-Caveat Lector- also has more on Gardner "Dr. Gardner and PAS (parental alienation syndrome)   should be only a  "pathetic footnote" in psychiatric history.  Gardner and his bogus theory have done untold damage to sexually and physically abused  children and their protective parents.  PAS has been rejected by every reputable organization considering it."

also has : Leave Iraq, Tribesmen and Sacked Troops Tell U.S.
and : WMD just a convenient excuse for war, admits Wolfowitz

French 'orgy' storm grows - 6/2/03 Mr Baudis says the allegations are part of a conspiracy against him Veteran French politician Dominique Baudis has challenged judges to investigate allegations that he was involved in sado-masochistic orgies organised by a convicted serial killer. Mr Baudis, who heads France's media watchdog the CSA, strongly denies the accusations and says he is facing a political vendetta. His challenge follows reports that the convicted killer, Patrice Alegre, has accused Mr Baudis of being involved in the orgies....Two prostitutes have already made the same allegation. Alegre, who appeared before magistrates at the weekend, also confessed to the murder of two more people - a female prostitute and a transvestite - in addition to the five he is known to have killed. He said he carried out the murders under instructions from public figures, who feared the transvestite would release pictures taken with a hidden camera and that the prostitute "would not keep her mouth shut". The orgies are alleged to have taken place in Toulouse, when Mr Baudis was mayor of the city. One city official, chief prosecutor Jean Volff, resigned over the scandal last week." http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/2956730.stm

Toulouse officials ordered murder, says serial killer  Paul Webster 6/3/03  "France's most notorious serial killer has claimed that he murdered at least one victim on the orders of highly placed personalities in Toulouse because of a blackmail threat linked to sadomasochistic orgies involving politicians, judges and police. Dominique Baudis, the city's former mayor and current head of the Conseil Supérieur de l'Audiovisuel, an independent broadcasting watchdog, said through a lawyer yesterday that he was among four people named by the murderer, Patrice Alègre, who is serving a life sentence for five killings, involving extreme cruelty, and six rapes. Mr Baudis's lawyer, Francis Szpiner, dismissed Alègre's claim that the former mayor took part in orgies and "was involved in the organisation of a murder".... The affair is linked to evidence uncovered during the past two years by a special homicide squad investigating the disappearance of 115 women and girls in the Toulouse region over 12 years. Most were girls who had run away from home. Suspicion that Alègre had committed crimes other than those for which he was jailed in 1997 led to an inquiry by examining magistrates into "acts of torture and barbarity, pimping and rapes of under-age girls" that could lead to a number of prosecutions. Magistrates, politicians, policemen, journalists and businessmen are due to be questioned as part of the inquiry. Among the fallout from the affair in France's fourth biggest city was the sacking last week of Jean Volff, the prosecutor-general. He was one of a number of court officials in Toulouse who have been forced to explain their alleged knowledge of the affair. One judge has admitted to drinking with Alègre and another has said that there was "some truth" in evidence from two former prostitutes of an official cover-up of Alègre's crimes." http://www.guardian.co.uk/france/story/0,11882,969121,00.html

Ariz. Bishop Says He Hid Abuse Complaints Phoenix Bishop Acknowledges He Hid Abuse Allegations Against Priests, Gives Up  Some Authority Ap Phoenix 6/2/03 "The Roman Catholic bishop of Phoenix has relinquished some of his authority in an unprecedented agreement with prosecutors that will spare him from indictment on charges of protecting child-molesting priests. Under the agreement, Bishop Thomas J. O'Brien acknowledged he concealed sex-abuse allegations against priests, Maricopa County Attorney Rick Romley said Monday. O'Brien, the spiritual leader of 430,000 Catholics in Arizona since 1981, signed the agreement May 3. The deal guarantees him immunity from prosecution for any criminal cover-up, Romley said." http://abcnews.go.com/wire/US/ap20030602_1135.html

Watkins roasted over schoolgirl comments By Stephen Gibbs 6/4/03 "The Police Minister, John Watkins, has been accused of ignorance, insensitivity and incompetence by suggesting a schoolgirl initiated a relationship with her teacher. The remark was compared to a gaffe made by the former governor-general, Peter Hollingworth, over a woman's claims she had been abused by a priest starting when she was 14." "A spokesman for Mr Watkins said Mr Debnam was "mischievously and
deliberately taking him out of context for political purposes",
adding that the accusation was "completely ridiculous". "

