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US admits killing Arab journalists in Iraq
Medical evacuations in Iraq war hit 18,000

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article describes severe abuse
Defence wants psychologist in Satanist trial  7/6/03 "An alleged Satanist, accused of abducting and molesting three young children, would not have a fair trial unless the Legal Aid Board was forced to pay over R40 000 for a psychologist, the Pretoria High Court heard on Wednesday....Williams argued that the court did not need a psychologist to tell it that children were open to suggestion and could be influenced. He said it was not relevant if Classen had the profile of a paedophile. The question was simply if he had done it or not....Classen has denied guilt on ten charges of abducting, raping and molesting a seven-year-old girl and her two older brothers over a period of months in 2000. The children testified in gruesome detail that they had been subjected to Satanist rituals. Hugo, however, argued that the children's evidence about events that included 30 child murders, body parts being kept in cupboards and even meetings with the fictional character ET was a the product of their imagination and could not possibly be accepted." http://iafrica.com/news/sa/254323.htm

US admits killing Arab journalists in Iraq

Monday 29 March 2004 The US military has acknowledged it was responsible for killing two journalists working for Dubai-based satellite channel al-Arabiya who were shot close to a checkpoint in the Iraqi capital earlier this month.
Al-Arabiya cameraman Ali Abd al-Aziz died on 18 March from a gunshot wound to the head. Correspondent Ali al-Khatib died from his wounds in hospital the next day. Both were Iraqis.  Colleagues said US troops fired on their car near a checkpoint in central Baghdad. The US military initially said it was unlikely its bullets had killed them.
On Monday, a US military official said an investigation into the deaths showed troops were responsible, but had acted "within the rules of engagement".  US soldiers were aiming at a different car, a white Volvo that had driven through the checkpoint at high speed, the investigation said. Al-Arabiya's grey Kia car was 50m to 150m down the road, trying to turn when it was accidentally hit, the military said. 

Medical evacuations in Iraq war hit 18,000 By Mark Benjamin
United Press International
Published 3/31/2004
WASHINGTON, March 31 (UPI) -- In the first year of war in Iraq, the military has made 18,004 medical evacuations during Operation Iraqi Freedom, the Pentagon's top health official told Congress Tuesday.
....In both cases, Winkenwerder described the evacuations as "total evacuations out of theater," and he said both times that the majority of evacuations represented routine medical treatment and not life-threatening injuries.

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