-Caveat Lector-

America, Land of the Herded
by Ed Lewis

"The Americans are the most subserviant and well trained sheep the world has ever 
seen. The other countries of the world need to unite and stop this nation of sheep." 
--Taupo, New Zealand

One of the most disheartening bits of knowledge one can have is that of the extreme 
gullibility of the American people and the fact that even when confronted with facts, 
the lies are believed rather than the facts. This is not only in regards to the 
propaganda put forth by the government controlled media, but also in regards to the 
denial of statutes that state clearly [rare] to whom 'laws' apply.

When one can give another American the exact statute that declares - for example - 
that no American Citizen is made liable for a tax on his private and personal 
property, that only artificial entities may be taxed for privileges given and the 
Citizen makes some comment like - 'Well, I am going to pay my taxes' as if that makes 
them a great American and as if it is their duty to pay the piper, the personal battle 
to educate people becomes increasingly difficult to keep at.

How utterly brain washed the American people are. Not all, of course, as there are now 
millions who are becoming enlightened and accepting the truth. This is especially in 
regards to the federal income tax that is being collected by a foreign bank through 
horrendous frauds perpetrated against the brain washed people.

One can give those who are determined to remain in ignorance the exact jurisdiction of 
the federal government and explain to them the federal income tax is nothing more than 
a kick back to the federal government for benefits and privileges given artificial 
entities or natural by birthright Americans who through privilege are allowed earnings 
from a foreign source with which the United States has a tax treaty. Watch their faces 
and listen to their dimwitted argument that usually includes something like 'I know we 
have to pay income tax - it's the law.'

To make matters worse, many of the enlightened concerning federal [and state] income 
tax go along with property tax being placed on the property of natural by birthright 
Americans. How they believe the one and deny the other is beyond this writer. Both are 
in violation of the very philosophies this nation was founded on - the right to own 
property clear and free of government control.

Both income and property tax are property seizures without due process, with due 
process demanding that seizures of American Citizen's personal property only being 
lawfully seized temporarily as evidence of a crime or upon conviction of a crime in 
which the property is shown to be directly related.

Both are a form of direct taxation that is prohibited by the Constitution.

Both involve fiat money, which is fake money. Only gold and silver coins may be used 
as money. Because it is fake money, it cannot be used to compute any tax or in reality 
to pay any debt. CFR 31.3124 declares that this 'note' - a promise of being redeemable 
in gold or silver or an I.O.U. - cannot be used in the computation of any tax.

Your property, whether it is land and appurtenances, automobiles, pick-ups, or 
whatever, are real and solid property while the tax is based on a false premise, that 
the note [Federal Reserve Note] is redeemable in real money, defined to this day as 
silver and gold coins of given purity and weight.

Thus, when one doesn't pay a 'tax' because of knowing the law, his property is seized 
and sold for 'back taxes' by an artificial entity that hasn't any proprietary or other 
security interest in the property. Thus, the non-payment of a worthless piece or 
pieces of paper is exchanged for property that truly reflects ownership of something 
of real worth that one has traded his labor for. And, Liberty. For without the right 
to own property free and clear of government encumbrances, we are not free.

The American people have been herded like lower animals to the belief it is their 
'duty' to pay such taxes, that America would fall apart if they did not do their 
patriotic duty. How brainwashed we are. The actual patriotic duty is to NOT give up 
their property to a government. It is their patriotic duty to support the natural 
rights of man and the Constitution securing those rights, including the Bill of Rights 
and factual 'money'.

The natural rights of man and the common law of the Constitution - and the Bill of 
Rights - declare that no man's property can be taken without due process or without 
his consent. Some legislative body saying that property may be taken in the form of 
taxes is acting in an unconstitutional fashion and avoiding due process completely. 
The seizure of the land and other property is nothing more than racketeering by those 
in government enforcing such unlawful taxation.

All forms of taxation laid directly on your property and earnings are infringements 
upon your rights - your property. Thus, a true patriot will read the laws and learn 
what they mean rather than allowing the frauds to continue. A true patriot doing his 
duty would never say anything remotely similar to 'it is my duty to pay my tax on my 
property'. This is 'unpatriotic' and is contrary to all that is good about this 

Then we have the fear being used to get Americans to give up all other rights, from 
privacy on. This is the doings of a control group behind and controlling the US 
Government but seemingly to be headed by such people as Bush, Ashcroft, Rumsfeld, and 
a few others. It is the controllers of the Federal Reserve Bank - the people that can 
buy and sell hundreds of Bushes and his cohorts against patriotism - that actually 
control the puppets in government, including the wannabe tyrant Bush who has never 
been a 'leader' but only a follower. And a failing one at that.

