
powerful article written by Larry Chin - OnLine Journal
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All the desperate lies and spin don't change the fact that the Bush 
administration had foreknowledge of the Sept. 11 attacks
By Larry Chin
Online Journal Contributing Editor 
May 19, 2002—George W. Bush knew. And his administration knew. The 
transparently dishonest denials issued by the White House do not 
stand up to the slightest scrutiny. They are lying. A simple 
examination of existing information, gathered from reliable, open 
sources proves it.

Last night, Michael C. Ruppert of From The Wilderness was scheduled 
to present his case for Bush 9/11 foreknowledge before a national TV 
audience on Geraldo Rivera's Fox News program. At the last minutes, 
this live appearance was cancelled. Coincidence? Ruppert's 
appearance, which could have caused immeasurable damage to the 
administration, was allegedly prompted by "breaking news" from the 
White House suggesting "imminent new terrorist attacks." "Wag the 
dog"? What desperate measures will this cabal resort to in order to 
remain in power? How many more lives will they take? 

Backed into a Corner at Every Turn

On May 15, Press Secretary and official White House liar Ari 
Fleischer nervously stuttered, "The president did not receive 
information about the use of airplanes as missiles by suicide 
bombers. This was a new type of attack that was not foreseen."

This was followed by Condoleeza Rice, who repeated the spin: "I don't 
think that anyone could have predicted that these people would take 
an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center." 

Bush himself issued a statement that he had no indication beforehand 
that "terrorists would hijack jets and deliberately crash them."

The White House would have us believe that not a single individual in 
the entire US government, nor the entire Central Intelligence Agency, 
had knowledge about a method of terrorism that has been routine for 
more than 20 years. And that not a single person in the entire 
national security apparatus of the US had a shred of information on 
training camps in Iran (a hotspot of intense US intelligence focus 
for decades) devoted to this method of terrorism.

Yossef Bodansky is a director of the Task Force on Terrorism and 
Unconventional Warfare in the US House of Representatives, and the 
author of the book "Bin Laden: The Man Who Targeted America." 
Bodansky is a Washington insider whose views are sought after, 
respected and broadly disseminated throughout the US government. 

In a well-publicized paper from 1993, he stated, "The training of 
suicide pilots started in the Busher air base in Iran in the early 
1980s with some 90 Pilatus PC-7 aircraft purchased from Switzerland."

 "According to a former trainee in Wakilibad (a base for the training 
of kamikaze pilots), one of the exercises included having an Islamic 
Jihad detachment seize (or hijack) a transport aircraft. Then trained 
air crews from among the terrorists would crash the airliner with its 
passengers into a selected objective," he wrote.

 "The leading terrorists are known as 'Afghans,' having been trained 
with the mujahadeen in Pakistan. Some fought in Afghanistan. Muslim 
volunteers from several Arab and Asian countries were encouraged to 
come to Pakistan and join the Afghan Jihad." (Source: Target America: 
Terrorism in the US Today, 1993. "Islamic Terrorism in the United 
States," National Security Caucus, 1996.)

The Bush administration would have us believe that a subject that was 
written about in books and discussed openly throughout Washington 
is "unimaginable."

They would also have us believe that they, and their intelligence 
operatives, have been unaware of some of the most spectacular and 
horrific terrorist operations in recent history—many of them directed 
at the United States.


