-Caveat Lector-

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Defense outlines cult theory by John Coté and Garth Stapley 8/13/03 "Scott Peterson's defense team Tuesday briefed two forensic experts on a satanic cult theory, including paintings and artwork near San Francisco Bay and an experiment showing that the pregnant Laci Peterson's body could have been placed in the water at the art site. Attorney Matt Dalton, using a laptop computer, showed artwork that he said depicted ritualistic killings and occult practices, and said the artwork could be found near the end of a peninsula in the bay." http://www.modbee.com/local/story/7281680p-8207305c.html

Records show Boston church paid $21.2M US to settle abuse cases in 1994-2001 Denise Lavoie 8/13/03 Boston (Ap) - "As alleged victims of clergy sexual abuse began considering the Boston archdiocese's offer to settle 542 lawsuits, records were released showing the archdiocese paid at least $21.2 million US in settlements to 149 people from 1994 to 2001. " Http://www.cbc.ca/cp/world/030812/w081241.html
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