-Caveat Lector-

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fwd from L Moss Sharman Judge won't let convicted Bakersfield child molester post bail Brian Skoloff, AP Writer 3/15/04 ""In Bakersfield alone, 46 people were arrested in eight alleged child molestation rings. Thirty were convicted, eight had their charges dropped and eight struck plea deals that kept them from prison. Twenty two of the 30 convictions were later reversed for reasons including legal technicalities, prosecutorial misconduct or faulty jury instructions." http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/news/archive/2004/03/15/state1714EST0111.DTL

Grand jury convened for Dupre case By Chuck Colbert "A grand jury has been convened to investigate the case of Bishop Thomas L. Dupre, who resigned as head of the Springfield, Mass., diocese Feb. 11 after two men accused him of sexually molesting them more than 25 years ago, when they were 13 and 12 years old. If the grand jury indicts Dupre, he would become the first prelate with criminal allegations against him to face prosecution in the sex abuse crisis, still rocking the region and nation. "I have determined that there is probable cause to support these allegations," Hampden District Attorney William Bennett said..."  http://natcath.org/NCR_Online/archives2/2004a/031904/031904j.htm

This article has graphic details of crimes. Alarm at Liberian ritual killings 3/19/04 "Hundreds of Liberian women have taken to the streets of the capital, Monrovia, protesting against a recent wave of ritual killings at the capital." http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/3551355.stm

Psychiatric News March 19, 2004 Volume 39 Number 6 c 2004 American Psychiatric Association p. 59  Clinical & Research News - PTSD Program Breaks New Ground in Canada  Joan Arehart-Treichel Canada offers an inpatient treatment program for adults with posttraumatic stress disorder." ""The program, which is underwritten by Canada's universal health insurance system, runs six weeks. It has been in existence for a decade and, to date, has treated some 3,000 PTSD patients, from child-abuse survivors and motor-accident victims to eacekeepers who have witnessed atrocities."  Http://pn.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/full/39/6/59

Psychiatric News March 19, 2004 Volume 39 Number 6 c 2004 American Psychiatric Association p. 59  Clinical & Research News - PTSD Program Breaks New Ground in Canada  Joan Arehart-Treichel Canada offers an inpatient treatment program for adults with posttraumatic stress disorder." ""The program, which is underwritten by Canada's universal health insurance system, runs six weeks. It has been in existence for a decade and, to date, has treated some 3,000 PTSD patients, from child-abuse survivors and motor-accident victims to eacekeepers who have witnessed atrocities."  Http://pn.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/full/39/6/59

Psychiatric News March 19, 2004 Volume 39 Number 6 c 2004 American Psychiatric Association p. 61  Clinical & Research News - Brain Activation May Explain PTSD Flashbacks "Joan Arehart-Treichel PTSD subjects appear to process traumatic memories differently from subjects without PTSD. This difference may help explain why people with PTSD tend to recall traumatic memories as visual flashbacks, while those without the disorder recall verbal narratives. When persons with posttraumatic stress disorder remember trauma, right areas of their brains tend to be activated, whereas when individuals without PTSD remember trauma, left areas of their brains are apt to be aroused, according to a study reported in the January American Journal of Psychiatry.  The study was headed by Ruth Lanius, M.D., Ph.D., an assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, and an affiliate of the Robarts Research Institute." http://pn.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/full/39/6/61
The full article is at http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/full/161/1/36?

Organ trafficking story 'created out of nothing'  Jordane Bertrand | Nampula 3/16/04 "A Danish woman and her Zimbabwean husband accused of trafficking human organs in Mozambique say they have been persecuted for eight months most probably in a bid to grab land." http://www.mg.co.za/Content/l3.asp?ao=32748

Posted on Mon, Mar. 15, 2004
AP: Privacy Protecting Programs Killed

Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Two cutting-edge computer projects designed to preserve the privacy of Americans were quietly killed while Congress was restricting Pentagon data-gathering research in a widely publicized effort to protect innocent citizens from futuristic anti-terrorism tools.

As a result, the government is quietly pressing ahead with research into high-powered computer data-mining technology without the two most advanced privacy protections developed to police those terror-fighting tools.

"It's very inconsistent what they've done," said Teresa Lunt of the Palo Alto Research Center, head of one of the two government-funded privacy projects eliminated last fall.

Even members of Congress like Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., who led the fight to restrict the Pentagon terrorism research, remain uncertain about the nature of the research or the safeguards. He won a temporary ban on using the tools against Americans on U.S. soil but wants to require the administration to give Congress a full description of all its data-mining research.

"We feel Congress is not getting enough information about who is undertaking this research and where it's headed and how they intend to protect the civil liberties of Americans," said Chris Fitzgerald, Wyden's spokesman.
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