-Caveat Lector-


Denise Rich Pleads Fifth; Quinn, Holder Face Burton Committee
Thursday, February 8, 2001

WASHINGTON — Denise Rich has invoked her Fifth Amendment right
against self-incrimination in response to questions submitted to
her by the House Government Reform committee investigating
President Clinton's pardon of her ex-husband, fugitive financier
Marc Rich, Fox News has learned.

On Feb. 5, the committee chaired by Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind., sent
Rich a list of 14 questions regarding her support of the
presidential pardon for her ex-husband. Included in the list were
questions regarding her sizable contributions to Hillary
Clinton's Senate campaign and the Democratic National Committee,
as well as other personal gifts to the Clintons.

Since 1992, Rich has contributed more than $1 million to the
Clintons and the Democrats.

But on Wednesday, Rich's attorney, Carol Elder Bruce, informed
the Committee that Rich would be asserting her Fifth Amendment

And on Wednesday night, Rich's attorney informed Burton that Rich
had given an "enormous sum of money" to the Clinton Presidential
Library fund, according to sources close to the investigation.
Rich has not yet disclosed how much money she has given to the

Other Clinton Pals in the Hot Seat

On Thursday, Marc Rich's attorney, Jack Quinn, is slated to
appear before the House Government Reform Committee. Quinn worked
in the White House from 1993 to 1997, first as a chief of staff
to Vice President Al Gore and later as counsel to the president.

But Quinn has drawn the most attention recently for helping Rich
secure perhaps the most controversial of the 176 pardons granted
by Clinton on the last day of his presidency. On Rich's behalf,
Quinn appealed directly to Clinton to pardon the commodities
trader who fled to Europe in 1983 to evade charges of tax fraud
and illegally buying oil from Iran.

Federal prosecutors expressed outrage at the last-minute pardon
because Quinn did not first submit the application to Justice
Department officials for review. Such a move would have shined a
spotlight on the case and allowed prosecutors to lobby against
the pardon.

Clinton and Quinn have denied any impropriety. Quinn has insisted
that the appeal was never a secret and that he alerted Deputy
Attorney General Eric Holder weeks before the Jan. 20 pardon.

Holder has not publicly commented since the controversy erupted
two weeks ago, but he and two former federal prosecutors on the
Rich case are also scheduled to testify before the House

Committee spokeswoman Josie Duckett said Quinn "has been very
cooperative" with investigators and that the panel members hope
to sort out "the issue of who knew what when." Two other Clinton
advisers, former counsels Beth Nolan and Bruce Lindsey, canceled
their appearances because of scheduling conflicts, according to

There are no plans to extend the hearing past one day, she said,
or to call the former president as a witness. "It's not about
Clinton," she said. "It's about the process."

The Senate Judiciary Committee is set to open a similar hearing
on the Rich pardon next week.

President Bush has avoided weighing in on the subject. His
spokesman, Ari Fleischer, said Bush has no plans to overturn the

Rich, 65, continues to operate from Switzerland. It's not clear
whether he will return to the United States, where federal
officials once offered a $750,000 reward for his capture.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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