On December 29, 1994, four terrorists alleged to have ties to Osama 
bin Laden hijacked Air France Flight 8969, a flight from Algiers to 
Paris. They loaded the plane with explosives and filled it with extra 
fuel, with the intent of ramming it into the Eiffel Tower. Commandos 
stormed the plane and killed the hijackers. (Source: NBC News. 
September 30, 2001. Chris Hansen, "The Lesson of Air France Flight 
A full seven years before September 11, an al-Qaeda suicide hijacking 
is partially executed and barely stopped by French intelligence. The 
Bush administration would have us believe that no one in the CIA had 
ever heard of such a thing.
Another suicide hijacking plot was discovered six years before 
September 11. Ramsey Youssef, the terrorist who masterminded the 1993 
bombing of the World Trade Center had detailed plans to hijack and 
crash commercial airliners into buildings in the US, and blow up 12 
US airliners during international flights over a two-day period. This 
plot, known as Operation Bojinka, was discovered by Philippine 
intelligence agents in 1995, in the hideout of Yousef and Abdul Hakim 
Murad, a US trained pilot linked to bin Laden. Philippine authorities 
passed this information to the FBI. This plot was disclosed again in 
the 1997 trial of Youssef. (Source: Kevin Cullen, Ralph Ranalli. 
Boston Globe, Sept 18, 2001, "Flight School Said FBI Trailed Suspect 
Prior to Hijackings")
Two years before 9/11, reports prepared for U.S. intelligence warned 
that Osama bin Laden would hijack an airliner and fly it into 
government buildings like the Pentagon. "Suicide bomber(s) belonging 
to al-Qaeda's Martyrdom Battalion could crash-land an aircraft packed 
with high explosives (C-4 and semtex) into the Pentagon, the 
headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), or the White 
House,'' the September 1999 report said. (Source: Associated Press, 
May 17, 2002).
In July 2001, during the G8 Summit in Genoa, Italy, Deputy Prime 
Minister Gianfranco Fini revealed that Italian intelligence had 
uncovered a plot to crash a hijacked commercial airliner into either 
Air Force One or one of the buildings used for the summit. (Source: 
New York Newsday, Sept 19, 2001) This jetliner kamikaze plot was 
directed at Bush himself. Taking the Bush denial to its logical 
extension, the White House would have us believe that Bush and the 
CIA were not only unaware of this plot, but also not warned by the 
Italian government.
During the investigation into the 1998 US embassy bombings in Kenya 
and Tanzania, intelligence officials and FBI were alerted that two 
bin Laden associates had been trained as pilots. Airman Flight School 
in Oklahoma became the focus of an FBI investigation. The FBI was 
warned in August 2001 that Zacarias Moussauoi, the notorious "20th 
pilot" who attended Airman was only interested in steering a plane—
and not taking off or landing. He also specifically asked about New 
York City air space. 
In June 2001, the German BND warned the CIA and Israel of plans by 
Middle Eastern terrorists to "hijack commercial aircraft to use as 
weapons to attack important symbols of American and Israeli culture." 
Furthermore, according to the same source, the Echelon spy network 
was used to break this news, and that intelligence agents in the UK 
also had advance warning. (Source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 
September 14, 2001)
In the summer of 2001, Russian intelligence and President Vladimir 
Putin warned the CIA that 25 terrorist pilots were going to hijack 
commercial aircraft for suicide missions.
Attorney David Shippers, who led the impeachment case against Bill 
Clinton, warned Attorney General John Ashcroft and Speaker of the 
House Dennis Hastert that he had proof from a credible source (that 
he has still not revealed) about a plot to use hijacked commercial 
airliners to ram the White House and Capitol. (Source: Info Wars 
(radio program) Oct 10 2001) 
This list of specific warnings about suicide hijackings is but the 
tip of the iceberg. The Bush administration received many more 
warnings of an imminent attack from foreign governments (Israel, 
Germany, Egypt, UK, Russia), FBI agents (whose investigations were 
obstructed) and covert operatives who were studiously silenced (Naval 
Intelligence Officer Delmart "Mike" Vreeland, for one)

Ari Fleischer's Lies About the CIA

As part of his clumsy May 15 damage control press conference, 
Fleischer responded to a question about CIA foreknowledge by quoting 
from an address given on April 11 at Duke University by CIA Deputy 
Director James Pavitt.

Fleischer quoted only selected passages from the Pavitt address that 
seemed to deny 9/11 foreknowledge:

"What didn't we know? We never found the tactical intelligence, never 
uncovered the specifics that could have stopped those tragic strikes 
that we all remember so well. Against that degree of control, that 
kind of compartmentation, that depth of discipline and fanaticism, I 
personally doubt . . . that anything short of one of the 
knowledgeable inner circle personnel or hijackers turning himself in 
to us would have given us sufficient foreknowledge to have prevented 
the horrendous slaughter that took place. Some of you out there may 
have heard bin Laden himself speak about this on that shocking 

But Fleischer failed to quote portions of the same speech in which 
Pavitt admitted CIA clear foreknowledge of the September 11th 
attacks, deep penetration of terrorist cells throughout Central Asia 
and the Middle East, and longstanding presence in the region. This 
speech, which is posted at the CIA web site, has already been 
dissected by Online Journal. Among the Pavitt passages that Fleischer 
did not read to the press:

