horror and obloquy by the leftist establishment (remember The Bell Curve?) and the researchers who uncovered it are tarred, feathered, and run out of the public square with cries of "racist!" ringing in their ears. Those results are piling up mightily behind the dam of orthodoxy, though, and the guardians of that dam are running out of fingers to stick in the cracks. Meanwhile the academics — normally a timid and retiring lot by nature — are getting bolder and bolder in defense of their hard-won truths. 
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