-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, December 21, 1998 5:55 AM
Subject: ALL: Organizing Around Civil Action film

Dear ALL,

I am forwarding information about ideas and opportunities for organizing
around the film, Civil Action, which opens during Christmas in select
theaters and then in early January nationwide. I am sure Health Care Without
Harm activists can use this film to highlight the problems of toxic chemical
exposures in their communities. It should be noted that in the media
materials developed by Environmental Media Services for the film, it
specifically states that your local hospital may be a source of toxic
exposure. If groups have plans to use this film, it would be worth hearing
about them on the list serve so that other folks can take advantage of good
ideas for organizing.

Thanks for your attention to this opportunity. I highly recommend the book.

>>"A Civil Action" opens nationwide on January 8.  This e-mail provides
>>information for environmental groups and activists on the film and how to
>>use the film as a media centerpiece for environmental awareness.  This
>>e-mail is in three parts:
>>Part 1 - Fact Sheet on the film
>>Part 2 -- Media Tips for Environmental Groups and Activists
>>Part 3 -- A Sample Media Advisory / Pitch Letter
>>Please feel free to pass this e-mail on to any environmental group who
>>could make good use of this material.  We have created this so you can cut
>>and paste Part 3 and adapt it to your needs.
>>We have also ATTACHED a version of this as a Word 6.0 / 95 file.
>>Part 1 -- CIVIL ACTIVE
>>"A Civil Action" Starring John Travolta
>>Provides Centerpiece for Environmental Awareness
>>Fact Sheet for Environment Groups and Activists
>>· On December 25th, Disney's Touchstone Pictures will premier the film A
>>Civil Action in New York and Los Angeles. On January 8, the film will open