"We had very, very good intelligence of the general structure and 
strategies of the al Qaeda terrorist organization.  We knew and we 
warned that al Qaeda was planning a major strike.  There need be no 
question about that."
"If you hear somebody say, and I have, the CIA abandoned Afghanistan 
after the Soviets left and that we never paid any attention to that 
place until September 11th, I would implore you to ask those people 
how we were able to accomplish all we did since the Soviets 
departed.  How we knew who to approach on the ground, which 
operations, which warlord to support, what information to collect.  
Quite simply, we were there well before the 11th of September."
"We predicted, we told the President, that there would be between 
five and 15 serious attacks against on U.S. soil.  But we did much 
much more than warn.  With our allies and our partners around the 
world, we launched immense efforts to counter those threats.  
Hundreds of terrorists were arrested, multiple cells of terrorism 
were destroyed." 
Indeed, according to a September 14, 2001, report from Reuters, "The 
CIA has been authorized since 1998 to use covert means to disrupt and 
pre-empt terror operations allegedly planned abroad by Saudi-born 
dissident Osama bin Laden." Quoting government sources, "The CIA had 
used such force several times to stop armed groups before they 
initiated attacks." As mentioned previously, the CIA participated in 
a study that concluded that Osama bin Laden's terrorists could hijack 
an airliner and fly it into government buildings.

And there is more proof of CIA foreknowledge and action.

The February 2001 trial of the al-Qaeda members responsible for the 
1998 US embassy bombings was based almost entirely on intercepted 
cell phone calls. During the trial, prosecutors describe how US 
intelligence used Echelon, a highly secret technical intelligence 
gathering system used to monitor worldwide communications. On 
February 13, 2001, UPI quoted multiple agencies saying that they had 
broken al Queda's codes.

It is inconceivable that, armed with a budget of over $30 billion, 
and technologies such as Echelon (which tracks nearly all electronic 
communication in the world), Promis (which monitors banking and 
financial transactions in real-time), Carnivore (which intercepts e-
mail) and other tools, the CIA and other US intelligence agencies 
would have "no inkling."

This lie is further exposed by the fact that Mohammed Atta, the lead 
hijacker, had been under constant CIA surveillance since January 
2000. (Source: Reuters Oct 22, 2001)

According to Le Figaro (October 31, 2001), bin Laden received 
treatment at an American hospital in Dubai for kidney disease in mid-
July 2001—and reportedly met with a CIA official.

The More Important Questions They Are Not Asking

1. Who really is Osama bin Laden? What is al Qaeda? What really 
is "Militant Islam?"

In a penetrating analysis by Professor Michel Chossudovsky 
titled "Who is Osama bin Laden?" this question is answered clearly. 
Osama bin Laden and the terror networks of the region are creations 
of the United States and its CIA—and continue to serve the 
geostrategic purposes of the United States government, which directly 
and indirectly controls their operations.

The CIA, using Pakistan's ISI, played a key role in training the 
mujahadeen. In turn, the CIA-sponsored guerrilla training was 
integrated into the teachings of Islam.
Pakistan's ISI is a proxy of the CIA by official government directive.
CIA covert operations in the region are conducted through the ISI. 
Terror operations continue throughout the Middle East, the Caucasus, 
the Balkans and Central Asia—which, in addition to holding coveted 
untapped oil and gas reserves, produces three quarters of the world's 
The Islamic Jihad has been supported by the US and Saudi Arabia with 
a significant part of the funding generated from the Golden Crescent 
drug trade.
Motivated by nationalism and religious fervor, and kept out of touch 
with upper levels of the intelligence hierarchy, Islamic warriors are 
unaware of whose purposes they serve.
Since the Cold War, Washington has consciously supported Osama bin 
Laden, while at the same time inflating his legend as the world's 
foremost terrorist. 
Why did the director of the ISI transfer money to Mohammed Atta, and 
why has no one investigated this connection?

2. Why were no fighter planes scrambled on the morning of 9/11?

With the full knowledge that four planes had been simultaneously 
hijacked, the National Command Authority did not scramble fighter 
aircraft to intercept for 75 minutes—an unprecedented breach of 
standard FAA procedure that has been followed for 25 years. The 
bizarre air stand-down has been analyzed at http://emperors-

3. What accounts for Bush's behavior on 9/11?

Bush was not 'formally' informed of the hijackings for 35 minutes—an 
astounding irregularity all by itself. When White House Chief of 
Staff Andrew Card "whispered into his ear," Bush displayed no shock 
and continued to speak to a classroom of schoolchildren. Later 
reports confirm that Bush knew about the first World Trade Center 
crash while in the presidential limousine on the way to the school—
and he did not act. Another report quoted Bush as saying "When I saw 
the first plane hit, I thought 'what a terrible pilot.'" Putting 
aside the callousness of his thought, was this another garbled quote, 
or did Bush see the first plane? And if so, how did he see it? In yet 
another report, after both World Trade towers were hit, Bush joked to 
his budget director Mitch Daniels, "I've hit the trifecta." Is this 
the behavior of a president who just found out about the 
horrific "first attack of US territory since the war of 1812"?

