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06/16/98 - Updated 07:15 PM EST

CIA girls gets away with Murder!
Prosecuter says he is pleased

"When it comes to drug smugglers and politicians, there's no such thing as
'Six Degrees of Separation."
--Palm Beach private investigator.

Susan Cummings, the now-notorious "CIA  girl," shot  and killed Roberto
Villegas, her polo-player boyfriend, at her Virgina horse country estate last
September. Testimony at the trial revealed that, methodically and in a
pre-meditated fashion, she executed the hapless Roberto as he sat defenseless
at her kitchen table.

No doubt Roberto--in his last few moments of life—was   stupefied to learn
just how brutally efficient a killing weapon the Walther semi-automatic is,
especially in Susan’s practiced hands.
But then when you’re the daughter, like Susan, of a CIA arms dealer, Samuel
Cummings, owner of Interarms, the largest private company in the largest
business on the planet today, you can probably get them to squeeze you in a
little practice time at the range.
Just a few months ago...just  this past spring... Susan was convicted. Of
A blemish. But she’ll live.
And then, in a tribute to the fairness American judicial system, Susan did
her time.
Though well-born, well-off, and the daughter of a government insider, she
paid her debt to society.

All six weeks of it.


For some definitive answers to the question of just how far we have slid from
the democratic ideal of our Forefathers, one need look no further than the
trial of Susan Cummings.
When it opened, it got coverage in all the "just right" international
newspapers, as well as on the network television programs and glossy
magazines of the tittilated lower classes.

CIA Girl, Come Fly with Me!

The attention was both because of what she had done—brutally and almost
offhandedly murdered her boyfriend while he sat at her kitchen table—and
because of who she was-- an example of the world’s newest royalty, an American
 CIA Princess.

A small battalion of sheriff's deputies surrounded the courthouse as Susan’s
murder trial began, standing ready to demand order from throngs of media and
curiosity seekers.
"Looky-loos" jostled with reporters from CBS News, the New York Times, even
papers in Argentina and London.

Although a small handful of Cummings supporters usually milled around, there
was a noticeable lack of locals in the reserved seats. Susan led a
more....internationally-flavored life.


In fact, as Susan and Diana Cummings led Sheriff's Sgt. Cuno Andersen to the
body of Roberto Villegas, he testified, the twin sisters were talking in

That didn't sit well with Sgt. Andersen, the first deputy to arrive at
Ashland Farm on the morning of the shooting.

"They were speaking a foreign language I didn't understand," Sgt. Andersen
said, haltingly. "I told them to stop . . . that if they were going to talk
they had to do it in English."
Sgt. Andersen did what sergeants do: summoned the sheriff's criminal
investigations division to the scene. Within an hour, investigators arrived
at the $2.3 million estate and placed the 35-year-old heiress under arrest.
They charged her with first-degree murder and use of a firearm in the
commission of a felony.
She had shot Mr. Villegas four times in the kitchen of her Ashland Farm
estate. If convicted, she could receive a life prison sentence. The daughter
of wealthy international arms dealer Sam Cummings spent the night in the
county jail.
The next day she gained her release.
And this is where our story really begins... because this is where Susan
pulled out her all-access pass to ConnectedLand.

"This pass lets you go to the front of the line, Miss."

The strange case of CIA girl Susan Cummings encouraged more than usual
speculation in the tonier precints of our nation's capital about several inter
esting questions.
For instance, why were Susan and her sister speaking French when the police
arrived? Shouldn't the daughter of a top CIA gunpusher be required to speak
One thought: the Normans--who conquered England back in the Middle
Ages--spoke French among themselves. Had President Clinton signed an
executive order declaring a new Dark Ages across the arguably-great and
certainly-majestic continent of North America?
There had, after all been a lot of talk on the  Internet---that darn
Internet, again!--about an ominous development called the New "World Order,"
that had a sort of hazy definition that included Bilderburgers  and
bungeejumpers and what-not.
But speaking French sounded too extreme even for that crowd,  so the betting
was that the sisters  just didn't want the snoopy cop to know what they were
talking about.

CIA Girl Wandering in America

It wasn’t long before the talk began...
And it hasn’t died since.
Because how many first degree murder defendants, facing the chilling prospect
of life in prison.... get permission from the judge to spend ...Christmas in

You’ll never guess who did.

"Daddy was a Big Success"

So just who is this influential man posing as Susan’s father? Samuel Cummings
was recruited, while still young, to arm the 1954 Guatemala secret invasion.
Today, half-century has passed since the genteel Philadelphian first dabbled
in guns, and more than a generation since he rose to the top of the global
small-arms trade.
His career is the history of post-World War 2 America: a long run of wars,
coups and revolutions, from the '50s to the '90s, that his company,
Interarms, helped equip, sometimes both sides.

