-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

12 December 2001
Federalist Edition #01-50
Wednesday Chronicle

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The Foundation
Editorial Exegesis
Village Idiots
Short Cuts


"Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality
can prevail in exclusion of religious principles."  --George


"Wisdom and goodness to the vile seem vile...." --William Shakespeare
{}  "The best things and best people rise out of their separateness.
I'm against a homogenized society because I want the cream to rise."
--Robert Frost  {}  "God will not be absent when His people are on
trial; he will stand in court as their advocate, to plead on their
behalf." --Charles H. Spurgeon  {}  "The smallest good deed is better
than the grandest good intention." --Duguet  {}  "The man for whom law
exists -- the man of forms, the conservative -- is a tame man."
--Henry David Thoreau  {}  "Common sense is the knack of seeing things
as they are, and doing things as they ought to be done."  --Harriet
Beecher Stowe  {}  "Lust is the craving for salt of a man who is dying
of thirst." --Frederick Buechner  {}  "God doesn't call people who are
qualified. He calls people who are willing, and then He qualifies
them." --Richard Parker  {}  "The Kingdom of Heaven is not for the
well-meaning: it is for the desperate." --James Denney  {}  "We
believe the best way to assure prosperity is to generate more jobs.
The Democrats believe in more welfare." --Ronald Reagan (1972)


"If you harbor a terrorist, you're a terrorist. If you feed a
terrorist, you're a terrorist." --George W. Bush  ++  "...[I]f ...
[the 9-11 dead] could see how our country is united to preserve
freedom from terror, they'd be proud. Proud of our unity, proud of our
strength, and proud of the determination to find, root out and deal
with the evil of terrorism and those who seek to terrorize. And we
will. We will remember their lives, and retell their stories, again
and again, so that neither the nation nor the world will ever forget."
--Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld  ++  "Nobody wants to capture
Osama bin Laden and have him tried by Judge Ito for two years."
--Justice Antonin Scalia  {}  "Real heroes do not seek the applause of
others; their reward was found in what they did. They make most of us
seem small -- especially that crowd in Washington, D.C." --Chuck
Baldwin  ++  "The average American is always more courageous than the
average lawyer, politician or government official." --Wesley Pruden
{}  "We are all Americans. And as Americans, we have a duty to protect
the freedoms that make our union the example and the envy of the
world." --Charlton Heston  {}  "Like our families, our nation gives us
an identity and nurtures us. In the case of America, it also offers
unparalleled personal freedom and prosperity. To turn against such a
nation is an act of ingratitude that must make the angels sigh." --Don
Feder  {}  "Compassion comes after victory, not before it, not
alongside it. First victory, then greatness of spirit." --Michael
Ledeen  {}  "Limited-government types worry that wars lead to
permanent expansion of government budgets and programs. Civil
libertarians fear the fight against terrorism will do irreparable
damage to basic freedoms." --Steve Chapman  {}  "A gun-free world
would be much more dangerous for women, and much safer for brutes and
tyrants." --Dave Kopel, Paul Gallant & Joanne Eisen  {}  "The truth is
that the UN cannot create peace or end terrorism, but it can vastly
expand its power over the lives of U.S. citizens. We must resist any
attempt by the UN to advance its agenda in the wake of the September
11th tragedy." --Rep. Ron Paul


"New York City officials have been revising their estimates of how
many thousands died in and around the World Trade Center on September
11; counting has been slow because the murderers left few bodies. The
total death toll, including those killed at the Pentagon and in
Pennsylvania, now looks as though it could reach 3,245. To put that in
perspective: It is more than all the deaths at Pearl Harbor; more than
all the deaths at Saratoga, or the Battle of New Orleans; more than
all who perished in the New York draft riots, or the Chicago Fire, or
the San Francisco earthquake, or on the Titanic. Because of the
courage of the rescue workers, the gallantry of the passengers of
Flight 93, and the strength of the Promethean trade towers, the toll
was not higher. Because of our just anger, the toll of our enemies
will be much higher." --National Review **In marking the three-month
anniversary of 9-11, it is fitting to note the final death tally would
indeed have been much higher -- if not for the courage and strength of
the American spirit.


