-Caveat Lector-

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Phoenix Bishop Arrested in Hit and Run - Phoenix's Catholic Bishop Thomas O'Brien Arrested in Fatal Hit-And-Run Accident Phoenix - AP 6/16/03 - "The Roman Catholic bishop of Phoenix was arrested Monday in a deadly hit-and-run accident after police traced a license plate number to his car and found the windshield caved in. Bishop Thomas O'Brien, 67, was jailed Monday night. Police said he would be booked on a charge of leaving the scene of a fatal accident." "And in 1985, the former president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Archbishop John R. Roach of St. Paul and Minneapolis, pleaded guilty to drunk driving and was sentenced to 38 hours in jail, a fine of $445 and ongoing substance abuse treatment. He did not resign as archbishop over the incident and served another decade."  http://abcnews.go.com/wire/US/ap20030616_2018.html
Ariz. Bishop Says He Hid Abuse Complaints Phoenix Bishop Acknowledges He Hid Abuse Allegations Against Priests, Gives Up  Some Authority Ap Phoenix 6/2/03 "Under the agreement, Bishop Thomas J. O'Brien acknowledged he concealed sex-abuse allegations against priests, Maricopa County Attorney Rick Romley said Monday. O'Brien, the spiritual leader of 430,000 Catholics in Arizona since 1981, signed the agreement May 3. The deal guarantees him immunity from prosecution for any criminal cover-up, Romley said." http://abcnews.go.com/wire/US/ap20030602_1135.html

from mparent Portugal reeling over child sex abuse scandal By Elizabeth Nash in Lisbon 6/16/03 "The opposition socialists...some of their senior MPs may be involved in scandal over sex abuse of boys in a state orphanage. The senior socialist MP Paulo Pedroso, number two in the party and a former labour minister, was taken from parliament by police and held for investigation three weeks ago on 15 counts of suspected child-sex abuse. Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues, the party leader, who is not accused of involvement, testified in court last week, and the former prime minister Antonio Guterres, who is also not under suspicion, visited him in jail to show support. The abuse accusations centre on Casa Pia, an austere building in a leafy Lisbon neighbourhood, home to children without families, or with parents too poor to care for them. Claims that boys suffered decades of sexual abuse while the authorities did nothing has thrown Portugal into deep shock." http://news.independent.co.uk/europe/story.jsp?story=415834

two from L Moss Sharman Alleged trooper sex acts listed - Accusations of sexual misconduct on the Pa. state police force are outlined in a court filing. By Chris Gray Inquirer Staff Writer 6/14/03 "A court filing unsealed yesterday that contains a summary of sexual misconduct allegations against more than 100 Pennsylvania State Police troopers portrays a force where on-duty officers engaged in sexual acts and harassment without fear of reprisal."  http://www.philly.com/mld/inquirer/news/local/6085262.htm

Arrests of Caregivers Raise Alarm - About 30,000 workers at state-licensed centers have been cited since January. Officials seek more funds to investigate the cases. By Sue Fox 6/14/03 "A new detection system found that about 30,000 employees who care for children, the disabled and the elderly at state-licensed facilities have been arrested since January, alarming officials, who say they need more workers to keep track of the arrests.  "If timely action is not taken, vulnerable children and adults may remain in substandard care facilities or under the care of abusive or neglectful providers..." "Only 2% of the arrests so far this year involve so-called "non-exemptible" crimes such as child abuse or rape." http://www.latimes.com/

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