Eternal optimist, that Sam

Cummings and his Swiss wife lived in jet-set comfort in a 14 room apartment
in tax-haven Monaco and a sprawling chalet, 4,000 feet up, in Switzerland's
Bernese Alps. Though born an American, he had become a British subject.
The guiding principle of Mr. Cummings's business strategy was the idea that
"the military market is based on human folly -- not normal market precepts.
Human folly goes up and down, but it always exists -- and its depths have
never been plumbed."
Sam is expressing a dualistic Zoroastrian philosophy here, understand, and
not rationalizing being the so-called "merchant of death."
He was probably the kind of guy who'd say things like,  "you know, you can't
have a light without a dark to stick it into."
After graduating from George Washington University, he studied briefly at
Oxford University.
His next stop was the CIA, where he was a specialist in weapons.


"Coincidentist" is a word coined to describe those who tell us that life is
all just one big misunderstanding. The "Kennedy thing," as Nixon used to put
it, not a conspiracy, just a coincidence.
These people talk like the sorts of rubes that people sell bridges to. But
they are in positions of power all over our society, at or near the top, and
they also tend to be shrewd in business.
But, like Sam Cummings, our current President, William Jefferson Clinton, is
also reported to have been recruited into the CIA while at Oxford.
Of course, too, former Clinton confidante and bodyguard L.D. Brown just told
Wes Phelan in an interview that he was furthered in his quest to join the CIA
by his boss,  "when Clinton introduced him to George Bush in maine in 1983."
Now just what was an obscure Governor of a backwater state doing hobnobbing
with then-Vice President Bush? Half a world away--in Maine!
Bush, it must be reported (but rarely is) is a life-long CIA man himself.

"We'll have the Justice Department look into it."

Its an utter belief in the inadequacy of coincidence to explain the narrative
of American life witnessed by anyone who is over 40 today. And,
interestingly, the subject coincidence in  the Clinton Administration is a fra
ught one.
A big, fat fraught one.
Take current prominent Democratic attorney and reputed 'fixer' Richard
Ben-Veniste, known most notably as a Watergate prosecutor. Much less known is
that he was Barry Seal's lawyer while Barry had the dubious title of
America’s Biggest Drug Smuggler. When Barry found himself in a bit of a
sticky wicket-- legal-wise-- it was Ben-Veniste he turned to.
This was back in 1982, hardly yet the history of ancient   civilzation.

"Its a small world, after all!"

Mr. Ben-Veniste was also then also the lawyer for then-Governor of Arkansas
William Jefferson Clinton.
Here's a question you've never heard inside a Senate hearing room:

"What were Barry Seal and Bill Clinton doing using the same lawyer?"
This is, however, not just a coincidence,  but what a girl I knew in high
school called a "coincidink!" which is like a coincidence on steroids or
Much later, Ben-Veniste was the Democratic counsel at the Whitewater
hearings. And when the convicted cocaine dealer and former Clinton best
friend Dan Lasater was called to testify, the editorial writers at the Wall
Street Journal had a field day!

"In addition to covering up for the Clintons, the Democratic Senators have a
special reason to cut off the next round of hearings," those catty
Republicans reported.
"They're expected to deal with Arkansas, and particularly with Dan Lasater,
the Little Rock bond magnate convicted of cocaine distribution. Richard
Ben-Veniste, Watergate prosecutor and Democratic counsel in the Whitewater
hearings, astonishingly turns out also to have been an attorney for the late
Barry Seal, the cocaine smuggler who operated out of Mena airport in

Barry Seal and Dan Lasater?"

The story continues in this dreary vein, reporting that, according to minutes
obtained by Dow Jones News Service of a high-level Resolution Trust Corp.
meeting, Mr. Lasater "may have been establishing depository accounts at

"Coincidentists" have responded by making much of the fact that there has
been no paper trail discovered leading from Barry Seal to Dan Lasater--and
thus from Barry Seal to William Jefferson Clinton.
Much has been made of the fact that there was a draft money laundering
indictment of Seal, Hampton and four others for what are esentially money
laundering charges, but the amount was piddling, well under a half $million.
And Dan Lasater was convicted of "social" distribution   merely, and later
pardoned by Governor Clinton. He was just providing a little toot to his
friends, right?

"Chairman Gary, all Chechens praise your name!"

But now comes startling news from Gary Webb in his new book "Dark Alliance"
that there is an entire  FBI Oganized Crime Task Force into Dan Lasater and
Arkansas whose findings have been made to disappear!

A "Philadelphia Experiment" on the FBI

In the pages, reports 'library rat' Webb, of the 1988 FBI Annual Report
resides the summary of an Crime and Narcotics Task Force investigation into
Dan Lasater that describes the crime organization he headed as being, in the
FBI's words, "vast."

