-Caveat Lector-

----Original Message Follows----
From: Colombian Labor Monitor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: FARC criticizes suspected alliance of US, Colombian governments
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 22:36:10 -0500 (CDT)

Monday, 20 September 1999

                FARC criticizes suspected alliance
                   of US, Colombian governments

BOGOTA -- The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) have
criticized an alleged alliance between President Andres Pastrana and the US
government to fight the rebels, saying it casts doubt on Colombia's peace
efforts to end the country's decades-old conflict.

"Pastrana's alliance with the United States of America to intensify the war
in Colombia against FARC, which has been disguised as an attempt to fight
drug trafficking together, casts doubt on the government's intentions for
peace," the rebel group said in a statement Sunday obtained by AFP.

FARC said the US and Colombian governments were applying "pressure to
close us into a political position where we are forced through
intimidation to accept conditions for coming to the negotiating table."

Peace talks between the guerrillas and Andres Pastrana's government
collapsed after the FARC threw out a government demand for an
international force to monitor rebel activity in a
42,000-square-kilometer (16,000-square-mile) demilitarized zone
under FARC control.

The zone has been under rebel control since last November when Pastrana
handed it over to the rebels in a bid to advance the peace process.

Both sides resumed direct talks on September 10, but the issue remains

Peace commissioner Victor Ricardo said Saturday that the government was
trying to bridge the gap over the zone.

Earlier on Tuesday, the Colombian army deployed a US-trained anti-drug
unit to cut the ties between rebels and drug trafficking in the southern
part of the country.

Many believe the army's greater involvement in the drug trafficking fight
marks the start of larger military action against the rebels with
participation of Washington.

        Copyright 1999 Agence France Presse
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