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Click Here: <A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:594793">Bilderberg
Papandreou; Turkey & NWO</A>
Subject: Bilderberg Papandreou; Turkey & NWO
Date: Sat, Feb 12, 2000 12:13 PM
Message-id: <884eti$h74$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Global Citizens:

Greek Foreign Minister [Bilderberg - my comment] George Papandreou
alledgedly attended the 1998 Bilderberg Conference in Turnberry,
Ayrshire, Scotland

<A HREF="http://www.tlio.demon.co.uk/1998.htm">http://www.tlio.demon.co.uk/199

Is Greece's attempts to persuade Turkey to become a European Union
member (1,2) a Bilderberg policy generated within the cozy confines of
their meetings; those ultrasecret proceedings which are even protected
from the tabloids - 'gee, what was the Queen of the Netherlands

Is it a policy forged in secrecy; public misrepresentation; and for
which there is no accounting?

It is curious to me that the People have never had a say about the end
of Cold War. Anyone who says it's over seems to be an "expert"; or a
media representative; or that rarity - a  NWO spokesman - the latter of
which we have observed recently due to Austria's Haider's positions on

IMO - the Cold War proceeds as long as there are secret groups - the
growth of its mentality must be reversed in the form of the People's
demand for an open society. The peace process must be extended to
include formal, cultural exchanges. Israel and the PLO should try this -
the peace process seemed to advanced itself when Albright was able to
have Netanyahu and Arafat meet for lunch.

Look at peace processes around the world. IMO - they are carefully
controlled by the New World Order. Do you folks agree with this

Finally, imagine a NATO aligned with the Turkish military. As I recall,
Turkey and Israel are allied in a relationship that provides for
additional security for Israel (correct me if I am wrong).

So, would the US try to stop an entry of Turkey into the EU (or the

Philip Henika

(1)***Saturday February 12 7:53 AM ET
Greece Renews Backing for Turkish EU Bid
By Adrian Dascalu

BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Greece and Turkey vowed on Saturday to keep on
improving their``very positive'' ties and the Greek prime minister
reiterated his support for Turkey's bid to join the European Union.

``We had a look at our relations up to the last meetings of foreign
ministers. We found the evolution  very positive,'' Prime Minister
Costas Simitis told Reuters after talks with Turkish Prime Minister
Bulent Ecevit in Bucharest.

The 20-minute meeting, on the fringes of a Balkans summit in Bucharest,
was another sign of the new diplomatic warmth between the traditional

The two premiers, looking relaxed, shook hands before the talks started
behind close doors in the sprawling marble lined parliament building
where the one-day conference is being held.

The private meeting had been requested by Simitis, Ecevit told reporters
before boarding a plane for Bucharest on Friday.

 ``We are happy with the results that thus far have been obtained (in
Greek-Turkish relations),'' Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit said.
``And we discussed common problems regarding theEuropean Union.''

EU leaders agreed at a summit in Helsinki in December that Turkey should
be made a formal candidate for EU membership.

Turkey had previously been kept at arm's length due to sour relations
with EU members and NATO ally Greece over territorial issues in the
Aegean, human rights, and the divided Mediterranean island of Cyprus.

Eathquakes Affected Relations

Relations warmed after Greece and Turkey were both hit by devastating
earthquakes last year. In December, Athens dropped its objections to the
EU classing Turkey as a membership candidate.

Simitis reiterated Greece's support for Turkey's plans to join the EU.

``Greece has declared long ago that we agree with the European
perspective of the EU and we want to help in this direction so we have
to discuss all these matters concerning (Turkey's) membership  of the
European Union and the evolution of relations of the region with the
EU,'' Simitis said.

Simitis has accepted an invitation to visit the Turkish capital Ankara.
But on Saturday neither he nor Ecevit would give a date for the visit.

A Greek official accompanying Simitis at the summit told Reuters: ``The
date of the visit will be decided after the elections (in Greece in
April). There is no problem.''

Greek Foreign Minister [Bilderberg - <A HREF="http://www.tlio.demon.co.uk/">ht
1998.htm] George Papandreou George Papandreou, meanwhile, said improved
relations between Turkey and the European Union boosted chances for
building security in the region.

``There is new momentum for Cyprus...and the rapprochement between
Greece and Turkey has created a new climate,'' Papandreou told Reuters

``It is only logical that the Greek Cypriots and the Turkish Cypriots
break down this last wall and live together peacefully,'' he said.

