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FBI Warnings, CIA Cutouts & Mind Control Killers


New FBI warnings claim that "information from debriefings of al Qaida detainees as of mid-October indicates that the group has considered directly targeting U.S. passenger trains, possibly using operatives who have a Western appearance."

Note the words "considered" and "possibly" using operatives.

First, I am reminded that FBI (and other federal) informants) often
tell their handler/interrogator exactly what they, the FBI, wants to hear. In other circumstances the FBI, and other federal agents lie.

This is based on my lengthy interviews of retired FBI agents and public documented evidence of many court cases, especially that of certain agents who have authored books such as retired FBI Special Agent Wesley Swearingen.

Swearingen admitted to participating in hundreds of black bag jobs
(illegal burglaries). He also stated in his book "FBI SECRETS An
Agents Expose" that the FBI hired operatives to murder people.

He also
helped defense attorneys gain the release of former Black Panthers who
had been in prison for decades for alleged murders they never committed.

The FBI knew they had set them up for convictions by paying
informants/operatives to lie in court.

Thus, when the FBI adds the possibility of operatives of "western appearance" and the mainstream meadia spreads this "information" nationwide, this justifies all police, airport security, AMTRAK security, and every other officer, agent and security company to further harass American citizens in keeping with their ultimate
goal of a total police state.

As you may know many 'western looking citizens', especially Americans have loudly complained of unnecessary harassment going through airports, while mid eastern terrorists appear to have been let through airports with weapons, and while the majority of airport security screeners are foreign in many U.S. airports, many of whom have been illegal aliens and others with criminal records.

It is my opinion that if there are any operatives of a western appearance who may be involved with any foreign terrorists such as al Quaida, it would be quite possible, if not probable, that they would be set up by US federal agents to join al Quaida. That could be accomplished by mind control conditioning, by offering bribes accompanied by misinformation and lies, and a number of other means.

In my professional law enforcement investigative experience inside
a major metropolitan police department, including working international investigations and expertise airports investigations in the US, the vast majority of criminals smuggling drugs and weapons, and committing other crimes such as thefts of personal belongings from luggage and commercial freight thefts were always employees of the airlines, mostly ground personnel.

I do not mean to imply that all FBI and other federal agents lie or
are dishonest. The majority are trying to do their job and seek out the real foreign terrorists. It is officials in top key positions that control and manipulate the agenda of the rest of the agents.

It is interesting to note the facts of the story, "Did 'Jihad' Arms Course Visit U.S.?" by Mike Brunker MSNBC

It apears that a former British military officer allegedly was, and
still may be, running a training camp for Islamic terrorists in Marion, Alabama. If history teaches us anything, then I smell CIA connection to this camp, along with an FBI cover up.

It is my viewpoint that the so called Beltway Sniper was/is a
Manchurian Candidate patsy who probably never fired a shot in the

This includes the seventeen year old accomplice.

It is highly probable that a terrorist commando team, or more than one did all of the shootings, and if so, they would have had their training, support, and cover up from the U.S. Government, at least from an element inside the CIA.

Any good police investigator can tear apart this sniper story put out by the government and media.


If that isn't a government front I will hang up my PC keyboard. I have no time today to go into the many red flags in this sniper case. This is not to say that the CIA and military do not use
mind control to train and activate assassins and mass murderers. They
do. I will get to that later.

In my many lengthy talks with former career CIA & FBI agents and
operatives, and other federal agents, who are honest men, and in
documented evidence, it is known that the CIA, among other agencies,
has directed operations in which their agents and operatives committed
criminal and terrorist acts in the US such as armed robberies of
numerous US National Guard and other military armories, in which US soldiers were severely injured and killed, or the draftees or the ones who would not accept bribes or just let it go.

Automatic weapons anti-tank guns, bazookas, handguns and more were stolen. This was directed by a "CIA inside the CIA", the units of which had been ordered disbanded by the president of the United States at that time.

However, this CIA inside the CIA disregarded that order. Eventually the president had to order companies of armed U.S. Customs agents to search for and arrest this outfit, to go into the Everglades to search out and arrest this large illegal CIA operation had been training. (Brigade 2506, later Alpha 66 & Omega 7, and OP40 the 25 person assassination squad inside 2506.)

CIA career operative Marita Lorenz was a member of OP40.

