-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

CONGRESS ACTION: December 17, 2000


SORE LOSERMAN: In his concession speech, Gore struck a tone of conciliation
that is still absent in many of his supporters. Gore's sincerity will be
judged by his past record and his future actions; but his many of his
supporters continue to spew undiminished hatred at President-Elect George W.
Bush and at republicans. Those public figures such as politicians,
journalists, and others, who continue to claim that some votes "were never
counted", who continue to charge that some conspiracy "stole" the election
for Bush, who continue to attack the Rule of Law and denigrate the U.S.
Supreme Court, and who continue to foment racial hatred, are playing a very
dangerous and totally irresponsible game, by inflaming public passions with
what they have to know are lies.

Although Bush supporters carried "Sore-Loserman" signs during the election
contest, the biggest sore losers in the post-election fight were the media.
During the court battles, the media demonstrated very clearly that, at best,
they maintain a woeful ignorance of the Constitution, at worst, that they
hold it in utter contempt. At least Gore, having waged an unprecedented
battle to overturn a Presidential election that he lost, can claim the slim
excuse that he acted out of personal ambition to achieve a life-long goal,
and individual citizens sometimes abuse the system and the institutions of
the nation in order to satisfy their ambition. But the media is one of the
major institutions of the nation. They like to call themselves "the Fourth
Branch of government", guardians of the public good. They are protected by
the shield of the First Amendment, so that their ability to report on
government abuse and to keep citizens informed is inviolate. But they have
forgotten one thing, as have many American citizens -- with rights come

The media have abandoned their sacred trust. Some in the media have gone so
far over the edge that they are no longer to be taken seriously, forfeiting
any vestiges of credibility that they might have had left. The New York Times
is a case in point. The Times was shameless, echoing the democrat party line
and cheerleading Gore's court challenges all along, yet when the U.S. Supreme
Court took the appeal from the Florida Supreme Court for the second time, the
Times collapsed into a state of complete schizophrenia. In editorials on the
very same day, the Times first said that the U.S. Supreme Court was
destroying its credibility and showing "audacious.judicial activism" by even
hearing the appeal. The Times followed that up with an editorial advising the
U.S. Supreme Court to ignore the relevant "pinched legalisms" and demanding
that it be more activist in creating a remedy that defends the "overarching
themes of democracy". When the U.S. Supreme Court finally ruled on Tuesday
night, effectively ending Gore's hopes of overturning the election, the
left-wing major media totally lost it. Tears began to well up in the eyes of
the CNN anchors as the full import of the Court's ruling sank in. The
articles and editorials in the New York Times and Washington Post of the
following morning could best be characterized as whining temper tantrums.

The New York Times commented: "This will long be remembered as an election
decided by a conservative Supreme Court in favor of a conservative candidate
while the ballots that could have brought a different outcome went uncounted
in Florida." Implying that Bush's victory was illegitimate, the Times warned
that Bush had better mollify angry democrats if he knows what's good for him.
The Supreme Court, according to the Times, gave Bush the Presidency (voters
had nothing to do with it, you understand), then reported that Justice
Thomas' wife works for the Heritage Foundation, and asked, "Are we about to
enter an era of government by professional ideologues?" The Times never got
around to asking a similar question when Bill Clinton took office and his
self-described "co-president" Hillary, alumnus of the radical left Children's
Defense Fund, appointed fellow Children's Defense Fund alumnus Donna Shalala
as Secretary of Health and Human Services. And the Times has been rabid in
its support of Al Gore who, we are to conclude, the Times apparently thinks
is not an ideologue. The Times rounded out its whining with an insulting,
spite-filled piece by Maureen Dowd, of an imagined dialogue between the
Supreme Court Justices.

The Washington Post repeated the theme that the Supreme Court gave Bush the
Presidency, then opined that the Republican Party was becoming "the minority
party"; and wondered whether republicans could ever regain prestige as the
party of giants such as Rockefeller, McKinley, and Grant. And like the
pretensions of socialism that claimed to be the ideology of the future, the
Post anointed democrats as the majority party of the future. It took a 50
year Cold War before the Soviet Union was relegated to the dustbin of
history. Let that be a warning to conservatives and to Bush. To the left,
politics is, and always will be, a Cold War, regardless of any conciliatory
words from Gore.

