-Caveat Lector-

excerpts from

This may be heavy for survivors of abuse.

October 30, 2001      A Tale of Afghan 'Garbage' Kids
Refugees: With no hope nor future, they rummage for scraps. Their numbers are
likely to swell.
By TYLER MARSHALL, Times Staff Writer

QUETTA, Pakistan -....The children, some as young as 7, were born of the
generation of Afghan refugees that flooded into Pakistan in the 1980s and
1990s to escape the plagues of war, anarchy and drought. The poorest of these
people--those with no money, no skills, no hope and no future--have turned to
their youngsters for help surviving.

Here in the city of Quetta, just 50 miles from the Afghan border and already
swollen with refugees, an estimated 5,000 to 10,000 youngsters are known
simply as "the garbage children." On a good day, Hakim, 15, says, the
brothers' pooled earnings can reach $1.50--enough to pay for a few days' rent
on the family's shanty. On bad days, they bring in less than 50 cents.

In Quetta, Karachi and other Pakistani cities, these boys exist in a kind of
Dickensian twilight zone, a filthy and dangerous world. As they walk the
streets and rummage for scraps, they are weak prey to every form of lowlife
predator, from petty thieves, drug peddlers and pedophiles to sophisticated
kidnapping rings that traffic in blood and human organs....

"These boys have no education, they have no future," said Naimathullah
Baloch, deputy director of the Directorate of Social Welfare, Human Rights
and Women's Development for the Baluchistan provincial government. "They are
the breeding ground of gangsters and thieves. The law and order situation is
getting worse because of these people. Someone should say it."

Few Resources Available to Help the Youngsters
With thousands of new refugees pushing across the frontier in recent weeks to
escape Afghanistan's latest agony, the ranks of these youngsters seem bound
to swell and their conditions worsen.

..."The numbers are growing," he said. "Where there were once a hundred boys
combing the same area, now there are 500. It's a terrible situation."

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