Marita Lorenz was also an operative for the CIA, FBI, DEA and U.S. Customs at times. Her CIA handler was CIA/Mafia. (One of many references fromthe book -- MARITA by Marita Lorenz, ISBN1560250550)

Brigade 2506 was NEW JERSEY based. The FBI was well aware of a CIA training camp in the Florida Everglades. Mercenaries, CIA contract agents, and anti-Castro forces gathered there to master scuba diving, killing with knives, guns, garrotes, and bare hands, to poison and main, to steal, to bomb, to sabotage, and to commit arson.

The area was isolated enough so that no outsiders could see the
ruthlessness of the training of the participants received. And when
tempers flared into violence, or a suspected counterspy was eliminated
no one could hear the screams. The idea of was to limit the movement of this batch of carefully trained patriots and psychopaths to the
training area when they were not on a mission wreaking covert havoc outside the country.

But leaving them in Florida and expecting them to limit their activities to the Everglades training camp and mainland Cuba was like
removing the bars from a zoo and operating on the honor system. Lions,
tigers, and bears would have to give their word that they would not
hunt and eat their natural prey to which they suddenly had easy access.

Wreak havoc? Psychopaths you say? One example of a covert
mission was when covert agents would sneak into Cuba then
take a cat into the sugar cane fields with them. They would tie a
kerosene soaked rag to the cat's tail. Then set the rag ablaze. The
terrified and tortured cat would run through the cane fileds trying to
flee from the fire on his tail. The burning rag would set the cane
ablaze, often ruining thousands of acres.

The CIA had paramilitary training camps throughout the Florida Keys, and deep in the Everglades. One of the more active sites was on a small remote island north of Key West called NO NAME KEY.

Doesn't that sound familiar like NSA (sopmetimes called No Such Agency)?

No Name Key's CIA base offered training in sabotage, explosives, weapons, survival,ambushes, communications and logistics. The Agency was soon supervising major raids aimed at blowing up oil refineries, and sugar mills. While some of the more militant exile groups considered themselves independent of the CIA, no group could function very long without Agency (CIA) coordination. It needed the Agency to make special arrangements with US Customs, INS, and the Coast Guard because the missions were technically "illegal" under the Neutrality Act. The CIA was pulling the strings all the way.

(Would the 9-11 attack on American be considered illegal?)

Suddenly, the U.S. government began cracking down on the very
training camps and guerilla bases it had established. The crackdown continued over the next several months to the increasing confusion and anger of the CIA trained exiles. One one hand they were still be encouraged and supported by the US Government. After all, wasn't the CIA the US Government? And on the other hand, they were being literally handcuffed and arrested. It was crazy.

In March 1963 British police arrested a group of these anti Castro
guerillas at a training site in the Bahamas. The US State Department
later admitted it had tipped off the British about the camp. Armed US
Customs agents raided the secret camp at No Name Key and arrested the
forces in training there. The FBI seized a major cache of explosives at another camp outside of New Orleans. Weeks later the U.S. Coast Guard assisted the British Navy in capturing a group of CIA-armed Cuban exiles in the Bahamas. The Secret Service and FAA also took part in the federal government crackdown. The more militant CIA groups defied President John F. Kennedy's orders to disband, and in fact kept up raids and operations even creating an international incident attacking a Soviet freighter.

On Dec. 4, 1962 US Customs officers captured twelve anti-Castro CIA
guerillas, mosty American soldiers of fortune, at NO NAME KEY. They
were charged with violating the Neutrality Act as they were about to embark on a raid to Cuba. By 1963 Alpha 66 continued to expand with branches in Miami, New York, Chicago, Dallas anmd Los Angeles.

On July 24, 1963 a group of CIA anti-Castro Cubans arrived in New
Orleans from Miami and joined a training camp off Lake Pontchartrain.

Members are from the International Anti-Communist Brigade, established
by Frank Sturgis and Gerry P. Hemming. The Senate Intelligence Committee Report would later claim that Victor Espinosa Hernandez obtained the explosives from Richard Lauchi, cofounder of the paramilitary right wing "Minutemen."

During the Garrison nvestigation reports were received that Oswald was seen at this camp.

(See the book, "The Last Investigation" by Gaeton Fonzi, former federal investigator for the House Select Committee on Assassination. ISBN1560250526)

On the day of the JFK assassination in Dallas, only Dallas police who were "members of the Minutemen" were allowed to work in the
area of the city where JFK was to be assassinated.

Now in 2002 I have to wonder when more of the honest federal agents and police of all types who are in investigative positions will come forward with what they know "before" any further terrorist acts are perpetrated in the US.

