-Caveat Lector-
This is a psy op to let the people know that not following the orders of healath officials can be prsecuted as a crime. This one is directed at doctors and others who dispense the vaccine. However, laws are already in place to make it a crime to refuse to take a vaccine if health authorities say it is mandatory. Is this vaccine the right one for the strain of flu that will hit the country. Remeber last year they had the wrong one but didn't tell us until after flu season. Deciding which strain to provide vaccine for is not an exact science. - JR
Friday, October 15, 2004

Flu shot rules carry penalty

Mich. health care providers who give vaccines to anyone not high-risk could face prosecution.

Related reports

Flu shots to be in short supply
Q & A: Why a shortage? Who gets shots?
What do you know about the flu? : Facts and myths, vaccination information, nasal spray vs. flu shot comparison
Beating the flu: Questions and answers
With smaller flu vaccine supply, Michigan health officials stress prevention
Antiviral drug information

Related Webcasts

See the videos, read the transcripts
Flu or cold?
The influenza vaccine: A weapon against the flu
The influenza virus: Understanding your enemy

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LANSING — State Health Director Janet Olszewski issued an emergency order late Thursday prohibiting use of this year’s scarce flu vaccine for anyone not in one of the high-risk groups.

Health care providers violating the order could face prosecution and misdemeanor criminal penalties.

Health officials said the action — an abrupt change from the department’s recent policy of voluntary compliance — is the result of some disturbing news regarding compliance with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines on rationing flu shots.

“We’ve certainly had wonderful cooperation from a lot of health care providers and organizations ... but in the last 24 hours there also have been anecdotal reports that some doctors and other providers are not following the CDC guidelines,” said health department spokesman T.J. Bucholz.

“We issued this order not to panic anyone, but to make sure the vaccine gets to those who need it most.”

Risk groups, for whom flu inoculations are reserved, include children younger than two, seniors older than 65, the chronically ill and patient-care workers.

The U.S. and Michigan face severe flu vaccine shortages this year because of the temporary closure of a British lab, Chiron Corp., that was a major maker. It’s one of just two firms that produce the concoction.

Health officials expect the state and country to receive no more than half the number of doses normally used in a flu season. The Centers for Disease Control plan to redirect the limited supply to areas of the nation where it’s most needed.

Michigan’s health department and its network of county agencies have come up with rough estimates that Michigan has 3.4 million people in the priority groups for flu shots, but only 1.7 million to 2 million doses of vaccine available in the state.

Gene Mychalowych of West Bloomfield, a 70-year-old retired businessman, is still waiting to get a flu shot. He’s been to three clinics in Oakland County seeking a vaccination to no avail.

But Mychalowych doesn’t agree with the state’s crackdown.

“I think the people who created the shortage should be charged with the crime,” he said. “Flu shots have always been available. Public officials should be held liable. Why did they allow the shortage to occur anyway?”

Detroiter Lottie Zdilla, in her 70s, says she has to wait at least two more weeks to find out if the city’s Herman Keifer clinic will have flu shots available. She agrees with the state’s crackdown.

“They need to save them for elderly people,” Zdilla said. “It’s such a great shortage and there are a lot of senior citizens out there who really need (the shots.”

Roughly 1,000 people die every year in Michigan of influenza, most of them senior citizens.

It’s uncertain how much more of the federal supply of vaccine — if any more — will come to Michigan.

“We’re actually quite fortunate. There are some states that have no vaccine at all, and we assume they’ll become priorities for the CDC,” Bucholz said. “California has vaccine only in Los Angeles County. So for now, we’re going to work within the parameters we already have.”

Michigan is one of a growing number of states whose health officials have issued directives barring use of flu vaccine for anyone not in the high-risk groups. Such orders are issued, and carry the force of law, during medical emergencies.

It’s Olszewski’s third such order as health director. Last year, she prohibited the sale of imported prairie dogs and other unusual pets after a monkey pox case was discovered. In 2003, she also ordered Northwest Airlines to help find passengers exposed to disease by a plane rider who came down with measles.

Bucholz said it’s early in the flu season, which usually peaks between December and March, so those needing the shots should be patient while health officials take the necessary steps to secure Michigan’s vaccine supply.

“There will be more announcements,” he said. “Local health departments and practitioners are going to get more guidance.”

You can reach Gary Heinlein at (517) 371-3660 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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