-Caveat Lector-

I would just like to point out two things as an addendum to my post - first,
the CCHR is a Scientology group, and they do not trust ANY mental health
profession other than the sort they practice themselves, which is a sort of
bank account draining cultist brainwashing disguised as religion, and, two -
they do make a good point as to the inaccuracies in the film as compared to
John Nash's actual life. I leave it up to the reader to discern the value in
their message, as I do believe there is such, but I would also NOT recommend
calling their number or contacting them over email, unless you want to
eventually get sucked into a personality test and possibly years of
expensive "religious" therapy of the most awful sort. If you don't believe
me, just check out http://www.xenu.net/ I don't trust most psychiatric drugs
in the way their pushed on unsuspecting patients in need of real help, but I
also don't trust Scientology and L. Ron Hoover ... er ... I mean Hubbard
(ahem) to handle these problems any better.

- jt

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joshua Tinnin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

from - http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/020318/180/19son.html

Citizens Commission on Human Rights: A Beautiful Mind - An Ugly Agenda;
'Cinematic Glorification of Psychiatric Drugs'
Mon Mar 18, 4:15 PM ET

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