-Caveat Lector-

EU Nations To Pick New Parliament

.c The Associated Press

BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - Ending a campaign pushed to the background by the
Kosovo conflict, elections for a new European Parliament conclude Sunday with
voters in 11 European Union nations casting ballots.

Almost 300 million Europeans are eligible to vote for the 626-member
assembly, which has had a hard time shedding its image as a gravy train
although it enjoys ever more clout. Over the years, it has been given the
right to amend EU laws in many areas, reject treaties with non-EU nations and
vote down the EU budget.

Pauline Green, the British leader of the assembly's socialist faction, said
during the campaign that Europeans ``know about the European Parliament, know
about these elections and I very much hope that will translate'' into a solid

That has not happened so far.

Voting began Thursday in Britain, the Netherlands and Denmark. On Friday, the
Irish voted. No significant turnout was reported in these nations. On Sunday,
voters in Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Luxembourg,
Portugal, Finland and Austria take their turn.

The results from all 15 countries will be tallied after the last polls close,
with final results expected Monday.

Europeans vote for candidates from their home country, one reason why the
elections remain a barometer of how political parties stand at home, rather
than in Strasbourg, France, or Brussels, the cities where the European
Parliament meets.

The Socialist, Christian Democrat and liberal factions will likely remain the
largest groups.

The assembly, which has long had a reputation of being a toothless talk shop,
sought to shed that image earlier this year by engineering the ouster of the
European Commission, the powerful executive branch of the union, after
revelations of nepotism and corruption.

The new commission is expected to be led by Romano Prodi, a former Italian
prime minister who has pledged to institute reforms.

The number of seats at stake in each country ranges from 6 for Luxembourg to
99 for Germany.

For the first time, British candidates will win seats based on proportional
representation instead of winner take all. In Germany, the elections are the
first major test for Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's socialist-green alliance
that came to power last fall. In France, Belgium, Austria and Italy,
right-wing candidates are expected to hold their ground.

Most candidates have pledged to clean up the EU head office and stress job
creation, crime-fighting and protecting the environment.

At the last session, the assembly resisted efforts to curb its own pay and
expenses. It meets in an immense, $1.2 billion glass-and-chrome complex in
Brussels where each member has a private toilet and shower, and will soon
occupy equally opulent quarters in Strasbourg.

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