-Caveat Lector-


   The Guardian         Saturday August 17, 2002

   East Europeans torn on the rack by international court row

   Ian Traynor

   Trapped in the middle of the increasingly rancorous dispute between
   the US and the EU about international justice, the countries of
   eastern Europe are in a quandary about how to respond to the intense
   US pressure to give American citizens immunity from war crimes

   While Washington bullies, Brussels warns. From Estonia on the Baltic
   to Albania on the Adriatic, countries' hope of joining both Nato and
   the EU appear to be threatened by the row about the new International
   Criminal Court in the Hague.

   In the Balkans, where the issue of war crimes is politically potent,
   and up through central Europe to the Baltic states of the former
   Soviet Union, governments are wrestling with a hard dilemma: how to
   avoid offending the US and improve their hope of being admitted to
   Nato while toeing the west European line as candidate members of the

   Croatia is the latest target of the US campaign: the government in
   Zagreb disclosed on Wednesday that it had received a letter from the
   US embassy requesting a bilateral pact banning the extradition of
   Americans from Croatia to the Hague.

   The dilemma is particularly tough in neighbouring Bosnia, the scene of
   the worst war crimes in Europe since the Nazis, where 2,500 US
   military personnel are helping to keep the peace.

   In Serbia the Yugoslav president, Vojislav Kostunica, dismissed the US
   pressure this week and said there would be no deal. But the prime
   minister, Zoran Djindjic, may yet do Washington's bidding.

   Together with Iraq, the row about the ICC is perhaps the most serious
   of the many issues currently clouding transatlantic relations.

   Brussels bluntly warned the east Europeans this week to heed EU advice
   and avoid making concessions individually to the Americans before the
   EU agrees a common position at the end of the month.

   In eastern Europe integration with the west has been a fundamental
   foreign policy aim for the past 10 years and they regard membership of
   the EU and Nato as the twin pillars of that policy.

   But the conflicting pressures on them concerning the ICC show how
   estranged the US and Europe are becoming.

   The court, brought into being last month, is fiercely opposed by the
   Bush administration, even though the UN has agreed to waive any
   possible prosecution of Americans for a year. Washington is seeking
   individual pacts with the 77 states which have made themselves subject
   to the court to make extraditions of Americans to the Hague

   While Washington wants fast results, Brussels is playing for time.

   Reluctant to incur US displeasure, and with one eye on improving its
   chance of joining Nato in November, Romania broke rank last week to
   become the first European country - the only country bar Israel - to
   promise not to extradite Americans to the Hague.

   Neighbouring Bulgaria is also extremely wary of alienating the US, and
   was the only country to support the Americans during last month's
   peacekeeping crisis in Bosnia, when the US threatened to scupper the
   Bosnian mission unless it got its way on the ICC.

   Romania's decision is now seen to have been a foreign policy blunder,
   condemned by Brussels and regretted by the Bucharest. But the Romanian
   foreign minister, Mircea Geoana, made it clear that Bucharest was
   intimidated Washington's "clear and direct request".

   It was unprecedented, he said. "I can't remember anything they put so
   much weight or interest into."

   In former Yugoslavia, whose atrocity-riddled succession wars in the
   1990s helped prompt the court's foundation, and have produced the
   first war crimes trial of a former head of state (Slobodan Milosevic),
   the US campaign appears to be stalling.

   Croatia, which was the first east European state to ratify the ICC
   statutes, is defying the US demand. In Washington this week its
   president, Stipe Mesic, was characteristically blunt.

   "This is not good and it's getting counter-productive," he told a US
   radio interviewer. "You have an established democracy fighting for
   respect for the law and at the same time demanding its citizens be
   exempted for things others have to answer for."

   Mr Kostunica, a fierce opponent of the specific war crimes tribunal
   for former Yugoslavia in the Hague, although Belgrade has ratified the
   new court's statutes, rebuffed the US on Monday.

   If the Serbs and Croats continue to defy the US, the Bosnians may
   follow. Paradoxically, the three former Yugoslav states, at war with
   one another for much of the 90s, may end up united in resisting the
   American demand, denounced last week by Human Rights Watch as
   "hypocritical bullying".

   Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic, already Nato members and
   leading candidates for the EU, are playing for time. The Poles and the
   Czechs are traditionally pro-American and are increasingly resentful
   of the terms being dictated by Brussels in the drawn-out negotiations
   for EU accession. The Slovakian government had made it plain that it
   is reserving judgment on the US request until the EU sets a policy.

   Meanwhile the signals from the Baltic are that the Estonians will bow
   to the US demand when their prime minister, Siim Kallas, visits the
   White House early next month.

           Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002

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