2 Clever people/stories... I think the world could use more creative individuals such as these...his license plate
Man's right to substitute 'Taxationland' for 'Vacationland' is upheld

By David Sharp, Associated Press, 7/26/2001 13:44

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) A civil libertarian accused of defacing his license plate by substituting ''Taxationland'' for ''Vacationland'' fought all the way to the state supreme court and won his appeal Thursday.

The Supreme Judicial Court sided with David Chittim because he altered the license plates before a law went into effect in 1996 making it illegal.

Chittim, of Lewiston, said he put a ''Taxationland'' sticker on his rear license plate because he thinks Mainers are overtaxed. He put a ''Crawdad State'' sticker on the front license plate because he didn't like the red lobster.

''I'm so pleased I'm getting my 20 bucks back,'' Chittim said of the fine imposed by a judge. ''I'm just so happy about that.''

Chittim got into trouble the day after Christmas in 1999 when his son was stopped for speeding in York County while driving a car with the altered plates as the family returned from ''dinner at Grandma's house,'' Chittim said.

The trooper appeared to be incensed over the license plates and tried unsuccessfully to remove the stickers, Chittim said. The trooper also arrested Chittim's son for driving with a suspended license.

The driving-with-a-suspended-license charge was dropped, but the charge for the disfigured license plates stuck.

There was a trial in District Court in Springvale and Chittim was found guilty. He was slapped with a $20 fine.

In a unanimous decision, the state supreme court agreed with Chittim because he had made the alterations to the license plate in 1993, three years before the Legislature made it a crime, effective July 1, 1996.

''This was, in my opinion, a no brainer. How can you have someone violate the statute before the statute was passed? It was an abuse of state power all around,'' said Chittim's lawyer, Kevin T. Cole of Portland.

Chittim, the city engineer in Rockland and a former member of the Libertarian Party, said he felt so strongly about his right to make a statement with his license plate that he paid out of his own pocket to pursue the appeal.

His lawyer called the ruling a ''hollow victory'' since it didn't address the issue of what would happen if Chittim defaced a license plate after 1996.

Chittim said he has chosen not to alter his new chickadee license plate. He avoided doing so by placing ''Taxationland'' on a license plate frame that appears to be part of the license plate but isn't.

''I don't really want to break the law,'' Chittim said Thursday. ''I don't feel I ever did break the law.''

Going To The Dogs-Anti-state.com


by Emmett Harris

Mabel Briscoe is one lucky lady. Though Maryland officials claimed they had an airtight case against her, they nonetheless decided not to go through with next month's scheduled trial. Instead, they are dropping the charges. Yes, she is fortunate indeed.

What, you might ask, was this octogenarian firebrand accused of doing? She allegedly committed voter fraud by placing her Jack Russell terrier mix on the voting rolls. (His name was not disclosed, as he still lives at home.) Ms. Briscoe contended that she was only attempting to bring to light how easily one could register to vote without displaying proper identification. "His tags may have been in order," she said. "But without a photo ID or his most recent heartworm test results, how could they be sure?" Supposed "irregularities" during the presidential election prompted her action.

Prosecutors called the 82-year-old's stunt "childish."

The ruse was discovered when the canine constituent received notification to report for jury duty. Since Briscoe would not have been allowed to accompany the Jack Russell into the jury chambers and since not doing so would have clearly violated local leash laws, Briscoe had to fess up.

State officials were rabid. They planned to throw the book, or perhaps a tightly wrapped newspaper, at the elderly Briscoe. Making any state worker look like an idiot carries a maximum penalty of a $1,000 fine, or imprisonment, or both. This is especially true when the state worker actually is an idiot. However, an aggressive countersuit brought by an attorney working pro bone-O on behalf of Briscoe and her terrier stopped the Maryland juggernaut in its tracks.

In the countersuit, the lawyer argued that Ms. Briscoe suffered irreparable emotional trauma that prevented her from going back to work. The suit went on to maintain that the Jack Russell terrier was illegally discriminated against under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Because of discriminating policies targeting quadrupeds, policies that provided only chairs geared towards bipedal mammals, the co-plaintiff was barred from exercising his constitutionally protected right to serve on a jury. Furthermore, hydrant facilities were located outside the building, which placed the co-plaintiff at risk of contracting Canis Malodorous Syndrome during periods of inclement weather.

Attorneys for the state of Maryland were dumbfounded. Given the politically sensitive nature of the counter charges, one false move would have led to a public relations disaster for state officials. They would surely have ended up in the doghouse had they pushed forward with the case. It is therefore unremarkable that they quietly chose to withdraw all actions pending against Ms. Briscoe. They also reached an out-of-court settlement with the Jack Russell terrier, reportedly agreeing to provide 5,000 cans of Mighty Dog in exchange for his assenting not to speak or roll over in public.

Mabel Briscoe's only crime was daring to show that "voting irregularities" are not the exception but the norm. For that, she was nearly pilloried. This entire episode is indicative of the lengths that the government apparatus will be used to censor anything that might demonstrate its incompetence. Three cheers to Mabel Briscoe and her terrier. They had the temerity to point out idiocy in action and they didn't turn tail and run. They are the everyday heroes in the battle against vapid bureaucracy. They are doing their part to prevent the world from going to the dogs.

June 19, 2001

Emmett Harris lives in Dennis, Cape Cod. Visit his personal site at www.eeharris3.com.




Peter E Luke

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