-Caveat Lector-

I reported that this fire was, a good FOUR weeks ago, so large that one could see it from Rawlins, Wyoming - A GOOD 350 MILES AWAY.

copied from http://www.missoulian.com/display/inn_news/news15.txt

Blaze allowed to burn in Wyoming

By the Associated Press

Western wildfires

YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, Wyo. - Strong winds caused a remote fire in Yellowstone National Park to grow six times in size over two days, but officials were still allowing it to burn.

The lightning-caused Phlox fire, which is blackening whitebark pine, lodgepole pine and spruce, was at 80 acres early Wednesday but grew to 480 acres by Friday morning.

The blaze, in the southeast corner of the park about 25 miles southeast of Lake Junction, was reported Aug. 10 but may have started as early as Aug. 4.

Because of its remote location, lack of threat to developed areas, the need to reduce further build-up of downed timber, and recent rainy, cooler weather, the fire is being allowed to burn.

"It's well within the parameters," park spokeswoman Cheryl Matthews said.

The Broad fire, which has burned 9,140 acres just east of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, remained 95 percent contained. The blaze broke out June 27 from lightning.


5-week-old Colorado fire triples in size

STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, Colo. - Hot weather and gusts up to 30 mph hampered efforts to manage a 5-week-old wildfire that tripled in size overnight.

The 1,800-acre fire was sparked by lightning July 8 but was being allowed to burn because it was in the remote Flattops Wilderness Area, 34 miles southwest of Steamboat Springs and 125 miles west of Denver, fire information officer Sue Froeschle said.

Nearly 100 firefighters were pulled off the lines early Friday because of high winds, but had worked to protect 50 structures threatened by the blaze, Froeschle said.

"The likely scenario is the fire will pass around those structures," she said.

Rio Blanco Ranch, Trappers Lake Lodge and Trappers Lake Campground remained evacuated after the fire crept to within a half-mile of the buildings Thursday night. More than a dozen trails were closed.


Burnouts used on massive Oregon fire

GOLD BEACH, Ore. - Firefighters on the northwest flank of the massive Biscuit Fire in southwest Oregon took advantage of calm winds as they prepared to light more backfires along a containment line Friday night.

Tom Lavagnino, fire spokesman, said the fire continued to grow and all eyes were on the weather. A cooling trend is expected to begin Saturday.

Meanwhile, two firefighters were injured Friday morning when their fire engine crashed about one mile from Cavitt Creek while en route to the Tiller Fire Complex near Roseburg.

Both were taken to Mercy Medical Center in Roseburg, said Barbara Dougan, a spokeswoman at the Tiller Fire.

Firefighter Ryan Rose was released; Joseph Smith was admitted, but was in good condition, said Dixie Williams, a nursing supervisor.

also see:

Wildfire For Profit?


Contral, Chemtrail, or Atmospheric Research?


Oregon is burning


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