4. If 9/11 was an unprovoked surprise terror attack, what was the 
Bush administration doing provoking the Taliban and threatening war 
with Afghanistan?

In July 2001 Pakistani Foreign Secretary Niaz Naik is told by senior 
US officials that military actions against Afghanistan would begin by 
October. This threat, which was triggered in part by the Taliban's 
refusal to accept the Bush administration's terms for a trans-Afghan 
oil pipeline, is made directly to the Taliban during a meeting in 
Berlin, attended by the Taliban, officials of Russia, Iran, Pakistan 
and the Northern Alliance. New memos reveal that Bush had an 
Afghanistan war plan on his desk on September 9.

5. What did Wall Street know? And if Wall Street knew, what wasn't 
known within the Bush administration? What wasn't known by the CIA 
and intelligence agencies, which track stock trades on a real time 

The highly abnormal insider trading that occurred immediately before 
the 9/11 attacks involving only companies hardest hit by the attacks—
UAL, American Airlines, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch and others—and 
were clearly the result of foreknowledge. Despite these trades, which 
Dylan Ratigan of Bloomberg Business News described as "insider 
trading at the worst, most horrific, most evil use you've ever 
seen . . . one of the most extraordinary coincidences in the history 
of mankind if it was a coincidence." To those who would place the 
blame on bin Laden, consider this: according to an October 6 National 
Public Radio report, Britain's Financial Services Authority cleared 
bin Laden and al Qaeda of this insider trading.

6. Why have the insiders and whistleblowers been silenced and 

In August 2001, a US Navy Lieutenant and Naval Intelligence officer, 
Delmart "Mike" Vreeland, who was jailed in Canada on US fraud 
charges, which were later proven false, repeatedly warned US and 
Canadian intelligence officials about the pending suicide hijack 
attacks (complete with the listing of targets), based on information 
he had gleaned from documents that he had couriered from Russia 
before his arrest. US and Canadian officials refused to debrief him. 
Vreeland, whose identity was verified in court, was cleared of all 
charges and is in Canada fighting extradition to the US. In light of 
increasing evidence of Bush administration foreknowledge, Vreeland's 
case, and his claims to have detailed information regarding total US 
intelligence penetration of al Qaeda, takes on even greater 
significance. His case can be studied at www.copvcia.com.

For more unasked questions, and links to articles in which the 
answers are fully or partially answered, www.communitycurrency.org/9-

Letting It Happen: A New Smoking Gun

On CNN Inside Politics (May 17, 2002), Senator Dianne Feinstein 
responded to Ari Fleischer's outrageous accusation that she did not 
provide the White House with information about terrorist threats.

Feinstein stated that on September 10, 2001, she discussed the lack 
of protection against terrorist attacks against targets within the US 
with the staff of Vice President Dick Cheney and practically begged 
for some action from the administration. She was told by the Cheney 
staffer it would have to wait at least six months.

A Limited Hangout or Something More? The Mushrooming Scandal in 

Since September 11, and until just days ago, the Bush empire appeared 
to be invincible, unchallenged and marching the world towards 
escalating worldwide war, and dictatorship in the United States. The 
Bush oligarchy appeared dominant over a sold-out and servile 
Congress, and a corporate consensus marching in lockstep to the 
orders of the administration's oil/military/intelligence hierarchy. 

What has caused certain members of Congress to find a voice and a 

What has caused the major corporate American media, which until days 
ago was the most aggressive supporter of the White House version of 
9/11, to turn on the Bush administration?

Who gave the orders, the signal, that is was time to go after Bush—in 
a way that they had not done since George W. Bush announced his 
candidacy for the presidency?

The answers at this early stage are not clear. But recent events 
suggest that 1) the rampant criminality of the administration is 
becoming too obvious to cover up, 2) resistance to the brute force of 
Bush unilateralism is becoming too great to ignore, 3) political and 
social instability throughout the world is becoming a problem in key 
strategic regions where a modicum of finesses is needed, 4) a segment 
of the ruling elite has grown tired of being shut out of the deal.