This week's "Leftmedia Non Compos Mentis" Award: "Well, after two
months of war in Afghanistan the U.S. acknowledged today it has no
senior al Qaeda members in custody." --ABC talkinghead Peter Jennings
on what to lament in the absence of that "quagmire." **That's because
SecDef Don Rumsfeld indicated a preference for the "dead" part of Mr.
Bush's 'Wanted: Dead or Alive' warrant.  {} This week's "Sagacity"
Award: "... [W]hat makes the President -- I'm taking note of his
wide-swinging threats in speeches recently. What makes him think that
he has the right to go into a sovereign country and bomb the people?"
--UPI's Helen Thomas **Perhaps this question is better directed to the
victims of 9-11? {}  "President Bush...is going to finance this war on
terrorism the same way Ronald Reagan got to finance the Cold War."
--Newsweek's Eleanor Clift **Memo to Eleanor: The Soviet Union
dissolved ten years ago!  {}  "We report, you decide." --CNN Anchors
Paula Zahn and Aaron Brown **Apparently CNN plans to take back the 24
hour news lead by hiring Fox News personalities and stealing Fox News


This week's "Leftpinkie" Award:  "Disappointed." --Senate Demo Leader
Tom Daschle, using what is apparently his favorite term for political
-- and especially partisan -- disagreements.  ++  "I am wondering when
he will be 'very, very disappointed'." --Sen. Russell Feingold
(D-Wisconsin).  ++  "We're disappointed that Roll Call has chosen to
focus on one word rather than the broader rhetorical issues facing
Congress." --Daschle spokeswoman Anita Dunn **We appreciate this
warning about "broader rhetorical issues facing Congress"!  {} This
month's "Demo-Goguery" Award: "[Attorney General John] Ashcroft ...
wants to throw out the Bill of Rights in toto." --Former Sen. Thomas
Eagleton **"In toto"? No, sounds like Eagleton's still in Oz!  {}
"We've had 19 deaths because of anthrax and I think we ought to invest
in what is necessary now." --Sen. Ted Kennedy phoning in on C-SPAN
**Somebody phone Teddy and tell him the death toll from pulmonary
anthrax stands at five...?


This week's "TheoLib" Award: "Flash! This just in: All the while that
Afghanistan's ruling Taliban has been protecting Osama bin Laden,
Italy has been harboring another omnipotent religious zealot, one who
equally condemns us Western sinners and incites violence with his
incendiary rhetoric. Yes, right there on the European mainland!  Meet
John Paul II, Christian fundamentalist extraordinaire and a man who
inspires thugs across the globe who commit hate crimes against
homosexuals, a form of terrorism if ever there was one." --Homosexual
mouthpiece Michelangelo Signorile  {} This week's "Consummate
Village-Celeb" Award: "I eat birds. You have more of a respect for the
things you eat when you go through or see the process of killing
them." --Madonna **We guess this means tofu will never be respected.
{} From the "Village Matriarch" Files: "I have a great deal of
difficulty with the idea of the ideal man. As far as I'm concerned,
men are the product of a damaged gene." --Feminist Germaine Greer
**Hmmm, well, the women around the Federalist editorial shop think
some men are nice products in torn jeans....  {}  From the "Village
Academic Curriculum" File:  "When Richmond, Virginia, public-school
officials discovered that teacher's aide Thomas Shelton had once gone
to prison for three felony convictions -- including heroin possession
and larceny -- he was fired.  Now he's suing. Mr. Shelton, who is
black, claims the city's policy against hiring felons is racially
discriminatory, given that blacks are disproportionately convicted of
felonies." --Wall Street Journal


