-Caveat Lector-




Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

FBI agents tells Missouri farmers to keep alert for terrorism
By Tim Higgins
Associated Press Writer

02/26/2002 03:23 PM

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) -- Farmers are the nation's first line of defense
against terrorist attacks on the food supply through contamination of crops
or livestock, an FBI agent told Missouri farmers Tuesday.

David Cudmore, Kansas City coordinator of the FBI's unit in charge of
fighting weapons of mass destruction, told a Missouri Farm Bureau conference
that farmers must be alert to suspicious developments.

``If you suspect something, report it and tell them why: 'There's something
weird with my crops. They're turning a color I've never seen before,'''
Cudmore said.

Beyond wiping out a herd, the deliberate exposure of animals to a biological
agent such as foot-and-mouth disease would hurt the nation's economy and send
waves of fear across the country, Cudmore said.

He said it would be easy for a person to bring a piece of infected material
into the United States and spread it to livestock.

``If a person takes a rag, puts it on the nose of a cow with foot-and-mouth
disease, then puts it in his pocket, keeps it wet, gets on a plane, flies
over to the Midwest -- if he just shook a farmer's hand, boom!'' Cudmore said.

Cudmore said he was more worried about biological attacks against agriculture
than anthrax attacks against people.

Still, the FBI in Kansas City has responded to 45 anthrax scares, Cudmore
said. No person has been charged with a crime.

Anthrax was discovered last fall at a Kansas City postal facility. About 250
people were advised to take antibiotics as a precaution but no one became
ill, and the facility reopened after two weeks.

Authorities field a lot of calls about nothing more than a white powdery
substance on a kitchen counter or garage floor, Cudmore said.

He told farmers that if they detect something amiss, they should first try to
gather information about it.

``If you can't figure out the explanation for why something is going on,
you've got to report it,'' Cudmore said.

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