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Guantanamo inmate sues US
Film exposes Guantanamo 'scandal'

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Child sex industry thriving in Mexico Accused include Americans, men with ties to powerful figures  11/2/03 By Brooks Egerton and Brendan M. Case / The Dallas Morning News "It doesn't stop at the U.S. border. Authorities say smugglers have lured Mexican girls to Southern California with false promises of housekeeping jobs, then turned them into virtual sex slaves at migrant labor camps. Some adults accused of being players in the industry have ties to powerful figures.  Mr. Borja, for instance, has a friend in the upper echelons of Acapulco's Catholic Archdiocese, although its spokesman says Mr. Borja is not a priest or a member of any lay Catholic organization - just "a sick man." Franciscan officials say they have no record of him being a member of their order.  Yet for at least two decades, and despite at least three previous police investigations of abuse allegations, he identified himself as Father Borja and ran a well-known home for street kids called Franciscan House. U.S. investigators said they have linked Franciscan House and another local shelter to the child sex trade. Mexican police declined repeated interview requests.  Mr. Borja, in a brief jailhouse interview with The Dallas Morning News , said he was an innocent victim of a plot stemming from a dispute over his land, which is near Acapulco's tourist strip."  Http://www.dallasnews.com/world/mexico/stories/110203dnprosexring.adf1f.html

More Voters Deciding Not to Support Bush
ALBANY, N.Y. (Nov. 4) - More than four in 10 voters nationwide say they definitely plan to vote against President Bush next year - more than plan to vote for him, according to a poll released Tuesday. The survey by Marist College's Institute for Public Opinion found that 44 percent of the voters questioned said they planned to definitely vote against the Republican president while 38 percent said they would support his re-election.

Film exposes Guantanamo 'scandal'
By Roshan Muhammed Salih
Tuesday 04 November 2003, 11:01 Makka Time, 8:01 GMT 

Guantanamo has been called a concentration camp
An international filmmaker has exposed America's Guantanamo Bay detention camp as a "human rights scandal".
Ashvin Raman has made a groundbreaking documentary for German television which will be screened on Germany's ARD channel on 12 November. His film includes exclusive footage of Guantanamo Bay, as well as interviews with released detainees and top American officials. More than 600 foreign nationals have been detained without charge or access to lawyers and family members in the US naval base since November 2001. The US has refused to recognise them as prisoners of war, or allow their status to be determined by a tribunal as required under the Geneva Conventions.

Guantanamo inmate sues US By Zaffar Abbas  BBC correspondent in Islamabad
A man who was imprisoned by the US military at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is suing the Pakistani and US governments for damages worth over $10m. Pakistani cleric Mohammed Sagheer was seized by US troops fighting in Afghanistan in 2001.  He spent roughly a year with other suspected al-Qaeda and Taleban operatives in the US military prison.  His lawyers say he is suing for the mental and physical torture he endured at Camp X-Ray in Guantanamo Bay....Mr Sagheer filed his suit in an Islamabad court on Tuesday.  Lawyers acting for him said the case could be heard in a Pakistani court because Pakistan's interior ministry is one of the defendants. 
In the first case of its kind, Mr Sagheer described his arrest by American authorities as illegal and his treatment at the prison camp in Guantanamo Bay as extremely inhuman.
He says he was kept for more than a year in a prison cell that was like a cage meant for animals. 

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