-Caveat Lector-


Nothing’s Sacred

Chucky Schumer's DC Gun Grab

Kyle Lohmeier

The attack of Sept. 11 should have reminded all Americans to be ever
vigilant against the enemies of American freedom. This is true even
if the attack was not masterminded by the most dangerous enemy of
freedom. That's right, as much as he might like to be, Usama bin
Laden is simply not the biggest threat to American freedom on Earth.
Sure, he can terrorize us and, on rare occasion, he can kill us. Make
no mistake; Sept. 11 was a disgusting and horrific display of one
desperate, deluded fanatic's attempt to destroy America. But despite
the horrific toll those attacks took, in many ways, it utterly failed
because it drew Americans together in a way we haven't seen in ages.
The fact is, bin Laden, despite all his efforts, doesn't have the
ability to destroy the very fabric of American freedom. It is for
this reason he must take a backseat to other enemies of our freedom,
enemies who are far more capable of destroying our precious liberty.
Just who is number one, you ask? Who is the biggest, most dangerous
enemy to our freedom? Well, he's definitely not a starving, backward
jihadi freezing his ass off in a cave somewhere in Afghanistan. No,
this enemy of our freedom lives right here in the good old U S of A,
and for his dastardly work draws a paycheck from our tax dollars that
is likely worth more than the annual salaries of all of your faithful
Texas Mercury writers put together. I am, of course, referring to the
senior senator from New York, the despicable Charles Schumer. Riding
on the wave of hysteria generated by Sept. 11, he is pushing a bill
that will grant him what was earlier denied him by Attorney General
John Ashcroft, a comprehensive list of gun owners, what they own, and
where they live. Upon taking office, Ashcroft was roundly criticized
by the senator for upholding the law, which stated that reports
generated by the National Instant Check System couldn't be kept for
longer than 24 hours. The Reno Justice Department had been illegally
keeping the records much longer than that, turning the NICS into a de-
facto national gun registry. Ashcroft's just and swift squashing of
this practice outraged gun-grabbers from the Left, most notably
Schumer. So, as promised, he's pushing a bill called the "Use NICS in
Terror Investigations Act", the language of which makes no reference
to terror investigations and puts no limits on what government
agencies can use the records generated by NICS
and for what purposes. It is, in a nutshell, a national gun registration plan and 
history teaches us national gun registries always lead to national gun confiscations. 
This is precisely why Schumer is far more dangerous t
o our liberties than Usama bin Laden could ever hope to be. Bin Laden's hatred of our 
freedoms is impotent, whereas Schumer is free to act on that disdain in a more 
meaningful way, a way that could actually destroy our li
berties by taking from us the only means we have to safeguard them: our firearms. Now, 
gun-grabbers and fence sitters on the Second Amendment will think I've gone a bit far 
in accusing Schumer of being a bigger threat to
our freedom than bin Laden. Well friends, history has this infuriating habit of 
repeating itself. By 1939 Adolph Hitler had every privately owned firearm in Germany 
listed on a national registry. Shortly thereafter there
were no privately owned firearms in the hands of the German people. Soon after that 
"undesirable" Germans were herded onto railcars bound for extermination camps. With no 
firearms to shoot back at the brownshirts, German
Jews and other persecuted people were powerless to resist. Don't think it can happen 
here? Must be nice to be such an optimist. As for me, I'll bank on my Smith & Wesson 
and my Remington long before I count on the good na
ture of people like Charles Schumer, who, by the way, doesn't have one. Now, there are 
two plausible explanations why Schumer wants a national registry of gun owners. One 
would be the stated purpose of the bill, to better
 assist law-enforcement with the apprehension of violent criminals and terrorists who 
use firearms in the commission of a crime (never mind that no Islamist terrorist has 
ever used a firearm in the commission of a crime i
n the United States). The other reason would be that it's impossible to dispatch 
members of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms to collect privately owned 
firearms without a list to work with. We all know the latt
er is the wet dream of Schumer, Ed Kennedy, Diane Feinstein, Hillary Clinton and the 
