-Caveat Lector-

>>>If you can't "f" it up REE-uHHL good, don't "f" with it at all!<<<

Sunday, 9 February, 2003, 22:26 GMT
Belgium to block US Nato request

Michel says Belgium's position is settled

Belgium says it will block an American

request for Nato to start preparing a deployment of forces designed to
protect Turkey in the event of a US-led war with Iraq.

Members states have until Monday to state formal objections to the US

France has also indicated it will oppose the request and wield its veto,
despite pressure from the US

The rift between Washington and what US Defence Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld termed "old Europe" threatens to do lasting damage to NATO
solidarity, according to the BBC's Stephen Sackur in Brussels.


"We are going to block it between now and Monday - it is settled,"
Belgium's Foreign Minister Louis Michel said.

Rumsfeld's "old Europe" remarks have offended many US allies
"When one has to take a slap in the face such as the insulting remarks... by
Mr Rumsfeld, who comes to teach a thing or two to 'old Europe', the
Europe of democratic values, humanist Europe, the Europe of the Age of
Enlightenment, personally I find that this hurts."

Officials in Paris have repeatedly warned that a Nato deployment at this
time would send the wrong signal - namely that war was inevitable.

But Turkey is nervous about possible Iraqi counterattacks on its southern

Nato's article IV says: "Parties will consult together whenever, in the
opinion of any of them, the territorial integrity, political independence of
security of any of the parties is threatened."

Who backs war?

Where key nations stand on Iraq

The stage is set for a furious behind-the- scenes row at Nato
headquarters, our correspondent says.

On Sunday, US Secretary of State Colin Powell said he found the moves to
block his government's request "inexcusable".

"I hope they will think differently by the time that they have to make a
judgment tomorrow."

Full coverage

Key stories
Powell: Key points
Iraqi rebuttal
World reaction
UK's 'copied' dossier

Iraq's 'last chance'
US 'winning over'

The US v Iraq


News in Arabic


TV and Radio reports


Is there enough

evidence to go to war?

See also:

09 Feb 03 | Europe
Putin rallies Europeans
on Iraq

08 Feb 03 | Europe
Germany challenges US
on Iraq

09 Feb 03 | Europe
Iraq disarmament plan
gains support

09 Feb 03 | Business
Rich world prepares
economy for war

Internet links:

The White House

Iraqi Presidency

Belgian Government


The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites

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