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>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
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this is a report published yesterday on the UK's newspaper "The
Guardian" (<http://www.guardian.co.uk/Archive/Article/0,4273,4421276,00.html>).
Now all "conspiracy people" have material to say "I told you!".

Subject:  FBI chiefs blocked investigation of '20th hijacker'

Oliver Burkeman in New York
Saturday May 25, 2002

High-ranking FBI officials repeatedly obstructed efforts to
investigate Zacarias Moussaoui, the alleged "20th hijacker", in the
days before September 11, a senior agent has claimed.

Coleen Rowley, of the FBI's Minneapolis office, said the agents who
arrested Mr Moussaoui there in August last year became so frustrated
by their superiors' repeated refusal to grant warrants to search his
computer and personal belongings that they alerted the CIA directly -
a breach of protocol for which they were reprimanded.

In a 13-page letter to the Senate intelligence committee and the FBI
director, Robert Mueller, which was immediately classified, Ms Rowley
rejected Mr Mueller's recent claim that the agency had no information
on Mr Moussaoui that could have helped to predict or prevent the
terrorist attacks.

The FBI said it would open an internal investigation, and the Senate
panel has begun its own inquiry. Mr Moussaoui is currently facing
terrorism charges in Virginia.

"While I cannot comment on the specifics of the letter, I am convinced
that a different approach is required," Mr Mueller said in a

"New strategies, new technologies, new analytical capacities and a
different culture make us an agency that is changing post-September

In part of the letter which was made public, Ms Rowley wrote: "When,
in a desperate eleventh-hour measure to bypass the FBI HQ roadblock,
the Minneapolis division undertook directly to notify the CIA's
counter-terrorist centre, FBI HQ personnel chastised the Minneapolis
agents for making the direct notification without approval."

Even as Washington was digesting Ms Rowley's allegations, government
documents emerged showing that the FBI agents investigating Mr
Moussaoui were told hours after his arrest that he believed it was
"acceptable to kill civilians who harm Muslims", and that those who
died executing such attacks were "martyrs".

The warning was backed up days later in a cable from a French
intelligence agency saying that he held "Islamic extremist beliefs".

The classified documents, summarised in a leak to the New York Times,
were based on interviews with Hussein al-Attas, a student who gave Mr
Moussaoui a lift from Oklahoma to a Minnesota flying school, where his
interest in Boeing-747s aroused the suspicion of instructors.

This month it emerged that one agent speculated in the margins of his
notes that he might be planning to hijack an aircraft and fly it into
the World Trade Centre.

US officials also hinted yesterday that they were looking into the
possibility that Richard Reid, the alleged shoe-bomber, acted as part
of a wider plot by an Islamic militant group, and that the group in
question may have been Hamas or Hizbullah.

"They are damn sure he was part of a terrorist organisation," a
federal law enforcement official told the Washington Post.

"One could reasonably assume that al-Qaida is not the only group that
is being looked at."

The official said connections between al-Qaida and Palestinian
terrorist groups were a key focus of the investigation, not least
because of Mr Reid's history of travels in Gaza.

"There is certainly evidence to indicate there are links and contacts
between them. They are like-minded organisations that hate the US and
are tapping into a broader pool of resources and people.

But I wouldn't say the Palestinian rejectionist organisations are
linking up with al-Qaida and going to war against us. We're not there

Newly released court documents show that prosecutors believe a human
hair and palm-print found on the plastic explosive device which Mr
Reid tried to detonate on an American Airlines flight from Paris to
Miami in December last year did not belong to him.

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