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Dave Hartley

Website: http://www.50years.org

Congressionally Appointed Panel Acknowledges Failures of IMF and World
Bank to Help the World's Poor, But Lack of Accountability Remains

WASHINGTON, DC, March 8, 2000 A coalition of development and environmental
advocates today said a new report by a Congressionally appointed
commission is a welcome acknowledgement that the International Monetary
Fund (IMF) and World Bank Group are largely failing in their mission to
address world poverty and economic stability, and need major overhaul.
However, the groups say that while the report contains some laudable
recommendations, it fails to address other fundamental problems.

According to the report, written by a panel of economists headed by Allan
Meltzer, the failures of the World Bank Group and IMF can be traced to
"overlapping missions," "ineffectiveness, corruption, and waste of
resources," and failure to develop successful regional programs in
agriculture, forestry, environment, health care, and other sectors among
other problems. But while the Commission also said "lack of transparency
and accountability" contributed to this failure, it did not offer any
reforms to address this problem.

"The Meltzer Commission report gives further weight to the growing
evidence that these institutions have caused serious social and
environmental damage to those nations they should be assisting," said
Carol Welch, International Policy Analyst for Friends of the Earth.
"However, until the IMF's chronic lack of accountability and democracy are
also dealt with, any reforms are unlikely to have a lasting positive

For example:
The IMF's lack of accountability and democracy, combined with US dominance
of the institution, has made the IMF an agent of Wall Street, rather than
an enabler of global stability and prosperity. The groups say an
independent evaluation unit and an ombudsperson are essential requirements
for an overhauled IMF, as is true participation of IMF borrowers in the
institution's governance.

While the Commission rightly identifies structural adjustment lending as a
function of the World Bank Group and not the IMF, it fails to call for
more oversight and attention to the environmental and social implications
of this function. Currently the Bank does not conduct environmental or
social assessments for these programs, despite more than a decade of
research that clearly demonstrates their negative impacts to poor

The Commission finds correctly that the World Bank Group should restrict
its financial support to sectors that have a direct and demonstrable
connection to poverty alleviation and sustainable development. However, it
overlooks a number of important sectors that can help fulfill this mandate
in environmentally and socially beneficial ways. These include investment
in renewable energy and efficiency programs, education, improved urban
living conditions, and combating pollution. The groups supported the
Commission's recommendations that the IMF's structural adjustment lending
program be eliminated, stressing that the IMF is not equipped to provide
poor countries with long-term development finance and capacity building.
They also endorsed the Commission's call for immediate debt cancellation
for the poorest countries. Finally, the groups backed the Commission's
call for elimination of the Multilateral International Guarantee Agency
(MIGA), the World Bank's private risk insurance arm, saying the World
Bank's development mandate should not be confused with that of supporting
the private sector or providing risk insurance to companies.

Website: http://www.50years.org
CONTACT: Jo Marie Griesgraber, Center of Concern: 202-635-2757, ext.126
Deborah Rephan, Environmental Media Services 202-463-1310, ext. 267
Andrea Durbin or Carol Welch, Friends of the Earth: 202-783-7400 or

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