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-----Original Message-----
Date: Tuesday, April 04, 2000 10:21 AM
Subject: SN126:'Sit down or I'll kill you' (BBC Minitoring 00.04.03)

>Monday, 3 April, 2000, 17:10 GMT 18:10 UK
>'Sit down or I'll kill you'
>Krajisnik's father sits by his home as a policeman stands guard
>Members of Momcilo Krajisnik's family have given a dramatic
>description of the dawn raid in which the senior Bosnian Serb
>official was arrested by Nato troops.
>They gave this account of the incident to Bosnian Serb television.
>One son told the television station: "There was an explosion
>around 0330 (0130 GMT). I woke up and saw members of S-For in my room.
>An S-For soldier pointed to his rifle and shouted:
>'Sit down or I'll kill you',Momcilo Krajisnik's father ]
>"They demanded to see if I had any weapons. They searched me
>and my brother. They spoke English and asked for our names.
>Then they asked us to put our hands forward, and they tied
>me and my brother up ...", he said.
>"While one of the S-For members tied us up, others were
>searching the house. They searched everywhere, they took
>everything out. They took our two computers," the son added.
>Father's account
>Mr Krajisnik's father Stretko, 81, said there had been no
>need for S-For troops to blow open the front door.
>Sretko Krajisnik opens the destroyed door of his home
>"If they had rung the bell, I would have opened the door to
>them. But they threw the bomb, you can see what happened.
>"I started to go, and the S-For soldier grabbed me and said:
>'Back off.' There is no need to grab me like that, I said.
>"Then they put me in the kitchen and told me and grandmother
>to sit down. Unfortunately, I cannot sit down... A soldier
>pointed to his rifle and shouted: 'Sit down or I'll kill you.'
>Then I sat down.
>"This is what happened. God help us. All this lasted five or
>10 minutes. There were a dozen of them, running up and down.
>The house was full," Mr Krajisnik's father said.
>'Brutal' arrest
>Bosnian Serb politicians also condemned the arrest.
>Svetozar Mihajlovic, a former co-chairman of the Bosnian Council
>of Ministers and vice-president of the Serb National Alliance,
>described the raid as "brutal".
>Mihajlovic said the arrest "confirmed The Hague tribunal's
>policy of double standards towards war crimes suspects in
>"Obviously, in its work, The Hague tribunal accepts the views
>of certain Bosnian Muslim wartime leaders who see all Serbs as
>suspects; this is unacceptable," he said.
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