-Caveat Lector-

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from L Moss Sharman Old soldier accused of molesting cadets - Former Canadian Scottish commander faces five charges - Lindsay Kines - Times Colonist 9/27/03 "The former commanding officer of a historic army reserve unit on Vancouver Island faces five counts of molesting young boys -- including cadets -- more than 25 years ago. John Stuart Cameron, 59, of Nanaimo has been charged with three counts of gross indecency and two counts of indecent assault of a male." http://www.canada.com/victoria/news/story.asp?id=5EECAC0E-770E-42A1-9DC7-4F161DAF78BF

Book explores eugenics' origins By Dan Vergano, 9/14/03 "Adolf Hitler wrote fan mail, finding time in the early 1930s to express his admiration of the American leaders of a vaguely scientific movement called eugenics. In his new book, War Against the Weak, investigative reporter Edwin Black makes the case that 20th century American proponents of eugenics - the belief that controlled breeding can improve humanity - had substantive ties to the architects of Hitler's racial extermination machine. Black documents many links, such as the Hitler letters, between the American eugenicists and Nazi Germany prior to World War II, including how one prominent eugenicist's book, Madison Grant's The Passing of the Great Race, became Hitler's "bible." ...."It's startling how much Hitler idealized American eugenics," Black says. His book required two years of research by dozens of volunteers who culled records from about 110 archives, diaries of eugenicists, case records of their victims and research reports on removing the unfit from humanity. The research builds on Black's best-selling book, IBM and the Holocaust, which looked at Nazi use of data-processing technology to fill concentration camps. In War Against the Weak, Black lays bare the veins of collaboration between American eugenicists and Nazi scientists. There was financial support of genetic research and travel by Nazi doctors from the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Institution of Washington, and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, a leading genetics research institute. There was research collaboration and reports on the Nazi efforts in respected journals like the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)." http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2003-09-14-book-usat_x.htm

Promoter for Mary vision sued in harassment case 09/29/03 Greg Garrison  "A recent lawsuit in Florida is the latest legal volley against Caritas of Birmingham, an organization based in Shelby County that promotes visions of the Virgin Mary. Phillip J. Kronzer, a philanthropist who has spent millions of dollars crusading to expose Caritas as a religious cult, has filed a lawsuit in Broward County Circuit Court claiming that Caritas and others were involved in efforts to frame Kronzer in an anthrax hoax." http://www.al.com/news/birminghamnews/index.ssf?/base/news/1064826935235663.xml

>From coast to coast, details come to light about Wal-Mart's unfair treatment of women employees. Browse the articles and videos below.
July 24, 2003 Lawmaker, Women's Groups Hit Wal-Mart
The retailer denies it pushes its workers to go on welfare.
By Cathleen Ferraro, Sacramento Bee Staff Writer
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. came under fire Wednesday from a California politician who alleged the company does not offer affordable health insurance and instead encourages employees to sign up for welfare, food stamps and other government subsidies.
The retailer, based in Bentonville, Ark., vehemently denied the claim.

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