other avowed gun-grabbers in the Senate and their counterparts in the house. Let us 
naively assume, however, that the former is the real
 reason Schumer wants a national firearm owner registry. Okay, so lets pretend he gets 
his way and every privately owned pistol, shotgun and rifle is catalogued and 
cross-matched by serial number to the name and address o
f the owner. Now, let's say we have a mass-shooting at some public place involving oh, 
say, a terrorist using a Browning Hi-Power. The jihadi is wounded in the exchange and 
flees, dropping the pistol, but he gets away. So
, now the cops have this pistol there and should be able to simply punch the serial 
number into their database, wait for it to come back with the name and address of the 
owner and then simply go around and arrest him. Wow
, how easy, right? Wrong. We'll even assume the serial numbers weren't obliterated on 
the Hi-Power before being misused by the criminal and the cops are able to enter the 
number into Schumer's proposed database. The resul
t will be the same over 99 percent of the time; the gun will have been reported stolen 
from the person whose name is in the database some time long before the crime was 
committed. Why? Criminals aren't stupid. If they kno
w the only way to buy a gun from Gander Mountain would involve having their name, 
social security number and driver license number linked to the pistol's serial number 
in the database, they won't buy the gun from Gander M
ountain or any other Federal Firearms License holder. Instead, they'll buy it from the 
guy who's got a trunk load of stolen pistols in his ‘83 Chevy Impala. Why? Because 
stolen guns sold on the black market are both cheap
 and untraceable. So, if guns criminals use aren't included on Schumer's database, 
whose guns will be on there? The answer is simple: Mine, yours and those belonging to 
every law-abiding citizen who owns guns. Why? Becaus
e the only people who bother to register their guns, or bother to buy them in the 
appropriate manner are law-abiding citizens, just like we're the only ones who bother 
to get a concealed carry permit before carrying a con
cealed pistol. Criminals tend to skip that whole getting-a-license-to-carry step. Why? 
By definition, criminals do not obey the law. I suspect that, despite his statements 
to the contrary, Schumer knows this, but wants th
e government to compile that list anyway. So, this brings us to the central question: 
Why does Chucky Schumer and his gun-grabbing buddies on Capitol Hill want a 
comprehensive list of what Americans lawfully own which gun
s? I don't know, he and his staff declined to return any of the calls I placed to his 
office. Therefore, we can only guess at why he wants a list of privately owned 
firearms. I'm guessing this is because he knows that onc
e in place, the list will exist longer than the Ashcroft DOJ will. Eventually, the 
evil little creep figures, a rabid gun- grabber like himself or Janet Reno will be in 
the Attorney General's seat in some future Democrati
c Administration. When that day comes, Schumer wants that gun-grabbing Attorney 
General to have his comprehensive list of gun owners at his disposal. Then, if there's 
another particularly nasty round in the War on Terror
being waged and the political climate of the country shifts just a few more notches 
toward accepting totalitarianism, the letters can go out "inviting" gun owners in for 
an interview just like Arabic visa- violators were
"invited" to come talk with the FBI. Those of us who, like me, decline the invitation 
can expect a visit from the wonderful men and women of the BATF, and we all remember 
how the BATF makes house calls (think Waco, Texas,
 in late February of 1993). Of course, I could just be paranoid.
Maybe Schumer has perfectly innocent reasons for wanting to know the
make model and serial number of every firearm I own. Maybe he really
has no intentions of compiling that list for the express purpose of
seeing it put to use in a not-to-distant future national firearm
confiscation. Maybe. But, seeing as I don't trust Charles Schumer as
far as I could throw Ed Kennedy, I'd rather he not have a list of
what firearms every law-abiding citizen in the U.S. legally owns.
Since the "legitimate" uses of that information by law-enforcement
will be so limited and will never be worth the time and money spent
compiling, updating and maintaining such a registry and the potential
for abuse is so great, it would be far better if Schumer's bill died
in committee.

Kyle Lohmeier
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