But that can't be. Lasater served only minimal time. Were he to have been
laundering the money Barry Seal flew into Mena there would be a report about
it somewhere.
Wouldn't there?

How does this tie in with CIA Girl?

Let’s get back to Susan, shall we?


The well-known affectations of the wealthy--the Range Rovers and Rolexes, the
little Chanel purses and the personal chefs trained in the Pritikin diet--get
stepped up another notch in the rarefied atmosphere in the horse country
around Warrenton, Va.   There, in a lustrous green pocket one hour from
Washington where the Mellons and Kennedys have homes,  the truly wealthy
enjoy such kinky luxuries as imported Argentine polo players, considered
something of a delicacy by available local horsewomen like Susan.
This quirk of regional character might have remained just an obscure local
custom had not Susan seen fit to teminate  Richardo with prejudice.

"A fair fight"

During the preliminary hearing, her attorney provided clues to their line of
defense. He claimed Mr. Villegas charged at his client with a bone-handled
hunting knife, a trophy from a Florida polo competition.
As Mr. Villegas approached, she began firing and "she kept firing until he
dropped," the defense attorney said.
But subsequent events proved he was just making it up as he went along at
this point, as lawyers often do.

Open and shut this

It became excruciatingly clear at the trial that poor Mr. Villegas was not
bobbing and weaving while Susan pumped bullets into him. Bullets hit his
right shoulder, his shoulder blade and his chest. The fatal bullet hit just
below his jaw, tore through his neck and severed his carotid artery before
striking his spine.
Deputies found Mr. Villegas' body on the kitchen floor next to a table.
"It was pretty clear early on that Mr. Villegas was seated in the chair when
he was shot," an expert witness testified.
Crime scene photos show Mr. Villegas on the kitchen floor with both legs
under a table. A chair next to his body had blood on it. During the autopsy,
the medical examiner found bread crumbs in Mr. Villegas' mouth.

Its just business

No evidence at all "indicated he was advancing on anyone when he was shot,"
claimed prosecutor, who noted Mr. Villegas was seated at the kitchen table
when Ms. Cummings opened fire.
In his summation, the prosecutor, Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney Kevin
Casey, said Ms. Cummings essentially confessed to her crime in her testimony
during the trial.

Ms. Cummings claimed in her testimony that she shot Mr. Villegas with a 9mm
pistol moments after the Argentine polo player "slashed" her arm with a
"Almost eight months to the day and that's the best story she could come up
with?" sneered the prosecuting attorney during closing arguments. "It's not a
very good one."
Crrime scene evidence and forensic tests support his theory that Ms. Cummings
killed Mr. Villegas in cold blood and planted a knife in the crook of the
dead man's arm, he stated, pointing to the defendant.
"You just flat out blew him away," Mr. Casey said.

5. The Argentines Demand a Recount

After a five-day trial in which 41 witnesses took the stand, the official
Susan Cummings "CIA Girl jury" got the case. They promptly spent 3-1/2 hours
in deliberations, and were then sent home for the night.
They returned at 9:15 the next morning and, except for an hour lunch break,
remained behind closed doors most of the day. At 3:30 p.m. they returned with
their verdict.
As everyone waited, local polo pros and patrons of polo alike described
Villegas as a good-natured man who never lost his temper, even during
rough-and-tumble matches. "He just wanted to have fun," says Bart Frye, a

"A fun ride, but a dark ride too"

And Villegas did have fun with Cummings, everyone said.  She had fun too. By
the beginning of this year the pair were often seen on the circuit holding
hands. Through the summer, the couple played in matches side by side. The
relationship between the sexy polo pro and the shy heiress had been nothing
Still, some of the Argentines now predicted bitterly that she would get off.
"She had the power in the relationship," said local pro Rodrigo Salinas. "She
had the money."
A dark accusation of judicial corruption hung in the air. And some thought it
odd how we've switched roles; today accusations of American corruption
leveled by our Latin brothers.
We are truly a global society today. As Americans, we have imported the
shoot-em up political mores of your traditional South American banana

Let's face it: of a narco-banana republic.

You could lose the  "banana's," even.

They did. Fortunes so vast they would not leave a dry eye in the house were
made in the 80's in the cocaine importation   business.
L.D. Brown, who has a book coming out, was asked whether the Mena, Arkansas
operation--a significant Northern gateway for the trade--will always remain
hushed up because too many people in both parties were involved.

"You gonna quote me on that?"

