-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

The Philadelphia Inquirer January 16, 2000


By Robert McChesney

The merger of America Online and Time Warner is bad for
consumers and bad for citizens. It hammers the last nail in the coffin of
the argument that the Internet will democratize the media by giving
ordinary citizens the ability to compete in the marketplace against the
media giants.
You and I don’t stand a chance against AOL-Time Warner or other
There may be millions of underfunded obscure Web sites, but the
commercially viable journalism and entertainment in the digital future
are going to be controlled by a few massive media giants.
Yes, it might be faster now and more convenient. But it also may be
costly. And a handful of media executives will still be setting your
information diet.
The AOL-Time Warner merger - the largest in history - is the
culmination of a stunning wave of concentration of ownership in media
and communication industries over the last decade. There were 12
major telecommunication companies in 1996; today there are six,
and many of them have moved aggressively into new areas.
AT&T, for example, is the largest cable television company in the
nation. The media system is now dominated by eight or nine
massive firms, with an additional 12 to 15 rounding out the
system. These two dozen profit-driven companies, owned and
managed by billionaires, account for nearly the entirety of the U.S.
media culture. This goes against any notion of a free press in a
democratic society.
The merger is also part of the related trend toward “convergence,”
meaning that with the rise of digital communications, the dominant
firms in media, computing and telecommunications are combining into
supercolossal transnational corporations, the likes of which we have
never imagined.
This deal, which unites the largest media firm with the
dominant Internet firm, will in all likelihood trigger another round
of mergers that will leave the entire realm of communication under
the thumbs of a handful of companies. The Internet is accelerating
the pace of concentration because firms know that in times of
rapid technological change, it is far better to be very big and have
less competition than to be smaller and have more competition.
As citizens, we should deplore this concentration of media power.
It is dangerous when so few people control what we see and hear. And
these giants have enormous power over not only the economy but the
political system as well.
One cruel irony is that the government has handed the
Internet over to the private sector. Entrepreneurs like Steve Case
did not invent the Internet. It is a direct result of government-
sponsored innovation. The government created and subsidized the
Internet and its predecessors for three decades. Private-sector
firms wanted no part of it because they couldn’t figure out how to
make a buck from it. Then, in the early 1990s, with barely a shred
of public debate or deliberation and with virtually zero media
coverage, the Internet’s trunk lines were privatized, the
prohibition against commercialism was ended, and, in effect,
cyberspace was turned over to corporate America.
It’s an extraordinary tale. The public does the spade work and takes
the risks; Wall Street takes control and rakes in all the profits. The
public gets nothing in return except a tidal wave of public relations
extolling the virtues of the corporate-run digital era.
Most of the media treat all of this as a business story, in which
the control over media and communication rightly resides on Wall
Street. Only rarely is it asked how this affects consumers. Almost
never is the even more fundamental question asked: How this
affects us as citizens. It is a telling comment on the decline of
democracy in our culture that so blindly condones greed and
So this is where we are at the dawn of the new century: Our
communication system is changing at a bewildering pace, and those
with the most money are at the controls, regardless of the social and
political implications. They are driving 100 miles an hour down an unlit
highway and nobody knows what lies ahead. Meanwhile, the
government seems willing to do everything it can to expedite the
This is a dangerous - and highly undemocratic - way to proceed.
And it is in all of our interest that this change.


Robert McChesney ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), a professor at the
Institute of Communications Research at the University of Illinois, is
author of “Rich Media, Poor Democracy: Communication Politics in
Dubious Times.”

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