-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Afghan factions sign landmark deal

The signing came after nine days of negotiation

Delegates from four Afghan factions have signed an agreement on a
transitional government to run the country after 20 years of war.

The eyes of the world will be on you and you carry a huge responsibility

UN special envoy Lakhdar Brahimi
After the signing, United Nations special envoy Lakhdar Brahimi welcomed the
agreement, saying the international community would stand by Afghanistan.

"The UN and the entire international community feel a tremendous sense of
hope in the knowledge that agreement has been signed here in Bonn," he said.

But he warned that the new government carried a "huge responsibility" and the
eyes of the world would be upon it.

"You must live up to your commitment to promote national reconciliation,
protect human rights, encourage relations with your neighbours. You must
serve your people in a democratic and transparent manner," he said.

Karzai: Currently fighting Taleban near Kandahar

The UN-brokered deal came on the ninth day of gruelling talks, the final
session of which went on all night, in a luxury hotel in the former West
German capital.

The power-sharing council is to be headed by Pashtun tribal commander Hamid
Karzai and will take office on 22 December.

BBC correspondents in Kabul say initial reaction amongst people there is one
of real delight and relief that the talks appear to have reached a successful

Click here for a guide to the main powerbrokers

Contacted by the BBC, Mr Karzai said he was glad to be entrusted with the
task of leading his country.

He was talking by satellite phone from north of the southern Afghan city of
Kandahar, where his forces are battling the Taleban for control.

He said his main priority was to restore absolute peace and security, and to
bring unity to Afghanistan.

"I hope that with God's help we shall take the country forward to a much
better future," he said.

In other developments:

Two US soldiers are killed and another 20 injured in a botched US bombing
raid north of Kandahar
Thousands of anti-Taleban fighters prepare to attack a mountain base in
eastern Afghanistan where Osama Bin Laden - accused of masterminding the 11
September attacks on the US - is believed to be hiding
Anti-Taleban forces in southern Afghanistan withdraw from Kandahar airport
after meeting fierce resistance
Taleban leaders in the Pakistani city of Peshawar reportedly form a pressure
group to urge their spiritual leader, Mullah Omar, to surrender Kandahar
The UN calls on Pakistan to lift restrictions that have left 2,000 refugees
stranded without food or shelter in a makeshift camp in the no-man's land
between Afghanistan and Pakistan
Who gets what?

The Northern Alliance - which has controlled Kabul since the Taleban fled
last month - will hold a total of 17 of the 30 cabinet posts, including the
three most powerful ministries.

UN blueprint
Interim authority to rule for six months
A supreme court to be set up
A 21-member special independent commission to call a traditional assembly, or
Loya Jirga
Loya Jirga to elect transitional government
A multinational force to secure Kabul
Delegation head Yunus Qanooni will be interior minister, alliance
commander-in-chief General Mohammad Fahim will be in charge of the Defence
Ministry and Dr Abdullah Abdullah will retain the foreign affairs portfolio.

Two women are among those named. One of them, Sima Samar, will be one of Mr
Karzai's five vice chairs. The UN has said the new authority must guarantee
freedom of expression and women's rights.

King's role

The agreement includes plans to set up a special commission to convene a Loya
Jirga, or traditional grand assembly, to be opened by former King Zahir Shah.

Afghans need the new government to succeed

The interim administration will rule for six months until this assembly is

The assembly will then elect a transitional government to rule for not more
than two years until elections are held.

Another assembly will be set up to adopt a constitution within 18 months of
the creation of the transitional authority.


The agreement also proposes requesting a multinational peacekeeping force for
Kabul, but does not stipulate the force's size or duration.

The force could be progressively expanded to cover urban centres and other
areas as appropriate, the text of the agreement says.

The conclusion of the talks is a big fillip for a gathering of major
international aid donors taking place in Berlin.

Big donor countries kept up pressure on the Afghan factions by warning them
that billions of dollars in reconstruction aid depended on a deal being

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