Then, for an author plumping for a forthcoming book as hard as he can, he did
a remarkable thing
He asked to go off the record.
Today its over a decade since the runways at Mena burned with the take-offs
and landings of a veritable Confederate Air Force of military cargo planes
old enough to give some shred of plausible deniability should they be brought
down in combat...and they're still takin' the fifth on Mena.
It's extraordinary.
It must have been some party, boys.
As an Arkansas State trooper moonlighting for the CIA, Brown states he flew
on two of those flights before Seal foolishly showed Brown a kilo of cocaine
in hopes of recruiting him into his drug operation. This took place after a
December 1984 flight which Brown immediately reported to Governor Bill
Clinton took the news calmly, asserting that Brown had happened upon
"Lasater's deal" (Lasater being at the time a major Clinton financial
supporter, the employer of Roger Clinton, and a known drug distributor.)
And now there comes the--that's right--the  smoking gun! In a1982 letter to
Attorney General William French Smith, CIA Director William J. Casey secretly
engineered an exemption for the CIA not to have to report drug smuggling by
agency assets.
Officers are solemnly sworn to uphold the constitution, to obey the law.
In the 1980's in America there came into being a new category of citizen, one
whose "abilities" were superhuman.
They knew not kryptonite.

Call them "The Connected Ones."

The exemption was granted on Feb. 11, 1982, only two months after President
Reagan authorized covert CIA.

It gives the CIA the authority, in other words, to ignore the Constitution of
the United States, and be a state within the state--although one where drug
smuggling is perhaps frowned on slightly less severely than what one is used

It didn't expire until 1995.

"Its further evidence of a shocking official policy that allowed the drug
cartels to operate through the CIA-led contra covert operations in Central
America," said Congresswoman Maxine Waters.
Though Waters's comments focused on the contra war, L.D. Brown gave
indications that he believes the problem to perhaps not have ended when
Daniel Ortega was no longer deemed to be a threat to all Southern manhood.

It means that CIA's tolerance of illicit drug smuggling by its clients during
the 1980s was official policy from the beginning.
What it is, is evidence of premeditation.
And that's the standard they used to use, to judge your basic category called
"hangin' offenses."

Jurors in the trial of Susan Cumings reached their manslaughter verdict and
delivered it.
The tall, slender heiress had held her head high as she walked to a battery
of microphones and declared herself "very happy."
Just a few minutes earlier, she had been convicted of manslaughter. After
their verdict, jurors deliberated another 40 minutes before agreeing on a
As spectators filed out of the courtroom, Ms. Cummings looked toward her
mother and sister and flashed a bright smile. Then, surrounded by her
attorneys, her mother, her twin sister and friends, she thanked the eight
women and four men who convicted her of voluntary manslaughter.
"I would like to let you know how deeply appreciative I am for the jury's
consideration and time on my behalf," she said to a swarm of reporters. "I
feel very happy."
Her attorney answered a few questions before Ms. Cummings and her entourage
walked up Ashby Street, got into a Chevrolet Suburban and left the media
circus behind.

A Chevrolet Suburban--Another Coincidink?

Throughout the trial, the prosecution used testimony from sheriff's
investigators and forensic experts to support the theory that Ms. Cummings
committed premeditated murder in killing the Argentine polo player.
They argued that Ms. Cummings on Sept. 7 loaded her Walther 9mm pistol in her
upstairs bedroom, walked down to her kitchen and shot Mr. Villegas as he ate
They also accused the heiress of slashing her own arm with a knife and
planting the weapon next to her boyfriend's body in an attempt to make the
killing look like an act of self-defense.
Their expert witnessed were not challenged.
And though the prosecution had sought a first-degree murder conviction, which
carries a maximum penalty of life in prison,  following the verdict, one
over-glib prosecutor expressed satisfaction with the jury's decision.

"I'm very happy the jury reached a verdict that is a guilty one," he said.

And you know the rest.
"Don't do the crime if you can't do the time," they tell you.

Above: Prosecution team
share secret smile

Susan did six weeks. Six weeks.
There must have been, like, special circumstances.


Thrillride Bonus Souvenir!

Feel your stomach grow queasy--just like at six flags-- as you think about
this question:
The story of "CIA Girl getting away with murder..."  and the  Bill Casey
"smoking gun memo" story... on how the CIA "crossed their fingers" and got
away with murder, in Mena Arkansas, among other places...

"...What do these two stories have in common?"

Compare and contrast, chill'un.

Cause there's gonna be a test.

(Wanna go again?)    or... ..Back to MAIN.

"Scandal in contemporary U.S. life is an institutionalized sociological
phenomenon.  It is not due primarily to psychopathological variables, but is
due to the institutionalization of elite wrongdoing which has occurred since
"Many of the scandals that have occurred in the U.S. since 1963 are
fundamentally interrelated: that is, the same people and institutions have
been involved."
-Prof.David Simon, "Elite Deviance" 5th ed.

The DrugMoney Times copyright 1998  a Caught Holding Company
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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