"It's God's responsibility to judge Osama bin Laden. It is our
responsibility to arrange the meeting." --Semper Fi!  {}  "Never
mistake our prosperity for sloth. The zeal with which we peddle Big
Macs can be a dreadful thing when turned to the bloody business of
war." --Richard Poe  {}  "[American al Qaeda John] Walker's father
told talk-show host Larry King he wanted to give his son 'a big hug
and a kick in the butt, too.' Climb up on my knee, sonny boy. With
your AK-47, sonny boy." --Don Feder  ++  "How can a craven, punk,
20-year-old kid from a liberal cesspool in San Francisco amble into a
terrorist camp with Osama bin Laden strolling around, and the CIA
can't get to first base infiltrating these terror rats? The truth is,
as John Walker was getting his schooling on how to fire an AK-47 at
innocent people, bin Laden's head was being offered on a platter by
Sudan, and nobody did anything about it. Walker waltzed into the
terror group with as much difficulty as joining the Boy Scouts."
--Steve Dunleavy  {}  "After the collapse of the Camp David peace
talks Bill Clinton accused Arafat of making him look bad. That is an
irony that defies comment." --Norman Liebmann  {}  "The phoniest story
to come out of Afghanistan to date is the claim by Geraldo Rivera that
someone took a shot at him and missed. I don't believe it. Why would
they miss?" --Lyn Nofziger

Jay Leno.... Remember the Taliban promising they'd fight to the
finish? They came through -- they're finished!  ....  Osama bin Laden
has now ordered his wives and other women to fight for him. Right! I
bet they'll get him a beer too!  .... Osama now says that he'd rather
have his sons shoot him instead of being captured. I believe his two
sons are named Lyle and Eric bin Laden.  ....  Wow! Geraldo goes to
Afghanistan -- and three days later the Taliban surrenders! He is
carrying a gun and says he isn't afraid to use it. So he is now
considered armed and annoying. He says that his next step is to go
into the underground caves and find bin Laden himself! When he finds
the cave and goes in and finds bin Laden, let's seal the cave up! Two
birds with one stone! Airports across the country on are a heightened
state of security -- in case Geraldo decides to come back. ....  The
Detroit Lions are 0 and 11, soon to be 0 and 12 after this weekend.
The good thing is that they're not peaking before the playoffs. Vice
President Dick Cheney now considers the Detroit Lions' end zone a
secure and undisclosed location.

David Letterman.... Letterman's Top Ways To Get Osama Out Of His Cave:
Disconnect his cable. Send phony recall notice from his turban
manufacturer. One of our special forces guys sneaks in and pulls the
fire alarm. Announce "Mr. Beard" pageant being held down the street.
Offer free trial prescription for social anxiety disorder medication
Paxil. Fake postcard from Mullah Omar in Las Vegas reading "This place
is awesome, dude!" Free pie -- I don't care who you are, you're not
gonna turn down free pie. In local paper, advertise weapons of mass
destruction sale at Kabul Wal-Mart. Send sexy bearded woman to cave
asking directions

Argus Hamilton.... San Francisco's John Walker was captured by U.S.
forces while fighting for the Taliban Friday. What was he thinking? If
he really wanted to impersonate Jane Fonda, there were five clubs in
San Francisco that would have hired him in a minute.  ....  The London
Times reports Taliban leader Mullah Omar was captured by the Northern
Alliance forces. The newspaper said he was being held in a
Taliban-friendly environment. He's teaching a Western Civilization
class at UCLA.  ....  Attorney General John Ashcroft told the Senate
Judiciary Committee Thursday that public trials for al-Qaeda
terrorists could create Osama TV. He's absolutely right. The last
thing we want to see is Osama bin Laden hugging Johnnie Cochran and
saying he's going to spend the rest of his life looking for the real
mastermind.  ....   Pearl Harbor starring Ben Affleck was released at
video stores nationwide on Tuesday. A week after the movie premiered
in theaters last June, the star had to check into an alcohol rehab.
There's such a thing as downing too many kamikazes.

(**) Denotes Editor's Comment

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