-Caveat Lector-

CIA Director Reviews Threats To U.S. Security


By K.P. Foley

Washington, 8 February 2001 (RFE/RL) -- The chief U.S. intelligence officer
says Iran's ballistic missile development program continues to pose a threat
to the national security of the United States.

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director George Tenet also says Iraq is
likely to have a ballistic missile system ready in a few years that will
threaten the Middle East.

The assessments were part of the CIA's annual review of worldwide security
concerns. Tenet spoke Wednesday to the U.S. Senate's Select Intelligence
Committee in both a public session and a confidential meeting held behind
closed doors.

Tenet said proliferation of missiles, chemical weapons and other weapons of
mass destruction remains a primary concern for U.S. security planners. He
said Iran is well along in its missile development.

"Iran has one of the largest and most capable ballistic missile programs in
the Middle East. Its public statements suggest that it plans to develop
longer-range rockets for use in a space-launch program, but Tehran could
follow the North Korean pattern and test an ICBM capable of delivering a
light payload to the United States in the next few years."

He said the agency expected Iraq to continue working on a missile system as

"Given the likelihood that Iraq continues its missile development work, we
think that it too could develop an ICBM capability sometime in the next
decade assuming it received foreign assistance. "

Tenet said foreign assistance was a crucial component for Iran in its effort
to develop its weapons technology. The CIA director said that despite U.S.
pleadings and some sanctions levied against a few enterprises, some Russian
institutions provided that foreign assistance.

"Russian entities last year continued to supply a variety of ballistic
missile-related goods and technical know-how to countries such as Iran,
India, China, and Libya. Indeed, the transfer of ballistic missile
technology from Russia to Iran was substantial last year, and in our
judgment will continue to accelerate Iranian efforts to develop new missiles
and to become self-sufficient in production."

Tenet told the senators that he was puzzled by these Russian actions. He
said it is conceivable that Iran and its militant form of Islam could pose a
threat to Russia and its interests as well.

The director said the past year has proven to be a disappointing one for
supporters of political and social reforms in Iran. He reviewed moves by
authoritarian forces to reassert their control.

"Prospects for near-term political reform are now fading. Opponents of
reform have not only muzzled the open press, they have also arrested
prominent activists and blunted the legislature's powers. Over the summer,
Supreme Leader Khamenei ordered the new legislature not to ease press
restrictions, a key reformist pursuit. This signaled the narrow borders
within which he would allow the legislature to operate."

In Iraq, Tenet said President Saddam Hussein has succeeded in his effort to
weaken international sanctions against his regime, as well as the resolve of
the international community to keep those sanctions in place. Tenet said
Saddam's pursuit of weapons is a particular worry.

"Our most serious concern with Saddam Hussein must be the likelihood that he
will seek a renewed WMD capability both for credibility and because every
other strong regime in the region either has it or is pursuing it. For
example, the Iraqis have rebuilt key portions of their chemical production
infrastructure for industrial and commercial use. The plants he is
rebuilding were used to make chemical weapons precursors before the Gulf War
and their capacity exceeds Iraq's needs to satisfy its civilian

Turning to Russia, Tenet said Moscow is "driving for recognition" as a great
power. He said the agency sees this quest for status as a primary goal of
President Vladimir Putin.

"Let me be perfectly candid. There can be little doubt that President Putin
wants to restore some aspects of the Soviet past -- status as a great power,
strong central authority, and a stable and predictable society -- sometimes
at the expense of neighboring states or the civil rights of individual

Putin, he said, is also striving to limit U.S. influence with the other
former Soviet republics.

"Putin is making efforts to check U.S. influence in the other former Soviet
states and reestablish Russia as the premier power in the region. He has
increased pressure on his neighbors to pay their energy debts, is dragging
his feet on treaty-mandated withdrawals of forces from Moldova, and is using
a range of pressure tactics against Georgia."

In the Caucasus and Central Asia, Tenet said the strategic location of the
countries in those regions make their stability critical to the future of
Eurasia. He asserted that "corruption, poverty, and other social ills are
providing fertile ground for Islamic extremism, terrorist networking, and
drug and weapons trafficking that will have impact in Russia, Europe, and

He noted that the agency is becoming increasingly concerned about the
activities of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. Tenet described it as an
extremist insurgent and terrorist group and said its incursions into
Uzbekistan have become bloodier and more significant every year.

In the Balkans, Tenet said Yugoslavia's democratic leaders will "have a hard
time cleaning up the mess," left behind by deposed President Slobodan
Milosevic. Tenet said Milosevic, his family, and cronies, "stole much of
what had value, ran down industries, and wasted whatever resources were

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