This is not finished - but I probally can not get back to it till tomarrow and wanted to see what someone else has.  I am adding as fast as things are posted.
You can find my messages in the achieves that have (most of) the links that I am basing this on.
summery:  If / when we go to the stars and are able to trade with other cultures what would we be able to trade?  History, mindsets, traditions, cultures, different ways thinking, different ways of looking at things?  But all that knowledge is in computers, so do they need the originators of the ideas?  Even after studying another culture do you really understand it?  But, what if they were to sell a culture back it's history - at that time who originated the knowledge?  A surplus, I do not think so.  A time, a crux in the time line - yes.  So, if we go to the stars with this way of thinking this world will be broke on the Intergalactic "Stock" Market.  The "Stock" in Planet Earth is probally at a all time low right now.
1) People (in the know) think this will go away and that they can handle things till it does.
2) Educators afraid of Vouchers.
3) Ranchers afraid of people not eating meat (Example the Oprah Winfrey trial)
4) Farmers growing what will sell.
5) MSG added so that less meat and natural items have to be added, less money for farmers.  MSG can excite brain cells to death.  Aspartame seem to work the same way.
6) Prejudice so that people will be afraid of losing their jobs.
7) Worry of abortion so that some people can say that there is no other way of handling the people surplus.
8) The people "surplus" being the reason for pollution
9) the world is drowning in it's own waste
10) there is no way of recycling that will handle this waste.
11) I had read (in Newsweek) sometime in 97 or 98 about a way of breaking down waste products into water and - something else.  Have not seen or heard of it again.
12) One Euro currency - the World Bank in control of the World?
13) Chemical companies worried about law suits dealing with Organophosphates
14) Cosmetics worried that they will not sell
15) Perfume companies covering up the fact that our bodies are detoxing "smellingly"
16) Insurance companies owned by who?
17) HMO's backed by who?
18) How do you find out what some Pharmaceutical companies have done if you can not get the tests?
19) AIDS - bad blood from a Arkansas prison that Clinton had / (has?) ties to contributing to AIDS
20) Cloning all our food - since we are afraid of the natural stuff.
    Terminator seed technology and antibiotics in meat.
21) Natural Supplements needed then - vitamins usually have some unhealthy binders.
22) Who will supply the Natural Supplements - but back to Terminator Seed Technology
23) Floride, Organophosphates, and other poisons in our water.
why would the "Leaders" allow all of this?
24) cloning of human bodies?  If there is suppose to be a surplus now - what happens if some people
    intend to be around for 2 or 3 hundred years or more.  Monopolies?
25) Who would get the cloned bodies?
26) How much education would they want from the common people?  Those people might protest.
27) Control of education, history and the internet.  They would have to re-write history.
28) to not need any of the cultures or traditions since it is all on the Internet.
29) Whose relatives were against the Constitution?
30) Do not intellectualize the Bible?
31) Re - interpetation(s) of the teaching of Jesus Christ
32) What is taught in Schools
33) How and why "or should I say who" started the First World War.  Who has made the most profit?
34) Who started the Second World War?
35) What happened during that time that some do not want known?
36) What would happen if the religions were not so tied up in trying to control the country for their own
    special interest groups that they actually talked and realized what was happening.
37) Medieval times the whole family went to the baths - to take a bath you checked your clothes before
    getting in the water.
38) some cultures still have family nude bathing in a community setting.  some parts of the Orient and
    Europe.  These cultures traditionally chose for intelligence not getting all hyped up about the human
    body - They have seen it already!
39) The poor American male - idolizes what is in his pants and thinks that all you need to chose for in
    a mate is someone that is healthy.  Most time they think that they can put the answers in the
    blanks so why want a mate that actually thinks.  Has so many blind spots, is capable of being led
    - the way to get to them is through ?.  The sad part is that they are being kept from knowing the     
    world, cultures, and history that they think some of these cultures are less advanced, because that
    culture is comparable in it's nudity - like Adam and Eve once were.
40) I would like to see the original writing about the Garden and Adam and Eve.  Where did that story
    come from.  Could it actually been the other way around that Adam and Eve did not want to learn or
    study and that is why they chose to put on clothes.  That even when you do not want to use your
    mind that God left a world with crops and animals that allowed you to still eat and stay alive?
41) How to keep the Human life sacred and how to rationalize the fact that we eat meat?  To say a
    Blessing to thank the fact that God has given us this food.  To thank that animal that has given it's
    life that we may live?
summery:  If / when we go to the stars and are able to trade with other cultures what would we be able to trade?  History, mindsets, traditions, cultures, different ways thinking, different ways of looking at things?  But all that knowledge is in computers, so do they need the originators of the ideas?  Even after studying another culture do you really understand it?  But, what if they were to sell a culture back it's history - at that time who originated the knowledge?  A surplus, I do not think so.  A time, a crux in the time line - yes.
Citations and Research Links - not organized well yet.
4) Canola Healthy? -
4&5) Oils Vegetable and Animal - Health Risks from Processed Foods and Trans.
Fats: An interview with Mary
Enig, Ph.D. -
5) MSG and Aspartame
    Aspartame - Sweet Poison
Toxic effects of air freshener emissions -
19) AIDS - Is AIDS really a disease?   
19) (1) "We have not been able  to discover any good reasons why most
of the people on earth believe that AIDS is a disease caused by a
virus  called  HIV.   There  is  simply  no  scientific  evidence
demonstrating that this is true."  -- Kary B. Mullis, Nobel Prize
in Chemistry, 1993.  [Qtd. in *Inventing The AIDS Virus* by Peter
H. Duesberg.  Washington, DC:  Regnery  Publishing,  Inc.,  1996.
ISBN: 0-89526-470-6.]