World dominion is the goal of these people and it matters not whether one wants to 
relate them to the Illuminati, CFR, IMF, Tri-Lateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, or 
any of the other groups treated as 'conspiracy theory' targets. The people in the 
process of being herded around like a bunch of dumb animals to slaughter believe 
conspiracy theories are just fiction and not founded in fact. Woe to them and theirs 
when the truth outs. And, sadly, this must extend to those who do know and understand 
the intent of the US Government aggressions.

Disinformation is the food for those being herded. They eat up the lies, growing fat, 
lazy, and complacent from what it thinks the government is 'giving' them. They ignore 
the truth of what is happening right before their very eyes and believe the government 
to be benevolent.

The culprits are spinning the lies through the media they control and are often 
high-placed officials that the herded have misplaced faith in. Then, the 
unconstitutional and unholy actions by the herders of the masses usually follow acts 
the evil scum elite have taken to instill greater fear, such as the Murrah Building, 
WTC, the Pentagon, and so-called threats [although never is there any evidence of 
such] from targeted Middle Eastern countries.

Thus, these devils from hell tell the people that all rights must be removed so that 
their rights and the American way can be protected. Read that again. 'Rights must be 
removed so the their rights and the American way can be protected.' How utterly stupid 
this is. How can any thinking person believe such a lie? How can anyone with a tenth 
of a brain accept giving up rights will protect rights?

Well, the herded can and do accept such blatant inconsistencies. And then the devil's 
helpers have the gall to tell the masses of human livestock, 'you don't need weapons - 
we will protect you.' And this is after failing miserably to do just that. Won't 
people ever wake up to the incompetence and non-existent good will of the government?

The herded also believe that although there have been dozens of ties of people, such 
as Bush and his bunch to extremely high profits because of WTC, along with ties to 
Enron, to Department of Defense contractors [Carlyle Group,] to special oil and drug 
dealers, to prison systems and the huge profits made from imprisoning American 
Citizens, and others, that the people in government wouldn't do such things - they are 

They believe such crap, such as we had to attack Afghanistan and destroy it. Afterall, 
it had within its borders the US Government's CIA operative, bin Laden, and even 
though the country wanted to hunt for and turn him over, the 
military/politico/industrial complex as voiced by Bush, Rumsfeld, and others said it 
is too late [before any sortie had been flown] - Afghanistan was going to get the crap 
bombed out of it so that the US Government could install the government it wanted. 
And, never mind what innocent Afghans wanted. And, that the attack had been in the 
planning for between three and four years and was to take place in October 2001, even 
if WTC didn't happen.

Now the herded believe the spins of our 'elite' leaders who are saying that Iraq must 
be attacked. It may have weapons of mass destruction and it may someday use them 
against America. What a load of disinformation crappola this is. It is using fear, 
fear instilled by government spin-makers, to herd the gullible into the attempt at 
world conquest by a few dastardly people composed of pure evil.

Hussein may be one of the most evil leaders ever but he has volunteered to allow 
inspectors in Iraq. What is the answer of the Federal Government? Yeah, right, 'it 
doesn't matter - we are going to attack anyway.' So, one might ask - who is the most 
evil in this case, Hussein or the military/politico/industrialists leaders of or 
behind the Federal Government?

At any rate, the next step to World War III will be taken by the elitists but voiced 
by Bush and his cronies. The real behind the scenes controllers will - as always - 
remain secreted in the dark alleys and backrooms where evil lurks.

Then the herded believe that the US Government hiring foreign nationals as airport 
security is the right and American way to do things. How in the hell can this be right?

Shouldn't Americans be protecting Americans?

Or are the foreigners hired actually in the employ of black ops of the US Government? 
Are they part of the plan to control through foreigners the American people since it 
is possible that many law enforcers and military people might one day wake up, 
realizing what their boss and his cohorts in crimes against the people are actually up 
to? Isn't it possible that these trained people instead of aiming their weapons at 
their fellow American Citizens, could very well turn on those who would circumvent and 
destroy the Constitution - their bosses?

Why has the US Government allowed German bases within the 50 states? And the German 
troops have been or are being trained in domestic control, including the removal of 
arms from the American people?

