Original Message from:
From: betty martini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, January 28, 1999 10:21 AM
Subject: Re: NEWS: Fwd: Parkinson's Disease

LA Times "Chemicals Called Main Cause of Parkinson's"

When you know that a chemical can effect the genes up to (usually /
sometimes) the second and third generations, wither you want to call the
effect a mutation, hybrid, (depending on how prevalent and wither you are
referring to animal or human) or what ever the study of genetics shows that
there is the possibility of this mutation breeding true.

Many of the ideas that we have grown up with are being disproven.  You are
not necessarily born with all your brain cells, at least some parts of the
brain do regenerate, and the blood brain barrier does not necessarily
protect the whole brain and the parts it does protect can still be effected,
other wise migraine medicine would not work.

The next one that I am checking out is that fat can detoxify.  Knowing that
the brain is at least 50 percent fat.  Why?  When I have a headache I do not
put it down to stress.  Even if you do not like the smell of a babies diper
does it give you a instant headache?  Anything that can give me a headache
is suspect.  That leads to the thought that these items are passing the
blood / brain barrier and could lodge in the fat area of the brain.  OK,
there are many different kinds of fat and oils (limpids) in our body.  Any
one that has cooked a piece of meat knows that you will have oil on the top
of the water but the meat will still have fat on it.  So will the toxins
eventually leave if we detoxify?

Last question.  How many other "genetic" things have their basis in
chemicals or diet?

aka The Pied Piper

My cut and paste research site on "possible" alternative causes of ADD /

Chemicals Called Main Cause of Parkinson's.url

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