-Caveat Lector-


All pay more when nation doesn't pay its bills

"He's a true believer. Tax cuts are religion to him. They were his mission when he
pastored in a smaller chapel, the Texas statehouse."


Until further notice, Alan Greenspan has replaced North Korea in the "axis of evil." Or
so one would assume from Republican reaction to the Federal Reserve Board chief's
opposition to cutting taxes right now.

Some analysts say Greenspan has put his job on the line. For the crime of heresy, at
reappointment time next year he may be replaced with a supply-side cleric who believes 
Bush's faith-based economic policy: Cut taxes. Pray real hard.

Greenspan, who has been more than malleable about Bush's leaps of faith, may realize 
he made a mistake last year endorsing a $1.35 billion tax cut. That tax cut helped 
deficits as demands for homeland security and national defense went through the roof.

Considering these deficits, that Bush could be considering a war while pounding the
boards for more tax cuts would seem incomprehensible. But then, he's a true believer. 
cuts are religion to him. They were his mission when he pastored in a smaller chapel, 
Texas statehouse.

But the fact is that in a deficit situation, with war looming, Congress actually would 
raising taxes if it conceded to Bush his fiscal fantasy. Congress would be raising 
on Americans yet born. Call it the debt tax.

An American family of four must pay about $4,500 a year to service the national debt. 
hear fiscal conservatives rail all the time about dubious pork that accomplishes little
toward the public good. How about hundreds of billions of dollars each year that do
nothing but service debt? Talk about lost productivity.

The Bush fiscal 2004 budget shows no inclination to rein in this problem. The federal
debt could accrue an additional $2.1 trillion in the next four years, even without the
new tax cuts he wants.

That budget also doesn't figure in Desert Spring -- not a manly deodorant soap, a
Pentagon moniker for the pummeling and rebuilding of Iraq.

The insidious nature of Bush's faith-based economics is that someone has to pay off the
bill with interest when the books don't balance.

Scott Burns calls it "fiscal child abuse." He must be some nutty advocate at the
Children's Defense Fund, right? No. Burns is a financial columnist for the Dallas 

"There are people who are Nows. And there are people who are Laters," he write. "The 
. . . are well represented because they are voters.

"The Laters are unheard. They aren't heard because they don't vote. They don't vote
because they are our children and our children's children."

Burns points out that the $1.35 trillion in tax cuts over 10 years approved last year
could have paid down debt and better secured Social Security. Instead, all it did was
reward the "Nows" with immediate gratification.

"Unfortunately," he wrote, "there was no comparable reduction in the benefits promised 
people in the future. So we reduced taxes now and left a gigantic obligation to future
taxpayers who weren't there to vote."

That is what's evil, not Alan Greenspan pointing out that it's foolish.

John Young is editor of the Waco Tribune-Herald

"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator."

 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
their website http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0012/18/nd.01.html

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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