Why are hundreds - perhaps thousands - of foreigners being allowed to come into this 
country without any form of control, identification, and any limiting factors 

Why are military training programs carried out in cities and town across this nation, 
training exercises directed to the control of civilians and their communities, 
including the confiscation of firearms? You know - give them up or we'll blow you away.

Well, the herded believe it is for our protection and the preservation of America and 
human rights. The believers of such are so stupid and ignorant it is beyond belief. 
One does not preserve the American way of life by the government, whether the Federal, 
State or local, removing our means of protection, filling our streets with foreign and 
domestic soldiers using armed force against patriots, and forcing the whole of the 
American people into submission to armed and dangerous US Government thugs.

More enlightened people ask, 'what can we do' - 'what can we do?' Well, what will not 
work is writing letters to officials who could give a damn about your rights and the 
American way. It is a waste of time and effort. They may be some who might care but 
are just too cowardly to step forward and insist on the Constitution being followed to 
the letter.

What else won't work are people in scattered pockets working for this or that. By the 
time any of it is put in force, it will be too late. And, besides, at some point, 
every 'solution' put in effect will come under government scrutiny. Those attempting 
to enforce viable measures will be treated just as now - incarcerated under false 
accusations and without any due process. Nothing will change other than a tremendous 
increase in 'disappearances'. Bush and his bunch have assured this with the 
anti-Patriot Act, Homeland Security, FEMA [and the State's counterpart,] TIPS, and 
military tribunals, just a more drastic form of the courts we now have.

Without fear to control officials, there is no control. They are out of hand because 
the people have allowed them to do as they want without any serious repercussions 
against them. They have no fear of redress being demanded of them, or of punishments 
forced upon them.

Thousands of people are ripped out of their property - millions when one considers 
unlawful taxation - annually. People are thrown out of their homes because of false 
accusations and false liability for property and other tax. Law enforcers, judges, and 
prosecutors are making billions annually through illegal and unlawful seizures of 
property done often on no more than an urge to do it because they can, some drugged 
out informant, or other TIPS-ter.

Law enforcers kill with impunity. All they have to say is they felt they were 
threatened or that the human resisted arrest or some other concoction of lies. Never 
mind it was a 12 or 14 year old lying flat on his face, or a defenseless woman 
reaching for her driver's license, or someone who just looked at them in an angry, 
distasteful fashion.

Good Lord, these people are killers. But the herded just continue letting them get 
away with it because the law enforcement department said it was okay - they followed 
procedure. Yeah, as if a valid procedure is to try, convict, and execute on the street 
while lacking any proof of guilt or intent.

The herded will continue to be herded while the rest of the world watches in fear as 
the American people are manipulated by lie after lie. They see what is coming. They 
know that unless the American people wake up and realize the fear is being created to 
manufacture a world war and rid themselves of the perpetrators by non-violent or 
violent means that the world is going to suffer as it has not suffered since the Black 

The Plague killed half the people on Earth at the time - about 150,000,000 - 
indiscriminately and without any form of mercy. Now, the merciless 'leaders' of the 
'free' world - at least of the US Government and its backroom controllers - is setting 
up to do the same thing, that is, indiscriminately kill all who oppose the idea of a 
one world controlling faction.

Thus, it is up to those who love Liberty and the true American way that must stand up 
to and instill fear in government officials. It must be done through immediately 
through the courts, if possible, but, if not, then through arms. The latter seems to 
be a dirty idea to most Americans but not so with the government.

So, why is the government allowed to defend itself [shoot and murder with intent - 
WACO - innocent people] but the people aren't allowed to defend themselves against 
aggressive law enforcers keyed up for a shoot out? Isn't the only purpose of 
government and its law enforcers to protect the rights of the people?

The questions will sooner or later boil down to - are freedom and human dignity worth 
fighting for? Must we face the wrath of the rest of the world and the governments of 
this country because we have allowed 'leaders' [using this term with great scorn] of 
this country to circumvent and destroy all human rights? One day - whether we like it 
or not - each of us will answer these questions.
Ed Lewis is a veteran writer, having been published in many online journals and 
newspapers. Mr. Lewis, a Missourian dedicated to liberty and truth, may be reached for 
comment at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-end article-

None are so hopelessly enslaved,
as those who falsely believe they are free
The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds
By masters who rule them with lies
They feed them on falsehoods till wrong looks like right in their eyes.
-Carl Klang

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