-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Not ALL journalist are slaves to the corporate/censored media...

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: Comments Dept. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2000 10:14 AM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: Internet Exclusive Column By Matthew Mittan

Copyright 2000, Permission to forward, post or publish granted with
attribution. The Asheville Tribune is a Weekly News Magazine based in NC.

Commentary by Matthew Mittan, The Asheville Tribune

I have received literally hundreds of emails from people across the country
struggling to figure out "what to do" about all the federal land grabs
occurring across the nation. Those Emails have compelled me to share an
observation and thought with those who care to hear it. What you choose to
do from there is up to you.

The people that are carrying out these land initiatives are out of the reach
of the Constitutional process. They are not elected, they do not
specifically answer to Congress, as a matter of fact they have within their
grasps the full functions of every branch of government without any system
of checks and balances.

Many Federal Bureaucracies.....

1 - make their own regulations (minus Congress),
2 - investigate violations of those same regulations (without independent
3- impose their own fines/penalties (without the courts),
4 - arrest/apprehend people who defy them (without elected law enforcement
5 - and the only defensive option private citizens have is to sue the
federal organization in a federal court.

Overwhelmingly, people will not resist federal agencies (due to lack of
money, knowledge or confidence). And here's the REAL kicker, when these
federal agencies DO get dragged into court, the TAXPAYERS pay for their
defense. A citizen would be hard pressed to outspend the federal government
on legal costs, don't you agree?

The bureaucrats involved face NO personal accountability for their actions.
They simply take the court setback, rename a program, then press on ahead
through towns and regions that do not question the Constitutionality of
their initiatives.

In addition to the institutional protection afforded to bureaucrats, rarely
do media report on their actions. And when they do they almost NEVER report
on them by name, they only refer to them as "an official from the Department
of _____" or "a spokesman for the Bureau of _____."

That is where I, as an American tax payer, see the challenge. Let's make the
individuals in these agencies PERSONALLY accountable for their own actions
AND for the programs/practices of their organizations. They must bare the
brunt of the financial, legal, public and career consequences of programs
that are found to violate peoples'/States inalienable rights THEMSELVES. Why
should we, the American tax payers, fund the continuous defense of
agents/agencies that attack the sovereign liberties of private citizens or
legitimate businesses?

If this type of reform were enacted by Congress, I believe that the kind of
activities that are igniting a fire of dissent in our nation would be
virtually erased, returning the control and functioning to The People, where
it belongs.

No number of "informed elected officials" with good intentions can ever
counter a system that is set up in the manner that the current Federal
Bureaucracies are now set up. Only by enforcing the ideal that individuals
within government must be held to the same measure of personal
accountability, as any individual or business owner in America would have to
face, will true change take hold.

(Mr. Mittan is the editor of The Asheville Tribune in North Carolina.

Send comments to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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