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China Trade Bill Gaining Support
Associated Press Online - March 09, 2000 16:41

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Clinton administration's China trade bill appears to
have enough support to pass the Senate, if narrowly, according to an informal
head count by Senate sponsors. Support in the House remained in doubt.

Senate supporters of the measure count 60 votes in favor of the pact, just
enough to stop potential delaying tactics by opponents, congressional
officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity said on Wednesday.

The count suggests that about 30 senators oppose the legislation and about 10
are undecided, the officials said.

President Clinton sent the legislation, which would grant China permanent
normal trade relations, to Congress on Wednesday and was pressing for a final
vote in both chambers before Memorial Day.

The bill would give China the same permanent trade benefits it grants most
other nations. China's trade status now must be renewed annually.

The legislation is required under a market-opening agreement the
administration struck with China last year to allow Beijing to join the World
Trade Organization, the Geneva-based international organization that oversees
world trade rules.

But given the opposition from organized labor and other interest groups, the
debate is shaping up as the biggest battle of the election-year Congress.

House Democratic Whip David Bonior, D-Mich., has predicted that as many as
two-thirds of House Democrats would oppose the legislation. That cast doubt
on whether Republican leaders could win passage of the measure given the slim
GOP margin of control.

There are 222 Republicans, 211 Democrats and two independents in the House.

At the White House, presidential spokesman Joe Lockhart on Thursday said it's
"early now to start trying to count heads. And I would suggest that anyone
whose putting head count numbers out now is speculating rather than providing
real solid information."

"We'll continue to make that case. And we're hoping that, you know, sometime
in the spring, we can bring this to a vote," Lockhart said.

At the same time, Commerce Secretary William Daley told reporters after a
speech to a business group, "We probably don't have the votes right now" in
the House to win. "It's very fluid."

In remarks to the American Council of Life Insurance, Daley predicted, "This
battle will be over one way or another by Memorial Day."

Daley plans to lead a group of lawmakers to China in April, one of several
trips planned by the administration in its lobbying campaign.

The trade legislation only requires a majority vote in both chambers.

Because Senate opponents are expected to try to use delaying tactics to stall
the proposal, supporters effectively need 60 votes rather than 51 to be able
to prevail on motions to limit debate. Those motions require three-fifths of
the Senate, or 60 votes.

Senate support for the package is stronger than House support.
Trade-liberalizing measures traditionally enjoy more support in the Senate
than in the House. But Senate Finance Committee Chairman William Roth,
R-Del., warned the administration last week not to take Senate support for

The informal head count suggesting sponsors barely have the 60 votes needed
suggests that the fight will be a close one even in the Senate.

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