Consider the embarrassing failures of the Bush administration since 
September 11:

Despite the success of restarting the Unocal pipeline, Afghanistan 
remains a hotbed of warlordism and anti-US hostility that US-
installed Hamid Karzai is having difficulty controlling.
Osama bin Laden has not been found. Al Qaeda has not been dismantled.
Recent talks between the US, Russia, Iran and former Soviet republics 
to forge a multilateral agreement regarding oil and gas in the 
Caspian Sea region collapsed, leaving the western oil companies in a 
precarious position with unrequited investments throughout the 
Caspian region.
Israel's American-approved and American-assisted butchery and 
criminal occupation of Palestine, pushed to nightmarish extremes by 
Ariel Sharon, has triggered outrage and anti-US hostility throughout 
the world. Islamic outrage is worsening.
The threat of oil embargos from OPEC nations and threats of boycotts 
of US goods are real.
Bush has failed to maintain multinational "coalitions"—the key to 
continued US military and neoliberal economic primacy.
A war against Iraq is impossible without a coalition.
The US-orchestrated coup of Venezuela failed. Evidence of the Bush 
administration's participation in this coup is clear, blatant, and 
The US-led Plan Colombia/Andean Initiative is meeting with continued 
resistance throughout Latin America.
The world economy is floundering.
Outside of the tightly controlled US, America is hated.
Enron, Enron, Enron.
The constitutional crisis triggered by Bush's refusal to reveal 
documents relating to the energy task force has worsened.
A continuing grand jury investigation of corruption in Kazakhstan, 
implicating oil companies tied to the Bush administration.
More FBI agents are coming forward with lawsuits exposing Bush 
administration obstruction of anti-terror operations. 
Former President Jimmy Carter's visit to Cuba was a loud rebuke to 
Bush, and a loud signal to the world that an opposing faction of the 
New World Order—one which includes prominent conservative Democrats—
is a making a move. The crafty Carter, he of the Trilateral 
Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations, was the consummate 
world diplomat—a stark counter to the relentless unilateral 
militarism of the Bush faction.

Clearly, Bush and his administration would not be under pressure 
unless powerful people wanted it to happen. The corporate media, 
which has gotten the green light to make noise, would not be engaging 
in a feeding frenzy without an incentive.

Is this another limited hangout? How far will this go? Is it a palace 
coup? Is it a "wag the dog" fake?

The Lies Will Not Stand

In the months since September 11, the defining moment of recent 
history, neither the Bush administration, nor its surrogates and 
allies, have produced one shred of credible evidence supporting the 
White House version of the events of that day. Instead, the Bush 
administration has mass marketed a total fabrication based on 
accusations, fear mongering, infantile comic book bluster, and 
duplicitous lies about US policies, geo-strategic agenda, and 
worldwide operations. Their evidence has amounted to the weakest 
conspiracy theory and, in the case of the "notorious bin Laden video" 
that is trotted out at the first sign of controversy, televised 
conspiracy fantasy.

Meanwhile, in the past eight months, hundreds of independent 
researchers, journalists and scholars have done what neither Congress 
nor the White House has done: investigate. This already substantial 
body of evidence is being exponentially strengthened and enhanced by 
new evidence coming to light in the mushrooming scandal. The points 
presented in this article are but the tip of the iceberg. 

The courageous Ruppert has thoroughly and dispassionately examined 
the September 11 case. Read his powerful analyses:

The Lie Won't Stand

The Case for Bush Administration Advance Knowledge of 9-11 Attacks 

"Oh Lucy! – You Gotta Lotta 'Splainin To Do"

Ruppert has dissected the events of the day, but also the 
geostrategic agenda preceding and following the event. The Bush 
version of events is utterly smashed to pieces.

A recently published and excellent collection of investigative 
journalism, Everything You Know Is Wrong, offers another thoroughly 
documented, meticulously sourced examination of 9/11 
titled "September 11, 2001: No Surprise." 

Given the voluminous evidence (from reliable open sources) now 
amassed against the Bush administration, this much is clear: the 
administration of George Walker Bush cannot claim a lack of 
intelligence, technology or human resources capable of predicting or 
preventing the attacks of September 11. Nor can it disown the 
criminal activities and policies that preceded and followed the day, 
and the mass slaughter that has continued to be waged around the 
world in its name.

In fact, the Bush oligarchy had both the motive and the means to 
facilitate the most spectacular atrocity in modern American history, 
and open the Pandora's box of world war without end.

Bush knew. Now, the entire world knows.

It is up to the people of the world to seize this moment, and send 
the Bush administration into the bowels of history.

Larry Chin is a freelance journalist and an Online Journal 
Contributing Editor.
  The views expressed herein are the writers' own and do not 
necessarily reflect those of Online Journal. 
  Copyright © 1998-2002 Online Journal™. All rights reserved.

   You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other 
notice from copies of the content. 

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