The Balkans summit brings together the premiers of Albania, Bulgaria,
Macedonia and Romania, Greece and Turkey.

Yugoslavia, an official member of the so-called Southeast Europe
Cooperation Project, has not beeninvited. Ex-Yugoslav republics Bosnia
and Croatia were attending as observers.

(2)***Sunday September 5 10:43 AM ET
EU Warms To Greeks Bearing Gifts For Turkey
By Ian Geoghegan

SAARISELKA, Finland (Reuters) - The distant prospect of Turkey joining
the European Union moved perceptibly closer Sunday as Greece injected
new impetus into its ties with Ankara.

Foreign ministers from the 15-nation bloc, meeting in a picturesque
Finnish ski resort deep within the Arctic Circle, pledged millions of
euros in aid to Turkey following last month's devastating earthquake.

Greek Foreign Minister [Bilderberg - <A HREF="http://www.tlio.demon.co.uk/">ht
1998.htm] George Papandreou spoke of a new dynamic in his country's long
running rivalry with Ankara and his colleagues hailed a new era in EU-
Turkey relations.

Asked whether Greece was ready under certain conditions to accept Turkey
as an EU candidate at the bloc's December summit in Helsinki,
[Bilderberg - <A HREF="http://www.tlio.demon.co.uk/1998.htm]">http://www.tlio.
demon.co.uk/1998.htm]</A> Papandreou said:
``Yes, certainly.''

``Greece is saying very clearly it is in Greece's interest to see a
European Turkey,'' he said, but cautioned there were still problems over
Cyprus and territorial claims on Aegean islands.

French Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine said there had been a
''spectacular improvement'' in relations between Greeks and Turks.

Greece unblocked 150 million euros ($159.3 million) in EU aid for
Turkey, held up since last year, and supported other EU aid initiatives,
including 30 million euros to help Turkey rebuild quake-damaged housing
and a loan of up to 600 million euros for Turkish reconstruction.

As a further sign of the political thaw, Turkish Foreign Minister
[Bilderberg <A HREF="http://www.tlio.demon.co.uk/1998.htm]">http://www.tlio.de
mon.co.uk/1998.htm]</A>  Ismail Cem was
invited for talks with foreign ministers in Brussels on September 13.

On the broader issue of EU enlargement, ministers shied away from
setting firm dates for finalizing membership negotiations with candidate
countries, saying such offers would be premature as talks with leading
candidates were less than half finished.

The EU opened membership talks with five eastern European hopefuls --
Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Estonia -- and Cyprus
in March 1998.

These negotiations are going slowly and have not even begun to touch on
contentious issues such as agriculture and the free movement of people.

Another nine countries have applied or expressed an interest in joining
the Western bloc at a time when the Balkans conflict has given the
enlargement drive a sharper focus as the EU seeks to shore up the ``Old
Continent'' and prevent further war.

No one realistically expects any new member to join the EU before 2006-

During their Saturday session, ministers agreed to lift an oil embargo
and international flight ban on Montenegro and Kosovo, but shelved plans
to extend this to democratically controlled parts of Serbia.

Some EU states wanted to ease sanctions on ordinary Serbs who face the
prospect of a winter without heating after NATO knocked out power
stations during its bombing campaign during the Kosovo crisis.

But others, notably Britain, wanted to see more clear signs that Serbs
embraced common European values and said President Slobodan Milosevic
must go before serious aid is sent to Serbia.

Ministers will consider inviting Serb opposition group representatives
to talks in Brussels and may press for local elections in Serbia, but no
formal decisions were taken.

They expressed serious concern over the escalation of organized crime in
what one EU diplomat called the ``bandit country'' on the Albania-Kosovo

The EU is likely to ask NATO-led peacekeepers to toughen up patrols in
the region and crack down on racketeers and gun runners. They may also
press Albania to tighten curbs on organized gangs as a condition for
closer EU ties.

The meeting also called on Indonesia to halt the spiraling violence in
East Timor and pledged to support the territory whose people have just
voted overwhelmingly for independence.

Ministers said there could be a case for sending international
peacekeepers into the former Portuguese colony, while European
Commission experts would look at the options for a structural economic
assistance program for East Timor.

($1-.9414 Euro)

Philip Henika

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Before you buy.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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