-Caveat Lector-

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Report: Molesters were moved from country to country  Dallas, 6/18/04 (CWNews.com) "The sexual abuse scandal that has rocked the Church in the US over the past two years is not be limited to the US or any international borders, according to a report to be published by the Dallas Morning News this weekend. Between 100 and 200 priests around the world, mainly members of religious orders, were allegedly moved from country to country after being accused of various matters, including allegations of sexual abuse of minors and other criminal activity. Reporters for the newspaper traveled around the world over the past 18 months to reveal the global nature of the clergy abuse scandal....He said that there are documented cases of priests, accused and in many cases criminally charged, convicted, or having admitted to abuse, who were transferred from one country to another, and in some cases, transferred from country to country to country. "Some are in active ministry today while on the run from law enforcement," Egerton said.  The initial focus of the coverage will be on the Salesian order, he said, adding that there has been a systematic practice by this, the third-largest, men's religious order of moving such priests around the world. One of the cases to be highlighted in the initial coverage involves an Australian priest who was repeatedly accused of sexual abuse until he was moved to Rome in the 1980s and then on to New York. After a time he returned to Australia where he again worked with children and was again accused of molesting children. He was convicted and sentenced to community service and went back to ministry. In the 1990s, after a new criminal investigation was begun, the Salesian order allegedly moved the priest to Samoa and told his accusers that he would be working in a remote area with no access to children. The Dallas newspaper sent reporters to Samoa to verify these assurances. They found the priest at a parish church, surrounded by children who called him by name and he was handing out candy to them. He was in active ministry, and the newspaper reportedly found that he sometimes tutored children alone in his bedroom." http://www.cwnews.com/news/viewstory.cfm?recnum=30298

Runaway priests hiding in plain sight 6/19/04 "Catholic priests accused of sexually abusing children are hiding abroad and working in church ministries, The Dallas Morning News has found.  From Africa to Latin America to Europe to Asia, these priests have started new lives in unsuspecting communities, often with the help of church officials. They are leading parishes, teaching and continuing to work in settings that bring them into contact with children, despite church claims to the contrary....Nearly half of the more than 200 cases we identified involve clergy who tried to elude law enforcement. About 30 remain free in one country while facing ongoing criminal inquiries, arrest warrants or convictions in another. Most runaway priests remain in the church, the world's largest organization, so they should be easier to locate than other fugitives.  Instead, Catholic leaders have used international transfers to thwart justice, a practice that poses far greater challenges to law enforcement than the domestic moves exposed in the 2002 scandal. Police and prosecutors, however, often fail to take basic steps to catch fugitive priests." http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/dn/latestnews/stories/062004dnpropriestoverview.275bc8e59.html

Roman Catholic priest pleads guilty to possessing child pornography 6/18/04  Buffalo, N.Y. (AP) "A Roman Catholic priest pleaded guilty Friday to possessing hundreds of images of child pornography that he downloaded in the rectory of his church, officials said. The Rev. Fred Ingalls, 56, faces up to 5 years in prison at sentencing, scheduled for October. Ingalls, a priest for 30 years, was arrested in February and immediately suspended from ministry...."Downloading child pornography supports a disgusting industry that harms kids," said Peter Smith, special agent in charge of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which investigated Ingalls. Court records indicated that the computer images included naked and prepubescent children engaging in sex acts with adult males.  At the time of his arrest, Ingalls was pastor at St. Joseph's Church. He had taken over the parish following the removal of another priest over a sex abuse allegation." http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/news/archive/2004/06/18/national2018EDT0779.DTL
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