Leftists continue to portray the Bush Presidency as illegitimate. The media
and democrats in Congress continue to define bipartisanship solely in terms
of how quickly conservatives sell out their principles. A joint press
conference by Tom Daschle and Dick Gephardt, on the day after Gore conceded,
made that abundantly clear. Democrats are never asked to step back an inch
from their agenda, despite their minority status in Congress, despite the
fact that their candidate lost the election and then dragged the nation
through five weeks of partisan war trying to trample the law and overturn the
election. If some Electoral College Electors change their votes on Monday and
elect Gore, does anyone really think that Gore will reach out to invite
republicans to join his cabinet (as Bush has done with democrats), or that
Gore (or the media) will urge Daschle and Gephardt to compromise any part of
their agenda and enact some republican ideas? Hardly. Daschle still threatens
to obstruct Senate business unless he gets power-sharing; Janet Reno is still
investigating NAACP charges of civil rights violations during the election
(allegedly committed in democrat-dominated counties yet being blamed on
republicans); democrats are still trying to influence republican Electors to
change their votes; Jesse Jackson is still stirring up racial hatred -- and
not a single democrat, including Gore, has said a word of condemnation. Other
black leaders try (illogically) to justify 90% of blacks voting against Bush
-- because racism hasn't been solved during 8 years of Clinton-Gore. They
spew hatred at Bush despite the fact that Bush, not Clinton or Gore, proposes
to appoint a black as Secretary of State for the first time; and appoint a
black woman as his National Security Advisor, also for the first time. Their
determination never to support Bush under any circumstances is particularly
self-destructive. Given that attitude among blacks, why should any republican
office-holder do anything at all to address the concerns of people who will
continue to hate them and vilify them, and who will never support them, no
matter what they do? For that matter, why should democrat office-holders do
anything either, to address the concerns of people who will continue to
support them and to vote for them, no matter what they fail to do? Gore may
speak soothing words, but the goal of democrats is the total destruction of
republicans and conservatism. Most on the left are, and will remain,
implacable enemies of Bush and republicans. Bush ignores that at his, and our
nation's, peril.

CRISIS OF LEGITIMACY: In his dissent in the Florida Supreme Court's December
8 decision of Gore vs. Harris, Florida Supreme Court Chief Justice Wells
warned that the decision "propels this country and this state into an
unprecedented and unnecessary Constitutional crisis." But was it a
"Constitutional crisis", or was it really more of a crisis of legitimacy of
the Florida Supreme Court; specifically, of four Justices on that Court?

The votes were counted by the relevant Executive Branch agencies of Florida,
and George W. Bush won. Pursuant to laws established by Florida's
Legislature, a recount was conducted, and Bush won. The Florida Supreme Court
intervened and ordered continued hand recounts in selected counties under
rules most favorable to Gore. The Canvassing Boards in those counties --
composed of members of all three branches of government -- either decided
that a further recount was unnecessary because sample recounts showed that
Bush had won, or did partial recounts and submitted the results from heavily
democrat districts within heavily democrat counties, and even those results
confirmed that Bush had won. The proper official of the Florida Executive
Branch, as designated by the Florida Legislature, thereupon certified that
Bush had won the election. The Governor of Florida, acting pursuant to
Florida law, signed the Certificate of Ascertainment confirming the election
of the republican Presidential Electors, certifying that Bush had won.
Challenges were pursued by Gore and his sympathizers in courts around
Florida, to continue recounts, and to exclude or throw out absentee votes.
Every judge to whom those claims were presented ruled against Gore and his
sympathizers, one after the other confirming that Bush had won. The Florida
Legislature met in special session to confirm the republican Electors because
by every standard Bush had won the election. The Eleventh Circuit U.S. Court
of Appeals dismissed Bush's lawsuit to halt the hand recounts, on the basis
that there was no harm because Bush had already been certified under the law
as the winner of the election. The U.S. Congress let it be known that the
republican Electors already certified for Bush would be the officially
recognized Electors for Florida, because all the facts showed that Bush had
won. Then four Justices of the Florida Supreme Court overruled all that, and
ordered the hand recounting to continue without any standards for what
constitutes a lawful vote; indeed, ordering the inclusion of votes from two
different counties that had used diametrically opposite standards. On
December 12, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the Florida Supreme Court
again, and again confirmed that George W. Bush had won.

In the end, virtually every member of every branch of government at both the
State and federal levels who had the opportunity to pass on the question came
to the same conclusion -- except for four Justices of the Florida Supreme
Court, two Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, Bill Clinton, and Al Gore. And
except for the rabidly partisan media and some of the public, who are
determined that they will allow no facts or logic to intrude on their fantasy
that Al Gore really won, that Gore really received more popular votes --
despite the fact that at no time and under no circumstances, even after
multiple alterations of the laws and the rules in favor of Gore, did Gore
show more votes in Florida than Bush. It is not uncommon for people to
retreat into a fantasy world when reality is not to their liking. But it is
the height of arrogance for them to demand that their fantasy should render
reality illegitimate.

So was there really a "Constitutional crisis"? Or was it really just a crisis
of the legitimacy of a handful of activist judges in Florida? Perhaps even a
crisis of the legitimacy for activist judges in general, whose active
partisanship has now been put under a spotlight, for members of the public
who generally pay little attention to these things to see?

Leftists in Congress, the media, and academia have promised that they will
get access to the Florida ballots, and continue to count these invalid, yet
carefully selected ballots from carefully selected democrat counties (under
who knows what standards and under no supervision whatsoever). Some months
from now they will no doubt announce that they "found" enough votes that Gore
should have won. They will claim to have found "The Truth". It will be
nothing more than a group of bitter left-wing partisans trying to undermine
the legitimacy of a lawfully elected President out of sheer spite. That being
the case, those democrats should have no objection if republicans also gain
access to carefully selected ballots from carefully selected republican
counties, and have those ballots recounted by a group of neutral
investigators who would no doubt be just as acceptable to democrats, as
democrat counters will be to republicans -- lets say, Newt Gingrich, Rush
Limbaugh, and G. Gordon Liddy. You'll accept those results, won't you,



United States Supreme Court:



Florida Supreme Court: http://www.flcourts.org/

Mr. Kim Weissman

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