19) (2)  Professor Peter Duesberg (UC-Berkeley), a virologist, agrees
with Mullis:   No  one  has  ever  proven  that  HIV causes AIDS.
[Source: Duesberg's book, cited above.]

19) (3) AIDS doesn't "come  from  monkeys  in  Africa; the story gets
more preposterous as we get into it."  --  Dr.  Robert  Strecker,
M.D. and virologist, ca. 1992.

19) (4)  "A  virus  model  of  causation  does not fit the scientific
facts.  Rather, multifactorial influences  are the *sine qua non*
of AIDS.  [But the] multifactorial  model  is  a  threat  to  the
well-being of the international pharmaceutical giants..."  -- Jon
Rappoport.   [*AIDS,  Inc.:   Scandal  of  the  Century*  by  Jon
Rappoport. Human Energy Press, 1988. ISBN: 0-941523-03-9.]

19) (5)  "Yet there is still no proof for the now [1990] six year-old
hypothesis that HIV causes  AIDS."   -- John Lauritsen.  [*Poison
By Prescription:  The AZT Story* by John  Lauritsen.   New  York:
Asklepios, 1990. ISBN: 0-943742-06-4.]
==========Summary of some articles  ==============================
(1) MSG and Aspartame
Summary done on

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) derived from Glutamic acid, which is an
excitotoxic amino acid that has been known to excite, brain cells sometimes
to the point of killing them.  MSG is a neurotropic drug (neurotropic means
that it effects the nervous system) and when it effects a person the effects
may not show up for up to 48 hours.  Glutamic acid (an amino acid), and one
of its salts is glutamate.  Glutamate is one of the substances that make up
protein.  Different proteins are made up of different amino acids.  MSG is
manufactured through a process of protein hydrolysis.  When glutamate is
separated from protein and the product has 99% free glutamate then it is
called "monosodium glutamate."
When Protein Hydrolysate has less than 99% free glutamate, usually within
the range of 8 to 40 per cent, then the product might have one of these
names - "sodium caseinate," "calcium caseinate," "autolyzed yeast,"
"textured protein," "yeast food," "hydrolyzed vegetable protein," and
"hydrolyzed protein."
Hydrolyzed Protein (itself) may be in products under names like "flavoring"
or "natural flavoring."
If you are concerned about MSG sensitivity, or would like to help the Truth
in Labeling Campaingn, (a nonprofit corporation), write Jack Samuels, Truth
in Labeling Campaign,  P.P. Box2532, Darien, IL 60561.  A stamped,
self-addressed envelope would be apprecieated.


(2) Journal of the American Dietetic Association, July 1997 v97 n7 p793(2)
"We think your son has Lennox-Gastaut syndrome'- a case study
monosodium glutamate's effect on a child
Author:  Anne Shovic, Robert D. Bart and Apryll M. Stalcup
Electronic collection:  A19792007
RN:  A19792007

Glutamate a free amino acid or as a constituent in proteins.
Aspartame - "Although most of the neurologic concerns associated with
aspartame have centered on phenylalanine, one of the amino acids that
comprise the dipeptide, it should be noted that aspartate, the other amino
acid in the dipeptide, and glutamate bind to many of the same receptor sites
in vivo, are subject to many of the same transport mechanisms, and undergo
interconversion via aspartate aminotransferase."  It is also interesting to
note that the incidence of febril seizures in young children is almost five
times higher in Japan, where MSG is more commonly used as an additive, than
it is in the United States."

This report has a long list of References.
Aspartame - Sweet Poison
Another assult on our neurotransmitters?
Canola Healthy? -
Think of Bovine Growth Hormone
Oils Vegetable and Animal - Health Risks from Processed Foods and Trans.
Fats: An interview with Mary
Enig, Ph.D. -
Toxic effects of air freshener emissions -
For information on chemicals in fragranced products and their effects on
health visit:

Rachel's Environmental Weekly -
Index page -
Blazing Tattles - another good research tool -
Demasculization of Animals, Humans next? -
World Wildlife Fund - chemicals in the environment -
Find more about Health Canada's perspective on antibacterial soaps at
To find out what the Soap and Detergent Association have to say on
antibacterial soap, visit
Visit Tufts University and find out more about there research at
Learn more about antibiotic resistance at (New 04 Nov 98)
Antibiotics in agriculture creating superbugs - TORONTO (Reuters) - 04:25 PM
ET 11/03/98.
Non-Milk -
The American Farmer up a Creek - without the paddle =
Terminator Seed Technology -
Chemical - Environmental Health Network -
Olestra can give problems with absorbing other foods
This mostly relates to the connection between pesticides and BSE, These
include Organophosphate sheep dip
"Diazinon, Propetamphos, Chlorfenvinphos, Carbophenothion; and via a third
party, went on to Cufomate,
which he had used as a warble fly dressing. I later explored all the OPs
which had been used in the Gulf War."
    Here are the archives of Dr. Phyllis Mullenix' presentation related to
fluoride compounds and neurotoxicity:
    Other web pages include:    (Intl Society for Fluoride Research)
        (see statement by Dr. Michael Schacter)

    Natural Health and Longevity Resource Center - on fluoride

     The fight over fluoride continues


(anything with Monsanto's NutraSweet/Equal/Spoonful/Benevia/NatraTaste)
VISIT Get links to over 30 sites on aspartame
VISIT ..FAQs & Cases
VISIT Exposing Bovine Growth Hormone
Disability and Death are not acceptable costs of business!

*******************end of Summary*******************

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