>>in theaters across the country.  The film is based on the book by Jonathan
>>Harr, which has been on the New York Times' best-seller list for over two
>>· Starring John Travolta and Robert Duvall, A Civil Action tells the
>>gripping true story of an epic courtroom showdown. Two large corporations
>>stood accused of contaminating the water supply of Woburn, Massachusetts
>>causing the death of some of its children.  John Travolta plays the role
>>Jan Schlichtmann, the maverick attorney who risked everything to fight for
>>the Woburn children and their families.
>>· On January 6, there will be a celebrity premier in Boston.  The next
>>morning, the environmental community will host a Town Meeting with Jan
>>Schlichtmann and community leaders, scientists and physicians.
>>· Films like The China Syndrome and Philadelphia have jumped from the
>>entertainment page to the front page. A Civil Action, with its wrenching
>>true story and timely theme, is poised to do the same.  Movie studios,
>>however, focus on celebrity public relations and often shy away from
>>controversy. With this in mind, some of us concerned about the environment
>>and public health have created a media education campaign, Civil Active,
>>place the film in a larger social context.
>>· Civil Active is a project of Environmental Media Services and is an
>>independent educational effort and is not in any way associated with the
>>Walt Disney Company, Random House, or the filmmakers.
>>· Media Opportunity - We want to encourage environmental groups everywhere
>>to use the film as a centerpiece and media opportunity to generate
>>awareness and discussion.  We urge groups to pitch stories on the
>>environment and place their spokespeople on local talk radio and
>>news shows and newspapers.
>>· We suggest you secure media coverage between January 4 and January 15
>>(the film opens in most cities on Friday, January 8).  Even if many of
>>local outlets have done environmental stories in the past, the film
>>a new excuse to focus on important issues.  Make good use of this media
>>window.  Please remember that you don't need cooperation from the movie
>>studio or the celebrities.  If the film is a hit, the media window may
>>open for many weeks after opening.
>>· For more background information on Civil Active, check out our web
site -
>>www.civilactive.com  (up and running mid-December).   Disney has their own
>>site at www.civilaction.com.  And W.R. Grace has one at
>>· On the Civil Active site, you will find background materials that can
>>help you talk to the media about the film and the bigger issues of
>>environmental pollution.
>>For Environmental Groups and Activists
>>Prepared by Environmental Media Services
>>Media coverage of environmental issues surrounding the Disney film, "A
>>Civil Action," starring John Travolta and Robert Duvall, will not come
>>the film studio's efforts but from our own.  Here are some tips we hope
>>will be helpful:
>>1. "A Civil Action" opens in theaters nationwide on January 8, 1999
>>2. Big Hollywood films like "A Civil Action" create new media
>>for social issues.  We see this film as a terrific centerpiece for local
>>radio and television talk shows and newspapers to focus on environmental
>>issues in your area.
>>3. Although the film focuses on one "toxic hot spot," this is an
>>opportunity to address the greater issue of pervasive toxics in our
>>4. Every environmental group can be part of this campaign by pitching its
>>own local stories, spokespeople, experts and activists.
>>5. The media will be most interested in stories from January 4 - 15 -- the
>>weeks before and after the film opens when there will be general stories
>>about the movie.  If "A Civil Action"  is a hit, there is a big
>>AFTER the film opens for expanded media discussion for at least two weeks
>>maybe even longer.
>>6. Many local radio and television talk shows should be interested in
>>discussing the film and the issues it addresses.  This could happen both
>>before and after the film opens.  This is an opportunity to raise issues /
>>problems in your community.
>>7. Jan Schlichtmann, the attorney portrayed by John Travolta in the film,
>>is available for phone interviews - for print and radio outlets.  If you
>>are interested in booking Jan, please contact Ben Bashein at 212-899-5546.
>>Jan is very effective when paired with a local environmental expert.
>>Please note:  we are not involved in booking any of the stars of the film.
>>8. If you need any assistance with your media strategy or have any
>>questions, please contact Amy Kostant at Environmental Media Services
>>- 202-463-6670 or [EMAIL PROTECTED].
>>9. We have provided a fact sheet about the film and a sample media
>>/ pitch letter that your organization can adapt and use in approaching key
>>10. Organizations should identify their key spokespeople and be clear
>>their central message before approaching the media.
>>11. Localize: If you have specific local stories or angles, use these
>>elements when approaching the media.
>>12. The reporters most interested in our stories will probably be health
>>and environmental reporters.  In some places, the entertainment or general
>>news producers will be the best contacts.
>>13. Although there may be some advance screenings of the film, it is best
>>not to depend on seeing the film prior to pitching your story to the
>> If you want to see the film before you speak to the press, try to see it
>>as soon as it opens and schedule your media appearances right after
>>8.  However, if you wait until after seeing the film to approach the
>>it may be too late to secure any significant bookings.  It all depends on
>>your relationship with the media and their interest after the film opens.
>>14. We've seen the film and feel it has a strong environmental story and
>>message.  We think that almost all environmentalists will be very
>>supportive.  The film is an accurate rendering of the book.  However, if
>>you find anything in the film you disagree with, speak openly about these
>>issues in your media appearances.  Our job is not to boost the film, but
>>expand the environmental awareness, and if you love the film, we urge you
>>to share that during interviews also.  Speak your mind.
>>15. In all your media materials, it is important that you make clear that
>>your effort is independent of the Walt Disney Company -- otherwise some
>>media may think you are representing the film or Disney.  See our
>>disclaimer statement below.
>>16. For more information on this environmental effort, see our Web Site at
>>www.civilactive.com (up and running mid-December).  The site also provides
>>links to many organizations as well as extensive background information
>>the press including contact numbers of environmental experts.
>>17. If you secure any media coverage around "A Civil Action," please let
>>know by sending details to  - [EMAIL PROTECTED].
>>Prepared by Civil Active, a project of Environmental Media Services.
>>Active is an independent education effort and not associated with the Walt
>>Disney Company, Random House or the filmmakers.
>>(For Environmental / Public Health Groups and Activists to send to
>>Journalists /  Reporters / Bookers)
>>To: Journalist / Media Outlet
>>From: Media Contact / Environmental Group - Phone
>>Re: Upcoming Film -- "A Civil Action" Starring John Travolta
>> Hollywood Film Highlights Environmental Issues
>> (John Smith) Available
>>In "A Civil Action," the upcoming film based on the bestseller of the same
>>title, John Travolta plays real life attorney Jan Schlichtmann.
>>Schlichtmann risked everything in a courtroom showdown against two giant
>>corporations accused of contaminating the water supply of Woburn,
>>Massachusetts, and causing the death of several of its children.   This
>>case is considered one of the landmark environmental court cases of the
>>last 20 years.
>>"A Civil Action" opens in theaters across the country on January 8.  The
>>film is certain to cause controversy and concern. Films like China
>>and Philadelphia jumped from the entertainment page to the front page. A
>>Civil Action, with its wrenching true story and timely theme of toxic
>>pollution, is poised to do the same.
>>STORY SUGGESTION:   "A Civil Action" provides a powerful opportunity to
>>address some crucial environmental concerns.  (MARY SMITH), (description),
>>is available to talk about (FILL IN DETAILS).  We suggest that a program /
>>article during the week of January 4 or January 11 would be of great
>>interest to your listeners (viewers), many of whom will have seen the film
>>or read the book.  In addition to (MARY SMITH), we can also provide you
>>with (LIST OTHERS and THEIR EXPERTISE or) scientists and physicians who
>>experts in public health and the environmental.  (YOU CAN PITCH A LOCAL
>>This film is not fiction. Although the true events depicted in A Civil
>>Action took place several years ago, the same tragic harm to children from
>>chemical exposure continues all across America..   Sadly, the Woburn story
>>is neither an isolated incident nor Hollywood hype. The polluting of our
>>environment, our children and ourselves has become widespread.  It occurs
>>both in specific hot spots, like the approximately 1,300 National Priority
>>Superfund Sites, and also systemically in our water, air and food.
>>If you would like to schedule an interview with MARY SMITH, please contact
>>(ORGANIZATION).  For information on environmental issues and the movie,
>>Please note:  (NAME OF YOUR ORGANIZATION)'s efforts around the film is
>>independent and not associated with the Walt Disney Company, Random House

>>or the filmmakers.  Please do not call regarding interviews with any of
>>film's stars.  Thank you.
>>Attachment Converted: C:\INTERACT\data\download\CivilAct.doc
Gary Cohen
41 Oakview Terrace
Jamaica Plain, MA. 02130
(617)524-6018 tel
(617)524-7021 fax

Louisiana Environmental Telegraph | http://envirotel.org
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