----- Original Message -----
From: reg
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 4:57 PM
Subject: [C-I] Northern Alliance = Taliban from the Oread Daily

Now we are beginning to hear and read stories about the heroic
Northern Alliance, those "noble" figures who have been fighting the
Taliban for years and who want to act in concert with the US "War on
Terrorism."  Folks, we've been here before.  The Northern Alliance is
not all that different then the Taliban.  The Revolutionary
Association of the Women of Afghanistan (which these days seems to me
to be the only group in the world at the moment that makes any sense)
had this to say which the Oread Daily considers quite relevant today:

In our opinion, the Taliban and other jehadi fundamentalist cliques
of Rabbani, Sayyaf, Masoud, Khalili, Hekmatyar and their like are
brothers in arms. They are all of the same hue, because: All of them
have a Klashnikov in one hand and the Quran in the other to kill,
intimidate, detain and mutilate our people arbitrarily. All are
violently misusing Islam, interpret the Quran according to their own
personal whims and political interests, and use religion as a cover
to hide their heinous crimes. They are all proud of stoning men and
women to death, cutting their limbs, public executions and punishing
the people without trial in an authorized court. Educational affairs
during more than four years of the jehadi fundamentalists' rule were
not better than what we find today under the Taliban. All of them are
equally hostile to science and culture… All of them are not
indigenous and are dependent on foreign countries. The Taliban too
cannot last long without foreign support and the same holds true for
other jehadi fundamentalists as well. They are not only incapable of
providing any economic relief to the Afghan people but are also
unwilling to take any step that benefits the masses… Unprecedented
abuses of human rights were committed on mass scale under the
domination of both types of fundamentalists. … Although Taliban's
hostility against our women goes far beyond in intensity than what
they had been experiencing during the rule of Rabbani & Co., it must
be noticed that it was Mr Sibghatullah Mujaddedi who instead of
paying heed to any of the numerous serious problems of Afghan people,
raised hue and cry for imposition of "Islamic hejab". It was in the
light of such injunctions that Rabbani & Co. too started to ban women
from appearing on TV and working in the offices. … Of course,
presently the rate of murdering, raping young girls and boys, and
looting houses by the Taliban has been somehow less than jehadi
fundamentalists; but the degree of brutalities of Taliban only
against Afghan women is enough to understand the bigotry and
fanaticism of this group. They physically force people to pray and
destroy audio/video cassettes as haram (forbidden), and regard
hearing even the sound of a woman's steps as a sin! … In view of what
we said, it is easy to understand that the current infighting among
different types of fundamentalists is nothing but a bloody war of
Islamic bandits over booty. And since they are controlled by their
foreign masters, the conflicting interests of these patron countries
are also playing havoc with the fate of the Afghan people…

The Oread Daily provides daily (Monday-Friday) progressive, left,
anti-racist, anarchist, commie, activist, environmental, Marxist,
revolutionary, etc. news and information from around the US and
around the world. The Oread Daily was a mimeographed sheet that came
out first in the summer of 1970 in Lawrence, Kansas. It was
irreverent, radical, spicy, revolutionary et. al. Now, three decades
later it returns. To view the entire Oread Daily, please visit:

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