-Caveat Lector-

Colbert exposes NFL Katrina psy-op

< http://www.total411.info/2007/01/colbert-exposes-nfl-katrina-psy-op.html >

Crime reporter Dan Moldea exposed years
ago<http://www.moldea.com/Five-3.html>how NFL games can be and are
routinely fixed for various reasons. Football
has long served as a taxpayer-funded "bread-and-circuses" distraction for
the American people; turning their attention away from the high crimes of
the state. but in recent years, the NFL has been used as a tool of even more
sophisticated psychologicla operaitons on the American people. This was
reflective in the post-9/11 rise of the New England Patriots coupled with
the winter Super Bowl holiday ritual becoming increasingly nationalistic and

Television analyst Steven Colbert exposed on Wednesday night how the rise of
the New Orleans Saints may be being used as a way to preoccupy the remaining
people of New Orleans and divert their attention away from outstanding
questions (exploding levees, HAARP, etc.) regarding the federal genocide
operation unleashed on the city in August 2005:

< http://youtube.com/watch?v=QhJQ3ch_Qfk >

*Total411.info*'s sources in New Orleans report that this has indeed been
the case as of late, with local news media reporting on barely anything
else; New Orleanians lining up around the block for Saints memorabilia, the
fully-employed dropping hundreds or thousands of dollars on game and plane
tickets, etc.

Will humanity ever learn?


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