Child sex claim rocks Cabinet 5/28/03  "Sensational claims that an unnamed senior NSW government minister had sex with a 15-year-old have been raised in state parliament amid a decision to lower the age of consent for homosexual males to 16....In a conscience vote, the Legislative Council voted 23 to 16 to pass the government bill to establish a uniform age of consent of 16 years in NSW, generating cheers and applause from a packed public gallery. But Liberal MLC Charlie Lynn announced to the parliament that he had documents relating to a police investigation of paedophilia allegations against a senior government politician."http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/05/28/1053801421099.html

Richard Ducote, J.D.
Mr. Ducote is an attorney at law, residing in and licensed to practice in Louisiana. He is considered a national expert on child abuse, domestic violence and child custody, and has trained judges, advocates, and court administrators all over the country. Mr. Ducote has also helped draft state legislation and shape Federal case law. His Post-Separation Family Violence Relief Act (R.S. 9:361-369), passed unanimously by the Louisiana legislature in 1992, has been widely praised by the National Center on Women and Family Law, the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Journal, and the Harvard Law Review. This legislation prohibits sexual abusers and violent parents from obtaining custody of children, and sets up tight controls over visitation. On his first attempt to take a case to the United States Supreme Court he won a unanimous reversal of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in Ankenbrandt v. Richards, 504 U.S. 689, 112 S.Ct. 2206 (1992). In that decision he obtained the right of abused children to sue their parents in federal court and eliminated the hundred year old "domestic relations exception" to federal diversity jurisdiction.

To All: 
Parental Alienation Syndrome is a bogus, pro-pedophillic fraud concocted by
Richard Gardner.  I was the last attorney to cross examine Gardner.  In
Paterson, NJ, He admitted that he has not spoken to the Dean of Columbia's med
school for over 15 years, and has not had hospital admitting privileges for over
25 years.  He has not been court appointed to do anything for decades.  The
only two appellate courts in the country who have considered  the question of
whether PAS meets the Frye test, i.e., whether it is generally accepted in
the scientific community, said it does not.  AS Dr. Paul Fink, former
president of the American Psychiatric Association has stated, Dr. Gardner and PAS
should be only a  "pathetic footnote" in psychiatric history.  Gardner and his
bogus theory have done untold damage to sexually and physically abused
children and their protective parents.  PAS has been rejected by every reputable
organization considering it.  In a Florida case in which I was recently
involved, when the judge insisted on a Frye hearing, Gardner simply did not show up.  ....Let's pray that his ridiculous, dangerous PAS foolishness died with him. 

Richard Ducote, attorney at law, New Orleans, LA

Leave Iraq, Tribesmen and Sacked Troops Tell U.S.
Mon June 2, 2003 10:09 AM ET By Andrew MarshallBAGHDAD (Reuters) - Thousands of sacked Iraqi soldiers threatened Monday to launch suicide attacks against U.S. troops as leaders of the country's squabbling tribes told the Americans they could face war if they did not leave soon."The entire Iraqi people is a time bomb that will blow up in the Americans' face if they don't end their occupation. We refuse to deal with the occupation," tribal leader Riyadh al- Asadi told Reuters after meeting a senior U.S. official for talks on the future of Iraq after Saddam Hussein."The Iraqi people did not fight the Americans during the war, only Saddam's people did. But if the people decide to fight them now, they are in big trouble."As tribal leaders were meeting Ambassador Hume Horan of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), more than 3,000 sacked soldiers marched on the U.S-led administration's headquarters vowing violence unless they were paid wages and compensation."All of us will become suicide bombers," said Khairi Jassim, a former warrant officer. "I will turn my six daughters into bombs to kill the Americans."

WMD just a convenient excuse for war, admits Wolfowitz By David Usborne 30 May 2003The Bush administration focused on alleged weapons of mass destruction as the primary justification for toppling Saddam Hussein by force because it was politically convenient, a top-level official at the Pentagon has acknowledged.  The extraordinary admission comes in an interview with Paul Wolfowitz, the Deputy Defence Secretary, in the July issue of the magazine Vanity Fair.  Mr Wolfowitz also discloses that there was one justification that was "almost unnoticed but huge". That was the prospect of the United States being able to withdraw all of its forces from Saudi Arabia once the threat of Saddam had been removed. Since the taking of Baghdad, Washington has said that it is taking its troops out of the kingdom. "Just lifting that burden from the Saudis is itself going to the door" towards making progress elsewhere in achieving Middle East peace, Mr Wolfowitz said. The presence of the US military in Saudi Arabia has been one of the main grievances of al-Qa'ida and other terrorist groups.  "For bureaucratic reasons we settled on one issue, weapons of mass destruction, because it was the one reason everyone could agree on," Mr Wolfowitz tells the magazine.
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