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U.S. Finds Abuses of 9/11 Detainees
Pres Bush's tax cut fiscal mismanagement

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Today in Italy - Special service by AGI on behalf of the Italian Prime Minister's office  Satanic Sects in Italy Involve 83,000 People; 9 Mln 'Victims' (AGI) - Rome, Italy, May 8 - At least 9 million people in Italy have suffered crimes linked to satanic sects, whose overall members in the country are 83,000 in 130 different groups. The alarm was launched by the magazine Happy Web, which, in the survey that will be attached to tomorrow's issue, shows figures provided by the interior ministry to describe this reality which is constantly soaring, especially through the internet. Hundreds of 'would-be wizards' use the web to recruit pupils and to carry out brutal crimes: there are websites, newsgroups, and forums dedicated to paedophilia, suicide, homicide, and even cannibalism. (AGI  081452 MAG 03" http://www.agenziaitalia.it/english/news.pl?doc=200305081452-0142-RT1-CRO-0-NF11

Text of the agreement 6/2/03 "Here is the text of the agreement between Maricopa County Attorney Rick Romley, Bishop Thomas O'Brien and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix....During the course of the grand jury's investigation, to this date, no credible evidence has been received that would establish that Thomas J. O'Brien personally engaged in criminal sexual misconduct. However, the investigation developed evidence that Thomas J. O'Brien failed to protect the victims of criminal sexual misconduct of others associated with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix." http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/0602agreement-ON.html

Bishop: No crime committed, deal signed to end investigation PHOENIX (AP) -- The Roman Catholic bishop of Phoenix said Tuesday he signed an immunity agreement with prosecutors to end an investigation into alleged child abuse in the church. He insisted he committed no crimes.  "I entered into the agreement to end the investigation. That's the simple reality," said Bishop Thomas J. O'Brien in an interview.  The bishop also reiterated Tuesday he did not participate in a cover-up of abuse allegations.  "I did not intentionally assign a priest to a parish where I knew he could offend," O'Brien said. "I know what's in my heart. I know that I did not participate in a cover-up as we understand that word or that _expression_."  Barnett Lotstein, special assistant to Maricopa County Attorney Rick Romley, said Romley was disappointed by O'Brien's remarks.  "He felt the bishop had missed an opportunity to have a new start," Lotstein said Tuesday. "Lies, deceit and spin were being repeated and they were wrong."  He said prosecutors were examining O'Brien's latest remarks and would consider whether he breached the immunity agreement by denying a cover-up. "If he worked to breach that agreement, we'd have no hesitation in going back to court."  O'Brien signed a statement acknowledging he allowed priests under his supervision to work with minors after becoming aware of allegations of sexual misconduct." http://www.abc15.com/news/index.asp?did=1499

Party chief called to testify in Lisbon child sex scandal By Elizabeth Nash in Madrid 6/4/03 "Portugal's Socialist Party leader is expected to appear in court in Lisbon today to testify in a child sex scandal that has ripped through the political and showbusiness elite. The case has shocked the nation and shattered public confidence in politicians and the legal system in one of the worst crises for the country since the 1974 Carnation revolution. Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues is the latest and most senior in a stream of politicians, diplomats and television talkshow hosts to be implicated in a paedophile ring said to have preyed for decades on boys in a state-run orphanage. Mr Rodrigues is likely to be asked whether he covered up illicit activities: he is not suspected of participating in them. But his influential deputy, the former Labour minister Paulo Pedroso, was detained last month over accusations of 15 counts of child sex abuse.  Public opinion has been shaken by allegations that police and other authorities allowed powerful clients to abuse the boys sexually and prostitute them, and did nothing to stop them for 30 years. Several former inmates of the Casa Pia boys' home in Lisbon have described the sexual abuse they received in the 1970s and 1980s. An official report said that among the children still living at Casa Pia, at least 128 had been subjected to sexual abuse. Many are deaf and dumb." http://news.independent.co.uk/europe/story.jsp?story=412221

archived mid-90's copies of Nexus-Lexis ritual abuse articles are at
you will need a topica account, which is free, to see these

U.S. Finds Abuses of 9/11 Detainees
Justice Dept. inquiry reveals many violations of immigrants' rights.
Report shows officials early on feared people were being held
unjustly. By Richard B. Schmitt and Richard A. Serrano Times  June 3, 2003, L.A. Times
WASHINGTON -- Internal investigators at the Justice Department ound "significant problems" in the way that scores of immigrants wre detained after the Sept. 11 attacks, from excessive delays in the release of suspects to "a pattern of physical and verbal abuse" by some federal correctional officers. The long-awaited report by the department's Office of the inspector General found that immigration authorities and some midlevel Justice Department attorneys had concerns as early as the
end of September 2001 that people without ties to terrorism were being held unnecessarily....The reality, the report found, was that it took an average of 80 days for the 762 people detained as part of the Sept. 11 probes to be released; for some, the process dragged on for as long as six months. That left people in legal limbo, often without immediate access to lawyers, in a high-security federal facility under sometimes harsh conditions. Ultimately, nearly all were deported, after being charged with various immigration-law violations. Only a small fraction was charged with crimes. The report found that only 60% of the detainees were charged within an INS goal of 72 hours.

Editorial Desk | May 27, 2003, Tuesday  Stating The Obvious
By PAUL KRUGMAN (NYT) 784 words  Late Edition - Final , Section A , Page 25 , Column 6 ABSTRACT - Paul Krugman Op-Ed column lambasting Pres Bush's tax cut quotes Financial Times observation that 'The lunatics are now in charge of the asylum,' and suspicion that more extreme Republicans actually want fiscal train wreck that would enable them to slash federal spending on social programs (M) ''The lunatics are now in charge of the asylum.'' So wrote the normally staid Financial Times, traditionally the voice of solid British business opinion, when surveying last week's tax bill. Indeed, the legislation is doubly absurd: the gimmicks used to make an $800-billion-plus tax cut carry an official price tag of only $320 billion are a joke, yet the cost without the gimmicks is so large that the nation can't possibly afford it while keeping its other promises.
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