The entire War on Terrorism appears to be about mostly oil, along
with the opium poppy fields in Afghanistan and of course the profits
the Military Industrial Complex stands to "earn" from war.

In one interview with a source, a former military assassin (who was
not mind controlled), who while wearing civilian clothes followed
military orders and terminated targets (people) with extreme prejudice(whomever was chosen for him), stated that he was paid by checks from two different "oil companies."

He finally quit when he thought that the partial plate that his dentist had placed in his mouth, after taking six months to make it was a bit suspicious. After an examination and removal of the partial by an independent dentist they discovered there was transmitter/ tracing device inside the partial.

Oil companies are part of the military Industrial Complex.

As many people know by now, there have been many snipers, mass murderers, so-called serial killers and spree killers in the US.

Take for example the many postal workers who have alledgedly gone berserk and killed fellow employees. And what about those like Sniper James O. Huberty who shot and killed 21 people at McDonalds in San Ysidro, California on July 18, 1984. Yes, he did kill those people including some children. That was no commando operation.

I will now relate some information from a source I will call
"Albatross," who, against his will, underwent CIA-Military mind control for assassins. This is called MANUFACTURING

According to "Albatross," not all Manchurian Candidates are patsies. Some are programmed as political assassins while other are
programmed to go off on cue and kill their entire family, or numerous
people in a restaurant, fellow workers, and/or any other number of
scenarios. How can you imagine that the CIA and military can convince a person even through mind control to kill their own family, much less

"Albatross" remembers some of the tortuous mind control he
was subjected to. First he was made ill with some type of
biological virus in order to isolate him in a special military medical facility. He was drugged and subjected to food and water deprivation as well as forced into ice cold water every twenty minutes. Hypnosis and drugs were a major part of it.

At one point the programming consisted of being forced to watch films. In one film, which seemed like a video game of sort, there were several children, girls, riding their bicycles down
the street. They came to a stop. In the film they were riding toward the viewers. A voice of the handler/narrator who was off film suggested to "Albatross" that he was driving a car now and he should run down the children killing them. "Albatross" resisted automatically. But the handler kept suggesting the same instructions.

(In hypnosis, "suggestions" are "orders," or end up being perceived as orders by the subconscious.)

At the same the handler was continuing to tell him to run them down,
"Albatross" felt as if he was in fact in a car driving toward the
children. Then he saw a sign in the street near the children, or else
it was a subliminal sign being flashed on the screen.

The sign was briefly advertising 22 caliber ammunition and it also read "Love is a bulletin her head." The sign also had hearts on it.

The handlers had him associating running children down with his car
with also shooting children and with love.

This caused dissasociation in his mind...car..run over children..22 ammo...love..hearts..kill...love is a bullet in her head.

Subjects like Albatross were subjected to this type, and other
conditioning hour after hour day and night.

If the handler can condition and program a subject to to kill
children, then he will have no problem assassinating anyone they choose for him as a target including a target's family.

Albatross was also subjected to much more, including dehumanizing the
enemy which included everyone from Communists to black people. He was continually conditioned that they were the scum of the earth. He is not ready to elaborate on any more of his programming and what he
may have done while in the military.

Albatross recognizes the look of a mind controlled patsy on the face of the alleged Beltway Sniper now that his photo is in the news.

In my interview with another Mind Control subject-source
"Nightingale," he recalls being in the Naval Medical Facility at
Naples, Italy, Bethesda Medical faciity in Maryland, and other locations where mind control experiments took place. He went beserk a number of times while in the U.S. Navy both aboard ships and while off duty in towns.

Fortunately he did not kill anyone, but just attacked them physically.

(My wish is that all of you reading this will copy and send this report to any police as well as your friends and relatives to acquaint them with this type of scenario.)

FBI, Task Force Issue New Warnings
Friday, Oct. 25, 2002
WASHINGTON -- The FBI warned state and local law enforcement agencies
nationwide Thursday that Osama bin Laden's al Qaida terrorist network
may be targeting U.S. railways. "Recently captured al Qaida photographs of U.S. railroad engines, cars, and crossings heighten the intelligence community's concern of this threat," the FBI said in a statement. Agency officials said the warning was based on information gathered from al Qaida prisoners. "Information from debriefings of al Qaida detainees as of mid-October indicates that the group has considered directly targeting U.S.passenger trains,
possibly using operatives who have a Western appearance."

"Additional information suggests operatives may try a variety of other attack strategies, such as destroying key rail bridges and sections of track to cause derailments or targeting hazardous material containers," the statement added.

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