-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Black leader blasts Jesse Jackson
Says civil-rights advocates have 'their tails between their legs'



By Jon Dougherty
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

The black leader of a California-based nonprofit organization has blasted
Jesse Jackson and other civil rights leaders for accusing the Bush
administration of targeting black leaders in the U.S.

Jesse Peterson

The Rev. Jesse R. Peterson of the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny –
or BOND – said Monday that Jackson, Al Sharpton and Atlanta Mayor Bill
Campbell were "desperate" to remain relevant now that President Bush and his
team are in power.

Speaking at the State of the Black World Conference meeting in Atlanta last
weekend, Jackson characterized the administration as being "extreme right
wing" and accused the Bush team of "targeting our leadership."

"The extreme right wing has seized the government. Tonight, [Attorney General
John] Ashcroft, the CIA, the FBI, Homeland Security and the IRS can work
together, so look out," Jackson said. "Because without a definition of who is
a terrorist, anyone can be. … The right-wing media, the FBI – they are
targeting our leadership."

In his speech, Jackson also said it would be important for Democrats to win
next year's congressional elections.

"If we [Democrats] can win in 2002, we can empower 40 of our black leaders,"
he said. "Maxine [Waters] becomes a No. 1 congressional leader … and we can
put on trial the Ashcroft contingent."

"How does the terrorist attack on America relate to black leadership?" asked
Peterson. "Is Jackson saying that black leaders are terrorist groups and are
afraid that the government is coming after them as well? Is Jackson afraid of
the IRS? Does he have something to hide?"

"Jackson's statement reveals that so-called black leaders are now on the run
with their tails between their legs because President Bush and the GOP have
the overwhelming support of the country behind them – including minority
voters," he added. "The popularity of President Bush has Jackson and others
grasping at straws to hold on to power."

In a statement, BOND says it will sponsor the third annual "National Day of
Repudiation of Jesse Jackson" in Los Angeles Jan. 21, 2002 – which is also
the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Peterson has pledged to hold the
event every year "until Jesse Jackson repents of his ways and stops
attempting to tear the races apart for his own personal gain."

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